Crown Heights Shomrim Featured in Binah Magazine
Crown heights Shomrim volunteer Gadi Hershkop was interviewed by Binah Magazine about what it takes to defend an entire Jewish community from harm:
Hi! What exactly does Shomrim do?
We’re a group of frum men who respond to all kinds of emergencies, except medical ones (Hatzolah is responsible for that). We get calls about everything from suspicious people on the street, to car break-ins, to house robberies, and everything in between. We’ll help out with anything pertaining to non-medical emergencies.
How are you different from the police?
The police are armed, but we’re not. We’re the first responders until the police get to the scene. We don’t make the actual arrest; we’ll just hold the suspect and detain him. If, G-d forbid, the criminal is armed, the police intervene if anything gets violent or out-of-hand.
So you respond to burglary calls and catch robbers?
Sure. Often women hear noises during the day or at night in their homes, and they’re nervous that it’s a burglary so they’ll call us. We’ll go in there to make sure everyone’s safe, and usually nothing’s going on. If there is a burglar in the home, and we get there before the police, we’ll nab the robber and hold him down until the police arrive.
Do you have any interesting stories to share?
Baruch Hashem, it’s been very quiet with house robberies recently. A few days ago we got a call from some neighbors about a bunch of rowdy non-Jewish kids who were making trouble in Lefferts Park, so we went in there to break up the dispute and help out with the situation. In the past, we’ve had a lot of car break-ins. For example, we’d get a call about a suspicious-looking guy lurking around a specific car, so we’d come in stealthily and watch him. Then, he’d smash the window — so we’d jump out from our hiding places and grab him.
How have kids helped save the day?
When Jewish kids see something suspicious, they’ll call the hotline and help give us information. They tell us what they’ve seen, who they think the “perp” [short for “perpetrator”] is, how he looked, where he was, where he ran off to, where we should go …
A couple of weeks ago, for example, a Yid was walking down Sterling Street in broad daylight, speaking on his cell phone, and a guy came and mugged him out of nowhere. There were a lot of Jewish kids around on the block, so when Shomrim came, they told us what the guy looked like, what he was wearing and in which direction he ran off. Even though the criminal got away, the kids still gave us a lot of information, which really helped. Actually, the reason we came a few minutes late was because the woman who was watching this was so panicked that she gave us the wrong address when she called Shomrim to report what was going on! So by the time we got to the scene, the criminal had gotten away.
Also, in the past, we’ve had numerous instances of kids who’ve had bicycles stolen from them. When they saw the perps riding their bikes, they called us and we came to the scene to return their bikes to them. By the way, we recommend that kids who own bikes have them registered with the state police department. That way, if a bike ever gets stolen, the police can match the number of the bike to the kid’s name and the kid can get it back as soon as possible.
Any practical tips about what can we do to protect ourselves and our homes?
These days, every home should have a security camera and good lighting inside the home. It deters anyone from trying to break in. Also, if you leave home for an extended period of time, it’s good to have an alarm system installed, and to ask neighbors to pick up newspapers or magazines that are still being sent to your home. A pile of old newspapers on the ground is not a good sign because it shows that the residents aren’t at home for a while. Make sure you have secure locks, and don’t make it obvious that you’re away!
Also, the first thing that robbers look for is an open window — an easy target. From my experience, most criminals don’t want to work hard, so they look for the easiest way to break in. If there’s a house with bad lighting, no cameras and a window that’s open, it’s prone to being robbed.
What should we do if, G-d forbid, we are in an emergency situation?
The first thing to do is call 911, because the police will put you in the system right away. Then call Shomrim immediately. We’re already in the neighborhood, and we’re all fathers, brothers and uncles, so it’s very likely that we’ll know the caller and/or where the scene is, and how to get there very quickly. It’s always good to call 911 as well, even if you think Shomrim can handle the situation. The police will double-check the scene and file a report.
What are the requirements for becoming a Shomrim member?
For Crown Heights Shomrim we require three things for men to become Shomrim: 1. They should be over twenty-one years old (or eighteen years old, with two Shomrim references); 2. have a job; and 3. be responsible and know how to follow rules.
Anything you’d like to tell our Binab Bunch readers?
Always keep your eyes and ears open. If you see something, don’t be afraid to call, because it’s better to be safe than sorry! If you have any information that can help Shomrim or the police about a suspicious act you’ve witnessed, don’t leave the scene. A police officer or a Shomrim member will value your information, and they’ll want you to stay on site to help us out. Your information is very valuable to us!
What are the numbers that people can call to reach Shomrim?
In Crown Heights, our number is (718) 774-3333. In Boro Park, the number is (718) 871-6666 and in Flatbush it’s (718) 3789797. In Williamsburg, which is the central base, the number is (718) 237-0202. During the day, from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., all the calls are transferred to one dispatcher in the central base in Williamsburg, but in the evening, each neighborhood has its own local number.
There are Shomrim organizations everywhere in the world, not just on the .East Coast. North Miami Beach, Southern California, Baltimore, Chicago, London … Shomrim help out everywhere!
lincoln resident
Love shomrim but wish they had more members patrolling all of crown heights,
The NYPD and shomrim are always on Kingston – Albany & Brooklyn AVE the real crime and danger are for the people living past those avenues
keep it up you guys are great!
Gadi Hershkop is a true hero in our community.
May Hasehm bless him, his family-including the Shomrim family – with much health, wealth and only happiness.
My you guys go from strength to strength!!!
Thank you Shomrim for supporting the Crown Heights community!
Go G-Man Go
chaya ester-s father!!!!
chaya ester you are the greatest!!!! i loooove you!!!!
flatbush/crownhts resident
please check the shomrim phone number in flatbush , I think it is 718-338-9797.
t y
When we need help we know who really cares
Uh, this isn’t from Binah magazine. We have this issue, and the article isn’t there. Which magazine is it from?
I bought the magazine in empire kosher this week and its there. Its not in the main magazine but in the “binah bunch”
binah is #1 sale in usa
Thank you shomrim!
Thank you for helping us start the car today! We had no idea whom to call and you were nice, knowledgeable and solved our problem in minutes. You saved our visiting day trip!