The intersection where the mugging took place.

Crown Heights, Brooklyn — A boy walking home from the day camp he attends, ‘Gan Menachem’ earlier this afternoon was accosted by two Black males on the corner of Eastern Parkway and Brooklyn Avenue who demanded his money, all the boy had on him was a single quarter which he handed to them.

More in the Extended Article.

Boy Mugged for 25 Cents on Eastern Parkway

The intersection where the mugging took place.

Crown Heights, Brooklyn — A boy walking home from the day camp he attends, ‘Gan Menachem’ earlier this afternoon was accosted by two Black males on the corner of Eastern Parkway and Brooklyn Avenue who demanded his money, all the boy had on him was a single quarter which he handed to them.

More in the Extended Article.

The perpetrators were described as two youths around the ages of 14 to 17, after giving them his quarter he fled and the two youth began chasing him while one called to the other to “trip him and tackle him”, upon hearing this the boy called for help and the two began fleeing in the other direction.

Police and Shomrim were called and initially officers from the 77th Precinct responded and took the boy for a ‘canvass’ around the area in attempt to find the perps which yielded no results.

Officers then called on the 71st precinct to respond to the call as the incident happened on their said of Eastern Parkway. Officers from the 78th precinct who were filling in for the 71st in wake of the murder and injury of two of its officers responded and filled out a police report.

In case of an emergency never hesitate to call 911 and Shomrim at (718) 774-3333 24/7


  • furious


    It has nothing to do with funerals, it’s because they don’t care about Black on Jewish crime. We NEVER see foot patrols or cars parked by critical intersections. Instead there are 2-3 cars watching people make right turns by Bais Rivka & then giving out tickets.

  • david

    Why did the Jewish kid have to hold back the quarter from his underprivileged fellow citizen???

  • zalmy

    How were the two people planning to split a quarter anyway? its impossible.

  • Yetty

    Chanina can take this up with the Commisisoner at his weekly meeting at Police HQ.


    DAVID, can you not read the article???!!! It clearly says that the boy DID give him the quarter. besides, why on earth should the boy have to give up his money????

  • Anonymous

    why isn’t Al Sharpton, Yemach Shimo,
    standing up for his fellow criminals?

  • chrup!

    guys just ignore david,hes here just to stir people up and cause fights

  • buy david a gag

    I think David (is he a new poster) is either a fool & genuinely believes this **** he says or he’s just trying to stir things up. Whatever he’s doing, please shut him down. He’s annoying.

  • Sad Story

    in this case he does… he is standing and watching how his fellow criminals are mugging, shoplifting, and discouraging the victims from pressing charges etc.

    the whole system in NY is corrupt…

  • to zalmy


    they arn’t planning on splitting the quater, their going to split the piece of bubble gum!

  • To Furious

    I live near Bais Rivka. There are NEVER any cops there giving tickets, but there should be. The law is there for a reason – so kids don’t get hit when trying to cross. I see cars making that illegal turn all the time!

  • Not true

    To furious that is not true. I was once passing and saw that the police were stopping like 20 cars for making a turn so please don’t say never.

  • Gershon Shapiro

    It goes to show once again what I said before. question 1 Where is Shea Hecht & all the “ Politicians who one week ago were so in a hurry to be bitul Torah & to sayschlep others to0 say tehillim for ”A GOY A POLICE OFFICER” BUT WHEN IT COMES TO SPEAKING WITH THE POLICE OFFICIALS GETTING THEM TO DO THEIR JOB & PROTECT THE SCHCHUNAH RESIDENTS THEY ARE NO WHERE TO BE FOUND!2. WHY IS IT THAT SHOMRIM ONLY RESPOND AFTERWARDS ONLY WHERE THERE IS PUBLICITY & CAMERAS TO BE FOUND WHAT ARE THEY DOING ABOUT THESE INCIDENTS?

  • Sheina

    answering furious wrote
    I’m at Beth Rivkah every day from3:45 until 4:15 and yes its true there are 2 police cars there every day giving out tickets for people double parking when they run out to get their kids. There is no place to park and the parents have no choice but to double park for 2 minutes. Instead of courtesy when school is out that parents need to get their kids they wind up with filling the polices quota for theday

  • gosh

    to furious:
    you are 100% right!

    this is insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a little innocent boy walking home from camp. what do they think he has already????

  • DoItTheYoilyWay

    CHAPTZEM! Genug shoyn. Let the last taxpayer expense for these dreckelach be a week in Kings County ICU and a plot in Potters’ Field.

  • $90 poorer

    To “To Furious”

    Sorry. but it’s true, cops ARE outside Bais Rivkah, I got a $90 ticket there a few weeks ago when I turned right at 9:45 am from Brooklyn. My fault, didn’t argue, I paid, good lesson.

    I think the city should put the “Don’t Do It” signs a bit lower though…


  • resident

    THIs is summer in Brooklyn.On tuesday a five year old girl in boro park got molested at five in the afternoon .mind you Boro park is pretty safe. its summer with more than half teh community gone .you need to be extra aleret and watch your kids with four eyes.dont let them walk home alone.

  • DallasDude

    will all of you just chill now…..

    David I believe was kidding and it was funny some of you need to relax. Read his little line helllooo. Its bad enough as it is.

    To the lady saying she got a ticket – I don’t understand – you turned right and got aticket?? Can you clarify what you did that was illegal.

    The cops giving tickets to parents p/u there kids are truly lowly shmu-ks. I work accross a public school and parents are triple parked and no one ever gets a ticket. This is utmost chutzpah and higher ups sud put a lid on this b4 it explodes.

    The BP comment is correct – worse things happen other safe places and bad things happen in CH. It is a city-wide problem, actually a national problem. Lots of stuff happens in quieter places too. Overall CH is safe so to say – but has along way to go.

    Just my rant and you all have agreat shabbos

  • mendel

    i got mugged at the same corner 2 years ago… i was also coming home from camp!

  • Shluchah

    Two questions: What is the big deal with the cops on the BR corner, and WHY is there so much cursing on a Chabad website? I am shocked! If you do feel the need to express yourself in sucha vulgar manner, please do not do it publicly!

  • Ticket blitz for Yiddim

    It’s amazing that the cops aren’t there giving out tickets by school dismisal time at the other schools in CH; the public school next to BR on Crown St., the private goyishe school on President and Brooklyn and the public school on Empire and Troy. On us yiddim are at fault. I don’t dare pass the above locations at those times as you can’t get by the streets!

  • elchonon


    Understand that the NYPD has been ignoring crime for 150 years.. get over it!! set up bochurim to patrol the streets, by car, foot and bike.

  • oh come on!


    You are disgusting!!! should a little kid have a fortune in his pockets? u shud be ashamed of urself 4 talking in such a way!

  • Calm down!

    To “oh come on!”:

    Guess was joking about how stupid it was of those black teenagers to pick on a little kid. No need to get offended.
    To “a resident”, “chrup!”, “buy david a gag” and “Manny”:

    David’s alowed to make a joke!
    To David:
    Sarcasm obviously doesn’t work always in writing. :)