Talmidim Shluchim Farbreng in Toronto

TORONTO [CHI] — After a very successful night of Mivtzoim the Yeshiva Shluchim realized they still had a whole night to farbreng, and decided to call Rabbi Moshe Lipszyc who they were told is known to lend his house even last minute, to farbreng in with the Mesivta Bochurim Thursday night.

Rabbi Lipszyc promptly said “with pleasure” and Rebbetzin Lipszyc kindly provided all the farbeisen. They arrived on a Mitzva tank and lit the Menorah before sitting down to farbreng.

After an hour of farbrenging, they asked Rabbi Lipszyc to farbreng for them which he did, and the Bochurim were very Chayisdik and enjoyed the Farbrengen immensely.

The Farbengen got heated when Rabbi Lipszyc explained to the Bochurim why he was the only one allowed to make L’chaim on Mashke and told them that Bochurim drinking Mashke is Heipich the Rebbe.

He also spoke about Ahavas Yisoel and Shemiras Hasedarim. The Bochurim all came away feeling they had gained a lot, and asked Rabbi Lipszyc when they could come again.