Family Marks 25 Years to the Passing of Reb Yisroel Duchman
Members of the Duchman family gathered in 770 this morning to mark the 25th Yahrtzeit of their father, Reb Yisroel HaLevi Duchman, OBM. Following the Rebbe’s Minyan, mispalelim were invited to participate in a Farbrengen in his honor.
The family hosted an impressive breakfast spread, including prepared sandwiches, cakes and an omelet station – all of which was catered by Arke Tzivin of House of Glatt – for the enjoyment of all those davening in 770.
Reb Yisroel was known for his unique relationship with the Rebbe, and his special love and Ahavas Yisroel for every single Yid. He was a simple Chossid who never missed a day of Davening in 770 with the Rebbe, which was highlighted by his privilege of Davening before the Omud on Simchas Torah.
wonderful person
you will never be forgotton may your neshama have an aliya
An admirer of his children
I’m sure Reb yYisroel watches from above and just kvellls at all the nachas his children bring him.
Just endless amounts. Such kind and sharing people with boundless Gmilas Chassadimin every which way possible. He would be so so proud.
I’m sure this is something that can only get better and better !!!!!!