The Eldest Mekubal, R. Yitzchak Kaduri, OB”M

Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri, known as the ‘Eldest Kabbalist’ passed away Motzai Shabbos at the age of 106. When Rabbi Kaduri was at the Rebbe on the 24th of Sivan in 5750 the Rebbe told him that his name ‘Kaduri’ symbolizes his influence not only in Israel but in the entire world (Kaduri meaning ‘globe’) Rabbi Kaduri was hospitalized in the past two weeks for a serious case of pneumonia.

Rabbi Kaduri was born in Iraq at the beginning of the century and made Aliya to Israel in 5683. He headed the ‘Nachalas Yitzchak’ yeshiva that taught the meanings of prayers according to the interpretation of the Rashash, and also headed the High Court of Nachalas Yitzchak.

In the elections of 5748 he joined in the Rebbe’s call to support the ‘Agudah’ party. Rabbi Kaduri was survived by a wife, a son, daughter, ten grandchildren and great grandchildren.

His Levaya will take place tomorrow at 3:00 o’clock from the Yeshiva of Kabbalists in the Bucharim region of Yerushalayim.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes.