Man Arrested for Stealing Clothes from Mikvah
This morning, some men who were using the Mikvah at Eliyahu Nochum Shul on Lefferts Ave. were shocked upon returning to the dressing room to find that several articles of their clothing were missing.
One man’s pants were missing, another’s glasses and yet a third couldn’t find his Yarmulka or hat.
One quick-thinking yungerman remembered seeing a disheveled-looking stranger in the Mikvah as he had come in. He ran outside and, lucky enough, the man was still there – and wearing his shirt!
Soon enough the other missing articles were discovered, either in the man’s personal shopping cart or being worn by him.
Many remembered this man as the culprit behind a similar incident that had occurred about a month earlier. In that incident a pair of Tefilin were stolen in addition to other articles of clothing. Thankfully, the man had been caught then as well and the items were returned.
Being that this was a second-time offence, the victims determined that an arrest and criminal charges were warranted.
Police were called, and the man was taken to the 71st Precinct, where one of the victims filed out a crime report.
maybe he took from some chassena halls, too…..
looks like
just saw him on kingston in front of Mikveh Meir
Reb Dovid
Lol, this reminds me of that jewish isreali movie, I think the Grampa one, i forget the name. Where clothes were stolen from the mikveh.
DONT Call me grandpa!!!
Zhish ish my nephew tzvika.
So you are a rabbi? Can you tell me something about the parsha? Oh the Knesset anti Semites anti Semites I tell you.
Blast from the past
DONT Call me grandpa!!!
Zhish ish my nephew tzvika.
So you are a rabbi? Can you tell me something about the parsha? Oh the Knesset anti Semites anti Semites I tell you.
That thing was hilarious just because of how horrible it was made
Jim M.
How nice that this IDIOT smiles for the camera.
Press charges!!!!!
he is on medication for mental issues…
45 yr in the hood
yup agree
We shud let him go and drop him inside ur home..
you give him a break
go bail him out and take him home, and let him steal your cash
that is sad
Poor guy, can you imagine if you had to resort to stealing clothing? Not that it is okay, but people dont steal clothing just because… He could also be mentally unstable, or it was so cold that he wanted to be put in jail so he didnt freeze to death.
a local
He looks unwell.
One less schnorrer in 770 and on Kingston Ave?
What a shame!!! I know him. He pulled into 770 before Tishrei and he wanted to daven and get involved. I saw him before Yom tov collecting gelt for food and medicine. I think he’s not bad just unstable and got caught up with stealing basics (second hand clothing nebach!) in order to survive. He should NOT be charged just put into an institution etc. call for more info 347-410-2650 jail i for the bad guys!!! NOT for yiddishe people who made a mistake.
i agree
I agree with 14 yes it is wrong of him, but if it came to the stage the shirt he took he is wearing he must have been desperate. Does he have family, home children??????? I am sure a bundle of clean clothes in this weather he would be grateful
He allsow tride stealing a pair of tiffilin. and walked off with tow pairs of glasses and a pair of tziztit
its freezing in NY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give him a break! He’s probable homeless and needs some warmth!
He’s either Homeless or Off the Derch for sure
He sings in a church choir, his name is paul. kleptomaniac
same guy
it looks like the same guy who was stealing from Razag wedding hall, someone should check that video and compare.