Guests at the Dinner become Partners of the Institution

After the most recent Annual Dinner of Educational Institute Oholei Torah, many of the honorees and guests continue to show an interest in the growth of the school and the impact made of the Oholei Torah alumni in communities around the world, as they dedicate themselves to being Shluchim, emissaries of the Rebbe.

This past week, Mr. B. Weissberg, CEO of Patient Access Solutions, Inc, dedicated a classroom in memory of his mother. Simon Jacobson, a dear friend of the Weissberg’s, joined in the event, and as the family toured the campus, and met many of the students. They were overwhelmed by the vast size of the Institution, and visibly impressed by the high level of learning and dedication of the students. After the Classroom Dedication, the guests were hosted for a Sunday Brunch.

Rabbi Nosson Blumes, Director of Development, thanked his dear friend Simon Jacobson, for his continued hard work on behalf of Oholei Torah, and wished him great success in all his endeavors. Plans are already underway for the upcoming Annual Dinner to be held on February 13th 2011, 9th of Adar 1, 5771.