Women’s Evening Spotlights JNet Volunteers

This Chanukah, Crown Heights’s female JNet volunteers of all ages and backgrounds enjoyed a delicious evening of inspiration and community building.

Hosted at the home of fellow JNet volunteer Tzirel Goldman, the event started off with refreshments and shmoozing, followed by an interactive cake-decorating demonstration by former JNet women’s coordinator Esti Rosenblatt. Rabbi Yisroel Shimon Kalmenson, also a JNet volunteer, then gave an enlightening d’var Torah about the relation between Torah learning and Chanukah menorah.

“It was extremely empowering to see so many women dedicated to Torah learning,” said Mushkie Shemtov, JNet women’s coordinator. “The Rebbe strongly emphasized the importance of women learning in our generation. It’s an inspiration to see that these volunteers, even with busy schedules and children and homes that need tending to, still make learning a priority.”

The volunteers, both baalei teshuvah and those who were raised in frum homes, ranged in age from twenties to sixties. Many, even those who’d been learning for six years or more, admitted they were reluctant to volunteer at first, worrying that they weren’t qualified  teach, or that they wouldn’t be able to make a regular commitment of even 30 minutes a week. But all volunteers shared that the minimal commitment was more than worth the rewards that follow.

“My chavrusa asked to learn kabbalah,” said volunteer Mazal Z. “That was very intimidating for me. But after studying Shaar HaYichud VeHaEmunah with her, she started kashering her kitchen and taking more steps towards leading a religious lifestyle.”

“It really feels like my own personal shlichus that works in my life”  said Mindy S.

“I get to make an impact in someone’s life from my own home, and I get to learn Torah regularly when I wouldn’t otherwise.” explained volunteer Mushky G.

“Whatever I can give over, I feel like it makes an impact on not only her but her kids, too,” shares volunteer Bryna T. “And it isn’t as scary as I thought.”

To be part of this important Shlichus, please call 718-467-4400 Ext 290 or visit www.jnet.org and select “Volunteer.”

JNet is a project of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch and was established with a generous grant from the Rohr Foundation.

Photos by Michal Weiss

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