At 1:57pm today [Friday] the yungerman that was arrested yesterday for confronting a police officer after receiving a double parking ticket, had been released from central booking after spending the night in jail

The charges against him, obstruction of a government employee and the parking ticket, had been dropped.

Man Arrested Yesterday, Released

At 1:57pm today [Friday] the yungerman that was arrested yesterday for confronting a police officer after receiving a double parking ticket, had been released from central booking after spending the night in jail

The charges against him, obstruction of a government employee and the parking ticket, had been dropped.


  • yossi

    good news !! can you please tell us why they dropped them and who facilitated this outcome

  • CHer

    Is the officer who arrested him going to be educated on community relation (or just simple social skills)… or reprimanded for abuse of power?

  • Itzik_s

    Indeed – did anyone from the community assist him or was it that they were afraid of a lawsuit for the way they handled him?

  • time4action

    If this continues. there has to be a patrol from the community that follows and records these traffic cops to make sure that they are doing their job. Let them feel the pressure of being under the gun (or the camera shall I say). Simply, every traffic cop that drives by on OUR STREETS gets audited by us!! Then we will see how tickets are distributed. Lets make them feel that they have to work professionally and fairly. Let em sweat it!!