The Rebbe Rashab on Snow

It’s the free day we’ve all been waiting for. Although its meant to be a bother to most, there is no denying the guilty pleasure associated with being “snowed in,” unable to attend to our weekly work. Finally a moment to catch up on all those loose ends life never really finds time for. But if you’re interested in what the Rebbe Rashab had to say on conveniently cozy days such as this allow us to indulge you:

…any time a person has that he is not working should be used for the study of Torah. He shouldn’t be devoted to side issues…

Resisting the urge to find all sorts of odds and ends that need to be attended to, may be challenging, but what better way to spend this clearly G-d given day then opening a sefer and delving into the latest maamer, sicha, mesachta or halacha. The Rebbe states clearly, at the end of maamar “Komti Ani Liftoach Lidodi” 5666, that even if it’s only for a short time, just before needing to go somewhere or in between a few things you need to do, one should still take the time to open a gemarah and cover however much he can in that given interval.

Yagdil Torah invite you to take advantage of this opportunity at the Heichal Halimmud – 574 Empire Blvd, where rain, hail ,shine- or snow- we are open and learning. Bring along a friend and make the most of your day off- wisely.


Yagdil Torah


  • Samech Vovnik

    The lesson from snow (Based on the Rebbe Rashab’s Maamar V’Asisa Chag Shavuos 5666):

    Torah starts as Hashems wisdom, very spiritual and lofty, then it changes form to be understood by the human mind, and it deals with simple day-to-day matters like the laws of Tefillin or Tzedaka which have to be done with physical money or cowhide. Studying these subjects (or any Torah business law for that matter) in the Torah makes the Tefillin and Tzedaka spiritual again.

    Just like snow starts as liquid, freezes, melts back into water, so Torah transcends from G-d’s spiritual wisdom to physical matter which becomes elevated back to G-d’s wisdom.

    At the end of the day: It’s G-d’s wisdom, no matter what shape it takes, and when you study Torah, you absorb G-d’s wisdom.

    So follow up on this message of snow, and take up Yagdil Torah on their offer. The place is warm, full of Seforim and plenty of hot drinks with light snacks for you to keep warm spiritually and physically.

  • Big Fan!

    Kol Hakovod to Levi Browd and Yagdil Torah for all you do to spread the warmth of Torah in the Shechuna..Thank You!!

  • Great

    By the way, Rabbi Simon Jacobson has some interesting tapes called “The Spiritual Meaning of Snow.”

  • elisha

    big fan of yagdil torah

    personally they say “from 770 were marching on”

    you can at times add “from Yagdil torah”

  • Rebb Rashab on snow

    if you want to really know about snow, check the Rebbe RaShab’s beautiful long Maamor in 5663

  • Levi

    Nice. Isnt there a reshimo on snow in tof resh mem vov – tof resh nun? I thought that was what you meant. This is better tho.