Crown Heights “Y” Pool Hours For 2019 Summer Season
As the summer approaches, the Crown Heights “Y” has released it’s scheduled pool hours for the 2019 Summer Season.
The pool, located in the Oholei Torah school at 667 Eastern parkway, will be open:
For Men: Monday and Wednesday from 6pm – 7pm for Boys (14 Years and Under), and 7pm – 8pm for Men (15 Years and Older)
For Women: Tuesday and Thursday from 6pm – 7pm for Girls (14 Years and Under), and 7pm – 8pm for Women (15 Years and Older)
*Girls and Women are required to wear bathing caps to enter the pool.
-Price for Entry is $5 per person.
To contact the pool, call 718-778-3340 ext 1130. For daily updates on the pool, call after 2pm. Schedule and times may change.
The Crown Heights “Y” is looking to hire an experienced female lifeguard for the month of July, please email ChpooL770@gmail.com to apply.
Lifeguarding, and swimming lesson are available, email ChpooL770@gmail.com for more information.