Rabbi Shea Hecht and Commissioner Raymond Kelly

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly made his second visit in eight days to leaders of the Jewish community, seeking feedback regarding the security situation in this racially divided neighborhood.

Commish’s 2nd Visit to Streets of Crown Heights

Rabbi Shea Hecht and Commissioner Raymond Kelly

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly made his second visit in eight days to leaders of the Jewish community, seeking feedback regarding the security situation in this racially divided neighborhood.

In a private meeting with Rabbi Shea Hecht in his home on Eastern Parkway, the commissioner stressed that the NYPD is doing everything within its power to improve security in the neighborhood. He also mentioned that every police report filed over the past few weeks was being reinvestigated to ensure that residents’ complaints were appropriately followed-up.

Rabbi Hecht made the following statement after their meeting:

“The increased police presence and the recent arrest of Alon Sherman’s attackers has done a great deal to restore a sense of calm in the streets of Crown Heights.

”We’ve had a good deal of communication with NYPD brass and our local elected officials. Commissioner Raymond Kelly and Chief Joseph Esposito have really gone out of their way to show their concern for what’s happening on our streets.

“Their personal visits to the Crown Heights community have been a tremendous blessing. I think there’s a feeling on the street that City Hall and the police department are making a real investment in the wellbeing of this community. We’re starting to gain confidence that we’ll see a recognizable difference in the safety situation through the summer months.”

Rabbi Shea Hecht is an activist in the Jewish community. Shea was a member of Mayor Giuliani’s task force on police/community relations and a New York City Commissioner of Human Rights.

Rabbi Hecht is the Chairman of Trustees of the National Committee for Furtherance of Jewish Education, a humanitarian and educational services agency based in Brooklyn.


  • Give credit where credit is due.

    Say what you want about the mishaps of the NYPD here in Crown Heights, but you’ve got to give credit to Kelly and his squad for really taking our demonstration and complaints seriously. Anyone here can clearly see the huge increase of cops all over the neighborhood. I don’t know how long it will last for, but I do know that there’s a time for everything: last week it was standing up for our rights and our safety, and right now it’s showing our appreciation to the cops by greeting them on the streets and thanking them for being here.

  • me

    hope he dint make everything sound less than it really is cus thats what he did on the zev brenner show- ( all he did was suck up to the police and deny whats going on in the community)

  • OTnick

    grate! (now if only this would last longer than the other “increased” police presences.

  • Thank you

    Thank you Ray Kelly and the NYPD. If there was ever a time I felt unsafe walking the streets at night, now is not that time.

  • Mendel

    At least the Commissioner had the sense to visit the home of one of the normal leaders and not to the loony fringe reps of the CHJCC, past and present leaderships included.

  • Rabbi Hecht is smart

    Smart….he is treating the nypd with the age old rule u use when u want a little kid to do something, u simply compliment them which makes them want to work

  • yitzcahak

    I still think that the best and most effective way to fight crime is not by bringing all these officers here but by persuing the attackers or staking them out through undercover operations.This will ensure long term safty and will save the city and taz payers lots of money.

  • Achdus

    its nice to know that they feel it is important for them to show us that they care

  • happy about the police presence but...

    who is Shea Hecht since when does he represent the crown heights community

  • BigBen

    Shea, stop your brownnosing and tell it to them like it is. One arrest is a good start but what about all the other previous 35 plus cases.
    Get Hyints to stop his biased not so grand jury. Cops on Kingston and President (looking at the feigelach) does not provide security to people on Leffarts or on Uticue.

    We need a change at the 71st precint. Vega is a joke. We need more undercover cops making arrests and puttiing away the perps. Why was Berel not invited to this private meeting???

  • sam kustanovitch

    Rabbi hecht,
    This is, ultimately, what is so misconceived by those who have never met you. Your leadership–rare almost to the point of uniqueness in the present day–consists in self-effacement.

  • Esther

    I agree the Hechts in general think they are in charge- my experience being with their camp and other orgazations. The bottom line is Shea Hecht is not a leader of our community. He should not be having meetings and claiming he is a intermediater.

  • Ous Ferd

    A Ferd wants to do what a Ferd wants and turns only to relieve pressure from the reins. The policy for the NYPD under Bloomberg /Kelly is 1)not to be proactive and 2)to downplay incidents this is done for Political agenda (Kelly for Mayor Bloomberg for Governor) Vega was exemplary in carrying out of this policy.The demonstration changed this. Men Darf Shmeissen de Ferd zei zolen zein ous Ferd