Media Reacts with Outrage over Crown Heights Beating

News outlets all over the world reacted with horror and outrage over the video exposed by of NYPD officers beating a defenseless man at the Aliya Institute in Crown Heights.

The video and accompanying story, initially reported on this website Sunday evening, was quickly picked up by local Tri-State area news outlets, and by Monday afternoon was being published and broadcast by media all over the country and around the globe.

A peak of internet buzz was reached when the Drudge Report linked to the Daily News version of the story, which in turn linked back to this website as its source.

A partial list of the news websites which picked up the story includes: Daily Mail (UK), 9 News (Australia), Arutz 7 (Israel), Huffington Post, NBC, The Agitator, CBS, NY1, Village Voice, Gothamist, NY Post, NY Times, NY Daily News, DNA Info, Algemeiner, JTA, Patch and many others. is committed to providing the community with up-to-date and relevant news, and we take very seriously the responsibility of keeping our leaders and elected officials honest, and the citizens informed if otherwise.

The victim in this episode could have spent years in prison for trumped up charges by angry public servants. Instead, the release of this video shows not just that he is innocent, but that the citizens of this country must constantly be vigilant and hold our public servants accountable.

While a majority of Police officers are most definitely honest, keep their oath to serve justice and don’t abuse people’s rights – and they must be thanked for the protection they provide – a minority will inevitably be susceptible to corruption and abuse of power. Unless such behavior is exposed and there are repercussions for it, they will continue their acts with increasing brazenness and impunity.


  • Interesting

    All of the sudden Daily News and other outlets care about our comminity.


  • AYid

    From what I understand this was Shmini Atzeres. Where does one Jew come off calling the cops on a Yid who’s had too much to drink on Shmini Atzeres. The original mossar should really do tshuva. Just like back in the day – it’s always a Jew who brings calamity on our people.

  • Good going!

    Of course they care. It’s Bad News. Bad news sells!

    But all this press coverage means that it can’t just be swept under the rug. That is a Very Good Thing. Kudos!

  • High Five Bro.

    The pix says it all. And look at the audacity and vile nature of these 2 cops, putting up their bloody dukes against a half naked jewish man. Are they not ashamed of their actions? They will ultimately be either dismissed of their posts or charged with assault and battery, many counts I may add. But again people, if you find yourself in this position, desist and surrender, even if you think you are right. That is the law.

  • Can someone explain?

    What I see homeless pushing of to resist handcaffing. This is obvious resistence of arrest, which to my knowlege justifies the usage of the stick. Instead, Officer is having a mercy and usess bare hands (which so much riskier for him because you cannot estimate mental state and abilities of who you are arresting)

  • PragmaticGuy

    Everyone seems to be missing the point that the cops were called there for some reason. Otherwise they wouldn’t have been inside. How about telling us why they were there to begin with. Otherwise you’re only telling half the story.

  • Tsvi Ben David

    “While a majority of Police officers are most definitely honest, keep their oath to serve justice and don’t abuse people’s rights – and they must be thanked for the protection they provide – a minority will inevitably be susceptible to corruption and abuse of power. ”

    “Zlamy Trappler, ” on behalf of “ Rabbi Moshe Feiglin,” called the Goyisch Storm Troopers to attack a fellow Jew,

    You shall NEVER explain that to me.

    Baruch Ha’Shem….Ani Israeli

    Medinat Ha-Yehudim… You people have lived too long in the diaspora…. Come home.

  • Lies

    The women officer should not be dealt with lightly as well. She’s as vicious as the first. When the 3rd officer runs into the room and puts Halevi in a restraint position, the women officer CONTINUES beating him with her nightstick while he’s being held face down on the ground by two officers with is hands behind his back. There is no “self-defense” claim here. Buncha lies.

  • Lies

    The women officer should not be dealt with lightly as well. She’s as vicious as the first. When the 3rd officer runs into the room and puts Halevi in a restraint position, the women officer CONTINUES beating him with her nightstick while he’s being held face down on the ground by two officers with is hands behind his back. There is no “self-defense” claim here. Buncha lies.

  • Fortheloveofyou

    Genesis 9:21-when they saw his (Noah)nakedness they covered him… Whatsup with calling the police and the beat-down? Two parties (Mr.Kalman and Police Officers) chose a demeaning way of dealing with a human being. A young man awaken from sleep, possibly high from the marijuana allegedly found on him (oh, Noah was drunk too) cool heads should have prevailed. Thank the Lord for surveillance video to tell the truth, the young was not naked nor did he strike the Police Officers. If this was the child of Mr. Kalman or one of the Officers how would they feel after viewing the video? A trained Police Officer squaring-off in a boxer’s stance at young man who did even put his guard up. Again thank the Lord he was not shot like the young driver on the GCP last week.

  • to comment 13

    Nonsense. you forgot about gush-katif and all other places settlers were thrown out violently by Israeli police.

  • Miss Cop needs to be penalized as well

    This is disgraceful.The police in the video are heartless and cruel.Ehud was not violent or threatening.Thank G-d for the videotape.The lady cop was just as bad and should be fired as well.The lady cops are the worst.It is not a feminine job.She can use a beating herself for her nasty behavior.She should do hours of gardening as community service to calm her inner core issues.

  • Call David Zelman esq.

    Police always beat up a resisting arrest. Victom Got to bring civil lawsuit on on civil rights violations. Last time I checked an eviction is done via L&T cour not on hearsay of some kid.

  • yossel

    he was a quite fellow never boterd anybody his shirt got wet the nite befor and he fel aslep did not have any monny to by drugs then iff the police planted it were did thei get it also latly most goverment workers in any department talk one way you anser what thay say the way vthay want to here it or you wont get enywaer ecpecili policewen thay stop you you cant ask a werde frome them or youl get arested i came to helth department cort saidi havea vidio and the jodge wuldnot allow it in his cort room

  • Understandence

    the cop did nothing wrong in the first place, the guy was not injured the punches were forearms so no harm was done, plus he was probaly a down on his luck junky using Shmini Atzeres to hide from us all.

  • @24

    You are clearly an uneducated idiot. Not that I wish you harm, but one day (since you are obviously stupid & for NYPD stupidity = an easy victim) you may find yourself in a similar situation to poor Mr. Halevy. Then we’ll see what you have to say.

  • To #9

    one of the biggest issues here are the trumped up (and false) charges the police filed which would mean a long prison sentence for him. The police lied plain and simple. they did not present the facts how they happened and did it in order to put this guy in jail for years! that’s the real issue here! Had they stated that he threatened them verbally and they responded by hitting him I would not know what to say…

  • NSU Veteran

    To call this a horrific beating is a lot of hyperbole.
    I don’t even know if this qualifies as a below average beating.
    Beatings usually mean bruises, blood, stitches, bandages, casts, IV lines, hospital stays, etc.

    The Police responded to a call for a Trespasser, who then refused to be handcuffed.
    They were called, correct or not ?
    They didn’t initiate the matter on their own, did they ?
    I mean, they didn’t single the guy out randomly, did they ?

    Then they had to wrestle/fight with him to get him arrested.
    After the security guard told them to arrest him.
    The guy doesn’t even appear to have any injuries.
    If he does, let us know and I don’t mean a scratch or two.
    What’s so shocking about this all ?
    You’ve never seen two, three or many more police cars respond to something ?
    In Crown Heights nonetheless ?

    What was the point of exaggerating this almost inconsequential matter to such notoriety anyway ?
    Maybe I’m missing the point and don’t see what you all tried to achieve.

    Now this is JMHO, but you guys dropped the ball big time on this one.
    As this just wasn’t the case that deserved attention.
    There are cases that do.
    This wasn’t one of them though.
    Peace, or should I say, Shalom.

  • to NSU from a simple citizen

    its Horrific b/c it really is – true the kid (“perp”) walked away not damaged in terms of stitches but I’m sure he’s hurt nonetheless – you bet he is – agreed on some points but anyone with a brain will note that this cop used overly excessive force on perp.

    Whatever the reasons and why are irrelevant – anyone that has been trained would/could tell this guy was harmless – and regardless for whatever reasons if in danger or a cop(s) at risk there are ways and means to deal with it.

    You truly note how this duo need major major rehab and a spankin. The whole fiasco was uncalled for and caught on video no less.

    If you do not see that – than you are one of the dirty cops, or a close family member just ramblin.

    This cop is going down and rightfully so.

    Shame on you for degrading the othe many fine officers in the force.

  • big mama

    is this aliyah center really able to professionaly help these kids or when there is trouble they resort to שוטרים

  • officer just changed her facebook name!!

    she changed her facebook name to Valentina Burke (Yelena Drantyeva) few minutes ago

  • jj

    any sane person who watches this clip can determine that the police used way and above the force that was needed to deal with him they beat him almost to death the fact that he didnt bleed is nothing but a miracle the fact that this took place in a place of worship is clearly a sighn that these cops were nothing more than blood thirsty killers CROWN HEIGHTS SHOULD HAVE A PROTEST IN FRONT OF THE 71 to bring this into the media and open up this scarry reality that is not so seldome in happening

  • CNN and our Responsibility

    It made it to CNN:

    For this particular situation, the exposure can be beneficial. BUT please…to the editors who post content and to those who comment, PLEASE recognize that this is not just for Chabadniks, this will be getting worldwide attention. Don’t write or post anything you wouldn’t be willing to say to the general public…

  • Paul

    The Lubovitcher community always acts together to stop community violence. They could not handle this large troublesome individual and called the police. If the force that the officer used was excessive it should be subject of a fair investigation. Dov Hikind and David Greenfield called for the firing of the officers,they were part of a demonstration of regular police bashers. If you keep knit picking every incident the police will not actively pursue criminals. The city will be in greater peril if we handcuff the police and have them second guess every action they have to take.

  • prasta

    I agree with numbers 24 and 28, this incident insn’t a moment for a ralling cry, there are more serious issues to deal with in ch. this is a non issue for publicity