Somewhere between 4:00am and 7:00am the Hatzalah Ambulance [CH-3] that is parked in front of 770 had been vandalized. In a despicable act of vandalism both the ambulances mirrors had been torn off its sides, causing damage of over $1,500 a mirror.

People that were dancing in front of 770 until 4:00am confirmed that when they left the mirrors were intact, and no one remembered anyone loitering around 770 that could have been a suspect.

At 7:00am a Hatzalah member that was passing noticed one of the mirrors missing and assumed that it was knocked off by a passing vehicle, but when another member came to the ambulance and saw the other mirror smashed on the floor it was apparent that this was an act of vandalism. The police were called to take a report.

Note: this is not the first time the ambulances had been vandalized, the last time its tires were slashed, Click Here for the full story.

More pictures in the Extended Article.


  • Nasty crime

    Oh My Gosh!!!!!
    What on earth is going on here???
    shouldnt the police have been around since it is lag baomer???

  • Moishy

    There’s definitely a connection between the slashed tires and this incident.

    but why would someone want to bother an ambulance?
    It saves people!

    any suggestions?



  • Security

    I REALLY think that its about time that 770 should install survielence cameras outside, its really neccesary for security purposus.

  • Wishfull thinking

    Ok let’s forget about cameras. Let’s use our contacts in the FBI and CIA and use their satellites to record the whole crown heights!

  • bocher

    there used to be security camras but now days its probly gone

    but does krinsky have cameras , for his stone maybe they have veiw of the abelances as well

    any way i think some drunk bocherim could have done it to

    and who exactly was the one confermed that they know forshure that they were still there at 4:00am

  • LostinOmaha

    I’m actually quite surprised 770 has no cameras – of all places 770???

    On another note it takes a real lowlife to steal mirrors from an ambulance..what can I say.

  • vB

    I thought they put up cameras after the slashing of the tiers.

    hatzalah shood put up ther own cameras or else it wood never happen

  • beryl

    the police wood say that it broke last nite by the bonfire because they are not interested in investigating hoe RILY broke it

  • *çåé


    *chavi’s theory:

    about 2 weeks ago when that guy crashed into that one pole by apple drugs, hatzala showed up and the guy wasn’t even jewish..

    why do they think hatzala should help, when they break off the mirrors, or slash the tires of the trucks? you can’t really get to someone who needs help [not necessarily a jew] if your tires are slashed. bet they didn’t think of that huh.

    like i said, it’s just a theory.

  • zinger

    how exactly are the cameras going to catch anyone ? you planning on giving it sneakers ? I’m sure that fuzzy picture from chovivie torah was a real help.

    do you realize how many cameras you going to need ? and what if they use it to give people tickets for being on their cell phone :)

    be careful what you ask for…
    anyone check ebay ?

  • ich

    who ever did it should know that one day he may need the ambulance and then it wont have mirrors!

    (al pi hachok hatzalah darf hilfen shvartzes ochet)

  • trouble

    for those of you that want to help im sure a donation to ch hatzolah to help repair the damage would be nice

  • ????????

    You guys are so funny.
    Why would some one want to kill a Jew? Why would someone want to hurt a Jew? for the same reason they’ll damage an ambulance.
    By the way some people out here, really have to learn some spelling. It’s embarrassing.

  • teacher

    The crime is awful! Really mean!

    Yes it is embarrasing, the spelling that is! C’mon any volunteers to put some time in to correct the major spelling that a third grader could correct.We know the guy are holy and don’t learn English, but the web designer probably has some spell check, no? Let’s make this beautiful website be a little respectable, so it doesn’t look like so many ppl. are illiterate!

  • Eastern Pkwy. resident

    It was probably someone who was upset that the Music was playing until 4 am – loud enough to bother the people who need to get up and go to work. Maybe the people who decide to play music so loud should be considerate to those that live aound them and what might happen because of it.

  • Kuti-s Vodka

    Rumors out there have it that it was an Israeli that was drunk and he did it around 6 in the morning before being chased or taken away by another bochur

  • random person

    i was standing next to a shomrim guy today and i heard over the radio that it was a jewish kid from crown heights that did the damage not a shvartze

  • lala

    the police dont care, if they did, they’d do something about all these things that have been happening.
    ch isn’t so safe anymore, we should do something, just to show these people we’re not chickens,
    any suggestions?

  • hatzala supporter

    for all those who know anything about security,
    cameras dont stop anything from happening
    all they do is tell the story later.

    if you think its a deterant fine, camera shells are available for $20.00

    as far as what trouble wrote: i agrea
    dont wait till you had there help to support hatzala
    start now.

    they have raffle coming up buy a ticket, I did!

  • Proper Solution

    Replay to Zinger comments:
    Chovivie Torah. I Have see the original videos (all) and it’s good.
    you cane easy pick out the thief from a lineup.
    it’s known what is amount of cameras that are need it to cover all the intersections in our neighborhood. this is not issue.
    install a hidden cameras in ambulance looking out and catch that despicable person doing it again stop him & make him pay for all the vandalism.
    They should hade done it before right after 31 July 2005 (DESPICABLE NERVE! TIRES SLASHED ON HATZALAH AMBULANCES IN CROWN HEIGHTS).
    Let see if any thing is going to be done this time.

  • A Drunk

    I heard, and it may be true or not (I hope not)
    That it was a Druken Bocher (there seems to be eye witnesses.

  • Chochom Einer

    Myabe if this guys dont dance and make noice all night then no one will get mad

  • Itzik_s

    It was probably someone who was upset that the Music was playing until 4 am

    There is no defense for what was done, and if you are Jewish and defending this, I feel very, very sorry for you because Hatzoloh is there to save YOUR life.

    Besides, we are not irresponsible people playing music on stoops. We are proud Jews who have the right to play music on our holidays, especially as the darker citizens here do not think twice about playing music at any hour, to say nothing of their parades and celebrations that are just drunken brawls.

    Whoever did this should be removed from circulation, and if it was indeed a drunken bochur, which is not implausible, he has no right being in the Rebbe’s dalet amos.

    On the other hand, don’t these ambulances have alarms? Stealing from ambulances is nothing new.

  • michaelasvegas

    could everyone who puts a comment in please use spell check before you write your comments. and Ohlei Torah is no excuse. try dictionary.com


  • maivin

    Proberbly some Meshiachist.
    not the first tine they are doing random acts if teror and not the last

  • 123456

    it is very sad what went on,
    oficially hatzalah is parked there cus its the safest place in crown heights, apperently it isnt.

  • eye witness

    I saw the event from the service road on the other side of Eastern Parkway.
    At 5:55 AM as I was getting into my car, I noticed 2 bochrim shouting (I don’t know the language or the content). The Bocher with a white shirt (no hat & jacket) then started kicking the ambulance’s mirror. He was acting drunk. It appeared the bocher with the hat and jacket was trying to restrain him.
    As I saw this, I got mad…. sped around the block to the other service road to try to catch them or at least take pictures of them……..and did not see the bochrim and could not tell were they had fled.

  • Spell check

    For all those that NEED A SPELL CHECK, please use the GOOGLE TOOLBAR that has a spell check built in. English not being my first language, I’m stunned some times by what i see!

    oh, and about the ambulance… "Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear"…..

  • correctly spelled

    perhaps hatzolah can start parking thier additional ambulances in a garage. one is not enough. why does everyone else have garages except us? boro park has a beautiful garage on 16th ave, F901 through F906 (or 907 im not sure) park in the beautiful garage on ocean and N. lets not even talk about queens. i think 770 is the worst place to put an (expensive) ambulance. its really dumb. they need to buy or rent another garage for the other CH busses.

  • Smell you later

    michaelasvegas wrote:
    "could everyone who puts a comment in please use spell check before you write your comments. and Ohlei Torah is no excuse. try dictionary.com


    I don’t think that many who write on these blogs are putting much thoght in to there writing/spelling.

    somtimes when I read my very own commets, I finfd that I missed spelled many words, so what, my point was made.
    And besides this is not any major news paper, were (at the time of writing) bored.

    So you see I really Smell.
    (I mean spell)

  • out of towner

    I dont know whats happening in ch but i dont think its getting much better. but thats just my humble opinion. i think its getting scarier and scarier every day. they should be paying attention to these things and keep people safe.

  • OleTimer

    I think there was a sicha or something about keeping the ambulance in front of 770….anyone that knows chime in please…this is going back many years though.

    The garage in Flatbush is truly amazing – it was mostly financed by wealthy Syrian’s that live around Ave S and Ocean Parkway.

  • Eltere Chossid

    The ambulance is parked in front of 770 because the Rebbe said it should be. The reason is that when someone sees it is missing they should say tehillim for the injured/ill person.

  • BOY

    to eye witness

    you shood of called hatzalah & told them what happened

    p.s sorry if you called them you shood of written that

  • ****************************************

    Wow i never knew that that is why the hatzoloh is in front of 770. Thanks for sharing Eltere Chossid. (If you really are one.)

  • anonymous

    Can’t we have an end to racist posts on this board?

    Can’t we stop attacking and vilifying people of color in this neighborhood?

    We have NO right to break any law, nor does anyone else. Please stop lowering the bar for everyone else in our own community, especially those who have to be up early in the morning for work.

  • confused

    To eye witness:

    You say you saw this taking place and by the time you circled the block all the damage was done and he was gone? It looks like it would take some time to remove both those mirrors so cleanly. I was really hoping it wasn’t a Yid.
    To the criminal:
    Drunk or no drunk- the person should pay for this.
    Don’t get drunk if you can’t control yourself. One drunk taken by police is enough for us. Anyway, where did this drunk thing become the ‘in’ thing? I think I recall the Rebbe (and Freierdiker Rebbe) saying mashke is a ‘davar mous-disgusting thing. Is this the Rebbe’s Shchunah?

  • CH mother

    Thanks for the comment about saying tehillim, eltere chossid. I (and my kids) say a kapitl, usually 20 whenever we see or hear hatzolo go by. Whe one sees hatzoloh, we feel sad for the person in need, but instead we can help!
    Why don’t you join us?

  • Itzik_s

    When the "people of color" stop committing crimes, then we will treat them like human beings. Until then, it is about time that we make them fear us.

    And we know full well you are an outsider with no connection to Lubavitch or Crown Heights, so kindly stop trying to sneak your comments in under phony names (as you know full well you have been expelled from several forums for your silly posts).

  • hashfanatic

    Will YOU be taking care of the orphaned children that you will be responsible for creating, when their father gets their head blown off holding a firearm they can’t handle?

    This is Brooklyn, not Beijing or Moscow. This is America, and I respectfully submit that YOU are the real interloper and provocateur, in my country.

    I’d thank you to at least try to do as the Rebbe himself would have intended and attempt to bring the community together as ONE and eliminate all danger and loss of life.

    These families will have to live with the ramifications of unnecessary violence long after you and I have both moved on to other way stations.

    Think of families as PEOPLE, first and foremost.