Burglar Apprehended after Violent Burglary Goes Bad

At 10:00 this morning residents of 1339 Union St. corner of New York Ave. were awakened to the sounds of a woman screaming in the hallway. A 46 year old black male attempted to break into one of the apartments of the 7 family condo building. Upon failing at his break-in attempt the intruder made his way to the next apartment via the Sukah porches on the inside courtyard of the building. Although he finally succeeded at entering an apartment, the building superintendent witnessed this and immediately called 911.

The super proceeded to enter the apartment and was immediately greeted by the 6’4″ burglar who then attacked him. A scuffle ensued all around the apartment, starting in the bedroom, continuing into the hallway, and then the living room where the burglar broke free and made a dash for the porch. He vanished leaving behind an injured super, and a scuffed and damaged apartment.

More pictures and the rest of the report in the Extended Article!

It was then that police arrived in large numbers and began searching for the burglar. Officers spread out to the nearby buildings and rooftops, where one of the officers spotted the perpetrator running across the back yards of the houses, jumping over fences as tall as 8 feet like a professional athlete.

Finally one officer managed to stop him all the way at the opposite end of the block. Another officer who was trying to assist in the arrest fell over a gate and sustained minor injuries.

Police then surveyed the area of the chase and found a screw driver lodged in a door jamb of a rear basement access door in another Jewish condominium building situated on Eastern Parkway. They believe it was another attempt the burglar made to gain entry to a home.

CrownHeights.info has learned that this Burglar was released from prison only two months ago after serving a 12 year sentence. and can you guess what he was locked up for? Breaking and Entering along with Assault, the exact same crime he was arrested for today.

An important footnote to this story: A few days ago a Shomrim member that lives nearby spotted this man climbing up a fire escape in the vicinity of today’s crime scene and immediately notified the police. Although the police initially apprehended him, he talked his way out of an arrest by claiming to be the landlord of the building he was caught in. Upon hearing this, the officers released him.


  • sruly

    I hope inspector Vega will not let his cops permit these perps to go free without checking their priors and sheets, even if they claim to be the landlors!

  • the goldsteins

    Go Mendel!!!! You rock.
    Thanks for saving your building!!!!
    We are so happy that you are O.K.!!!!
    your Condo Buddies

  • GQH

    "At *10:00*this morning ….. were *awakened* …"

    10 am??? " awakened" ? hello??

    Oh, I forgot, it’s CROWN HEIGHTS!

  • rmt

    Hope Chanina does not get involved and say thanks to the police like he did when Klein was murdered and as a good will gesture tell them to let him out of jail. Lets vote for people like Mendel into the community council.
    Thanks from the Crown Heights Residents.

  • Yosef

    Hopefully this should be done to everysingle shvartza(___bars__)who tries to ruin our peacefull community.
    I hope with much prayer that the police will DECide to catch more of them burglerismanism.

    from one who wants our children to be safe and be able to play gracefully in the streets of ch.

  • hindy Lewis

    My car was shot at from bebee gun Friday @Shuk. I was lucky, it could have been my eye! So where are NY Finest? Giving the Jews tickets, I guess. But wait…there’s no crime here, is there? Remember Ephraim Klein HY"D, anyone???

    Refuah Shleima, Mendel!

    Hindy L.

  • CLARIFICATION - oh, it-s crown heights

    Actuallly, it’s SAD!

    An average, productive human being – when he wakes up after 7AM, yes, 7AM, it’s called "overslept."

    Too bad you missed the point.

    I know, unfortunately that concept is foreign in Crown Heights!

  • morning call

    to all the ppl arguing about what time ppl wake up in ch….have you nothing better to argue about? im up very early some mornings in ch and there are plenty of ppl in the street walking to the subway, to get breakfast, and to shul. i have been on the subway platform as early as 7am and there were other ch’ers there too. stop making up stupidity. and plz, find something better to argue about. its time you WAKE UP

  • to u all ......

    i think 10 am is still early and no1 should be up yet!!!! nothing to do wt crown heights an average human being needs sSLEEEEPPPP !!!!!!!

  • UrSeCrEtAdMiReR

    Awesome shot of the cop holding the guy up against the fence. You rock Ben!
    Keep up the great work! ;)

  • Itzik_s

    Although the police initially apprehended him, he talked his way out of an arrest by claiming to be the landlord of the building he was caught in. Upon hearing this, the officers released him.
    Are the cops THAT stupid?

    All they need to do is bring him into the station and check the ownership records; if it can’t be done over the Net then a simple call from a cop to a city agency (I forget which one but I know this can be done from my days in RE management years ago) would get them the answer!

    This is beyond belief. Then again, what does one expect from a bunch of affirmative action hires whose hearts are with their brethren the thugs?

    And please do not go into Rubashkin vs Sperlin here. There is not a thing either of them can do when faced with an NYPD that hires cops who couldn’t guard an elementary school cafeteria from 6 year old cookie thieves!

  • chatzkel

    Mendel you’re not "a" super you "are" super.
    We need more people to get involved not to run away when they see a crime, (as in the Kol Tuv shoplifting)

  • How -bout Love A Fellow Jew?????

    gqh: thats the best you could come up with, in what I thought was a pretty serious situation, if you don’t like Crown heights there are plenty of other wonderful communitys, that would be happy to have you there instead, I’m sure!! I wonder what YOU would have done in the same situation.
    P.S Thanks to "To all" at least some people are’nt looking for the bad in other people, especialy during this time, on the Jewish calendar.

  • Not That Tall

    That dude don’t look anywhere near 6′ 4". He looks even shorter than the cops.

  • not from CH

    Mendel, I love ya!!!

    Sleep as late as you want — especially on sunday

  • Crown Hewights resident.

    by 10:00 I’m already taking my afternoon nap – yes, thats probably what he meant when he wrote ‘awakened’.

  • reality

    he wasn’t locked up 12 years for burglary and assult, he must have done something much worse.

  • RMT

    The fact still remains….awakened or not…..Mendel stepped up to the plate and did what had to be done instead of running the other way, I wonder how many of us would have had the courage to do the same thing. U GO MENDEL!!!!!! and thanx for getting one more thug off the streets…uh..maybe!! Landl-rd!!!????? (Wishfull thinking I guess…what will they come up with next)

  • reyshlukish@yahoo.com

    MENDY you rock,
    I think you should start wearing that white yerushalmy yarmulke on a regular basis.
    interestnig that in order to get into your house one must make his way through none other then the SUKKA. did they investigate if the sukkus they try’d to break into were bought by you, if not maybee your behind this gantse mayse. ok just trying to make a joke.

  • stop the hate

    It is very sad that a guy got hit in the head, sevral apt were broken into, and you have nothing better to do then beaker about someone gettting up late, go to 770 6,7,8, in the morning and see how many people are davning b4 you make comments about CH. just for the record he only went to sleep at 5:30.
    less talk more action, lets get CH back to the Guliani days.

  • chacha

    First well done by the NYPD, and Mendy. If it wasnt for Mendy calling NYPD quickly and helping the police spot the bad guy this wouldnt of ended so well… in all reality the male was 6’4" he was about 5’9". Next if anyone feels that the NYPD isnt doing a good job, or nothing at all why call 911 when something goes wrong? Handle it yourself!! or have the shomrin have 24 hr shifts standing on a footpost protecting us. Lets not belittle the ones who are there when we call 911 and help us

  • Aron

    Mendel, the whole staff at KQJ is so proud of you.
    Keep up the good work.

  • Michaelasvegas

    In my eyes Mendel is not a hero but a FOOL. If the guy did actually have a knife or a gun or worse Mendel would not be praised here but euligized. Chus V" If a burgular is in an apartment then you do NOT go in unless someone is in danger inside. Is catching a burgular worth endangering ones life? what do you think? either way a Refuah Shleimah Mendel and don’t ever do that again.

  • g-d help

    to stop the hate
    i agree i wish this community can be like the Guliani days agian its so scarry to walk the streets anytime of day or night but when Guliani was around i felt i could go anyware myself with out being scared i walk to school on crown and nostrand and i think to myself not always but when i see big black scary men oh no whats he up to i never felt like this before only now i get these feelings
    may g-d protect us i think hes the only one who really can

  • TooRisky

    I agree, he should not have gone into the appartement, THAT WAS TOO DANGEROUS, and not worth it to risk life for.

  • amused @ this community

    I find it quite comical that we crown heightsers will stop at nothing to argue. Whether its in front of 770, in the community counsel, or even on the ‘comments’ page of http://www.crownheights.info.
    G-d bless

  • eich fargine

    i wake up very early every morning im very happy for (fargine-yiddish word) anybody who is able to sleep late with a full heart
    what all the complainers rally mean is "halevay aff mere gezachut" translation-i wish it for myself

  • the answer

    I think every community member should invest in a stun gun. and learn how to use it.

    better yet every jew a 22

  • To Michaelasvegas

    Because everyone has that attitude that is why our neighborhood is out of control, because every one runs the other way.
    Do you know any one in crown heights that was killed for defending his property? Maybe Reb Efriam Klein HYD shouldn’t have moved his car.
    Or Mrs Lapine shouldn’t have gone shopping.
    you can spend the rest of your life locked up behind your locked doors, or defend what is yours.
    they always get away with it, enough is enough.
    some people are ready to take a risk, in the interest of protecting others, and you have a lot of nerve to condemn them.

    Hats off to the guys of the shomrim and shmirah and all those who help protect our neighborhood.




    Think peace, and stop the bickering within, just look what most of you are writing and you will see what’s missing, “AHAVAS YISROEL”
    let your anger out on the bad guys, not yourselves.

    P.S .if he would not have been arrested, your house may have been next!!!


  • namdar

    i live on east new york……..someone’s car was shot at outside the shuk??????????

  • shorty

    what he was 6′ 4"??
    unless the cops were 7 ft he was not nearly that tall

  • efescee

    Mendel you must have done something right otherwise you wouldn’t have got all those negative remarks
    with some more ahavas yisroel those things wont be needed the Aibishter will do all the protecting

  • cs berns

    mendle we are very proud of you one less criminal of the street for now! but becareful these criminals have no respect for ones lives. from your older sister! a piece of advice people should give there kids high pitched whistles when sending them out on the street and teach our kids about safety .

  • Whistle?

    A whistle? No! that won’t work. Loud noises might scare a bear, but not a violent, determined criminal.