Kids Clothing Store Pops Up in Crown Heights (ad)

Lux Brands is a traveling high end clothing shop that travels from town to town offering luxury brand designer clothes at closeout prices. In anticipation of the upcoming Yom Tov of Pesach, they have arrived in Crown Heights with a unique selection of designer Children’s clothing.

The ‘pop up shop’ is offering a wide range of European Children’s clothing, from three Italian brands: Monna Lisa, Simonetta and Miss Grant; and four French brands: Sonia Rykiel, Trois Enfant, Kanz and Petit Bateau.

The shop is vending from 509 Albany Ave. [between Lefferts and East New York Ave.] across the street from the main entrance to Lefferts Park. Hours are 10:30 Am to 7:30 PM Sunday through Thursday, and 10:30 AM to 4:00 PM on Friday.