Crown Heights [CHI] — A Jewish man was walking down Sterling St. toward Brooklyn Ave. at around 6:30 PM today when an African-American crept up behind him, pounced on him and began to beat him ferociously while he lay helpless on the ground.

Jewish Man Savagely Beaten, Robbed on Sterling St.

Crown Heights [CHI] — A Jewish man was walking down Sterling St. toward Brooklyn Ave. at around 6:30 PM today when an African-American crept up behind him, pounced on him and began to beat him ferociously while he lay helpless on the ground.

The entire incident happened in broad daylight and was witnessed by several residents of the block, including a horrified young Jewish mother who was out with her child in the pleasant weather only a few feet away.

While the beating occurred, the assailant could be heard repeatedly shouting “You Jew! You [expletive] Jew!”

He then rummaged through the victim’s pockets and pulled out an iPhone, which he stole, and then fled toward New York Ave.

Shomrim arrived at the scene soon after being called. They administered first aid to the victim, and called Hatzolah and the police. Hatzolah rushed him to the hospital, where he is being treated for severe facial trauma and other injuries.

The assailant is described as a black male with a light complexion in his mid 20s. Anyone with additional information is urged to call Shomrim at 718-774-3333, or the police at 911.


  • 411

    He was BLACK? No frigin way. I’m shocked. I can’t imagine why people always think they look “suspicious” …. maybe because they are always the ones committing these crimes!!!!

  • animals

    “black male with light complexion in his mid 20;s”…sounds like hundreds of them whom i see everyday!.

  • camera

    thats why every house needs a camera and the city should have 4 cameras on every corner

  • If Obama had a son...

    I wonder where Al Sharpton is. Or maybe this does not qualify as a hate crime because the victim is white.

  • Cameras + regular Police surveilance!

    comments #2 and #3 are distgusting, i’m shocked that would lack the understanding to prevent such stupid and comments from going up on the website.
    Especially bearing in mind that this is a widely viewed website.
    Lets judge each person invidually, case by case.
    What would help is to put up security cameras all over the shechunah. So that everyone knows they are there and they’re being watched.
    Wasn’t the tragedy with Leiby Kletzsky a”h, enough of a wakeup call to have cameras everywhere??
    Also, how about regular police surveilance around crown heights instead of after every major incident, why cant they be there so it’s prevented. Who are the police protecting???

  • Yosef David Dahne

    B’H. In response to comments from “411” and “animals”:
    Almost every black person in America is the descendant of slaves….Slaves who survived horrific transport across the ocean -in which many thousands, perhaps millions perished – a system which often, seemingly randomly, separated fathers from mothers and both from their own children. Slaves were beaten, prohibited from learning how to read, and valued those who owned them primarily for their physical prowess. Blacks have endured Jim Crow laws and countless lynchings.

    You may say that we Jews were also slaves. Yes, but we have the Torah.

    This is not to excuse anyone. It was a horrible, evil act that was committed. We should all daven that the victim recover quickly and that the assailant receives proper punishment. But let us remember that there are many decent African-Americans trying to live good lives and that blacks are still struggling with the effects of the disintegration of the family, a poor school system, and other after-effects of a still racially divided society.

  • ds

    what does light complexion mean, i must know. does it look like he’s half black half white, i have seen such a person yesterday, and know what he looks like if that’s who it is.

  • declasse- intelectual

    Given the ineffectiveness of the local gendarme and the unwillingness of the liberal judges to punish criminals, maybe it is time for citizens to exercise their second amendment rights and have trained personal available to aid those in trouble. Now, I do not advocate taking the law into one’s own hands. However, just the knowledge that someone might be armed and knowledgeable in its usage might serve to convince the criminal to move on.

  • Rafield

    CAMERAS AT EVERY CORNER. We’re not talking a lot of corners for Crown Heights community. C’mon … what’s the stalling? You need someone to get pummelled again and again? Screw you police.

  • slr

    think about it. he beat up an innocent man because he is Jewish. How meaningless. He didnt even really know what he was doing, he was beating up some imaginary person who probably beat up on him when he was a child.
    As we say Get a life.
    or get therepy and get a life. pray that the victim is ok

  • chjcc

    Once again we would like to thank the police for extra care and finding the black man. Huh chanina?

  • what good r the cops these days

    how long did the glorified brownies (cops) take to get this time?

  • lets catch the ANIMAL

    stop with the garbage talk – if any one has any info on this or might have caught the ANIMAL saying “you (%&%&%) Jew” please report it – because otherwise this HATE CRIME will be classed as a “robbery”

  • To #9 - Read this well

    Everyone has been through trying times- including the good people. You seem to harbor an imbalance of empathy for the criminal vs the victim. But if you truly do care for the criminal- the greatest gift you can give someone is the sense of responsibility for their own actions. That is what differentiates a man from a beast. Making excuses for INexcusable behavior (no matter how kindly if naively meant)serves to enable people to continue on a self-destructive path- not to mention the completely undeserved destruction they cause to others. Maybe when you’re older you will understand this important concept.

  • suck up to police

    The more we suck up to the police the more the thugs have a green light. If all C’H will unite like other areas the police will put more fear. However a few selfish chjcc etc. Who just like fame and pictures are really undermining the entire safety

  • Uncle Mendel

    Noch a mol with Racial Profiling? Can’t we all just get along and let them rob and beat us? Just because he looked black, does not mean he was an Arfican American. Maybe he was a white vigilante who was dressed up to look like an Arfrican American!

    Again, just keep them the heck out of Arlans !!!!

  • Robin

    N Williamsburg this #$&@ doesn’t happen because they don’t take this type of garbage if. Happens they know exactly how to find the assailants and perps. Here all we do is fight with each other and n he meantime he bad guys get to run away

  • As of midngiht

    I drove on the block and saw police vehicle parked with lights. I guess being around after helps somewhat…better late than never?

  • Fear the cops more than the blacks

    I fear the cops even more. I’ve seen more senseless tickets by the cops then senseless beatings.

  • be fair

    to #9 none of the kids running around CH looking for the next Jew they can rob and kick while screaming “F@%&^ Jew!” has any real connection to what happened 100 years ago, or even 60 years ago. The people committing crime TODAY in our community should be in school, doing the best they can to achieve and get public funding for further education, getting jobs, and becoming productive members of our local and global community.

    Yes, we have the Torah, but there are basic laws of man that they have too, we have spent almost our entire existence in some form of slavery or persecution.

  • Better when blacks rob and beat each oth

    They are so many of these savage attacks. It would be better if blacks only did this to their own kind, other blacks.

  • to #9

    My grandfather was a slave in Siberia a mere 60 years ago. I guess I have good reason to out and beat people up.

    And the commenter “411” may not be “politically” correct, however he does happen to be factually correct

  • ismart

    There is app on the Iphone that allowes you to track it via gps. Everyone should download this as would get the olice a good idea as to the area the perp is in. Also, another great feature is if your phone/ipad is ever lost or stolen you can log in to your itunes account and lock the device.

  • Richi Silverstein

    from the Community affairs In 71 pct



  • To Comment #7

    Why hasnt anyone said anything about comment #7? Its this individuals comment that fuels this kind of violence. When inncoent jewish people are being attacked for no reason the comments such as numbers 2 and 3 are justified. I dont see any other race attacking us so why call their comments disgusting? How can you defend the attacker so bodly?

  • how can we catch the perp

    clearly a hate crime – after each hit the guy kept saying u f*))(** jew over and over
    It was a ipod that was stolen just bc it was there – they did not take his wallet, phone nor his watch he was wearing….

    clearly a hate crime – after each hit the guy kept saying u f*))(** jew over and over

  • Mendy

    The Rebbe said:
    That if Israel gives away land that HAshem gave them in a miraculous way during the june 1967 six day war.
    This will put the lives of Jews all over the world in severe danger

  • To #31

    The reason #’s 2 and 3 are disgusting is because one should not generalize about any one race or culture. We should know that. People have generalized about Jews plenty, and that is disgusting, too. I have a visceral reaction when I read or hear those kinds of generalization, because I think they are ignorant and prejudice. Yes, we live in an area where some African Americans perpetrate crime on Jews. And many African Americans’ hearts break when they hear about it. They cry for their culture, their children, their dilemma. I know. I have witnessed this. You might not want to remember crimes committed to Jews by Jews, but I know of many. I don’t want to review them here. The point I am making is that in a higher level of thinking there is no room for small-minded generalizations that insult us and represent us as immature and ignorant.

  • Someone who knows

    Plain and simple, if you are kicked and punched down and being cursed for being Jewish and stealing the cheapest item the victim had being his IPad and not his watch worth $1500 it is a hate crime and not robbery. Get over yourselves and catch him and put him away for everyone’s sake before he G-d forbid returns.

  • Facts

    He was kicked in the face for a few minutes ..once he pretended to be knocked out the perp took his iPod music device – he did not take his wallet , not his watch not his phone .. While kicking him over and over he called him f***ing Jew .. f***ing Jew …f***ing Jew ….f***ing Jew

  • Fed Up

    Here it comes again, another Jew beaten for no reason. What the hell is this, it is time for the Jews, escpecially of Crown Heights to start arming themselves. This is a hate crime, and no doubt the jerk who beat the Jew is probably an Obama supporter.

  • Grow up people

    I’m confused. If so many people witnessed the crime, then why wasn’t the perpetrator stopped/attacked?

    I wish people would stop bringing up the President’s name every time there’s a crime or something to do with Blacks. Would you like it if the Rebbe’s name was brought up every time there was a crime committed by a Jew?


    Some of you people here are FOOLS!!!!! I actually saw the tail end of the incident. I didn’t really know what was happening until the guy started to run off after being chased which was too late. I am black and I called the cops to report the crime as I hope any witness would do for me!!! It is not a matter of black or jew (ok they said he made those statements, can’t say wasn’t close enough) but it is about the crime!!! NO ONE HAS ANY RIGHT TO JUST BEAT UP ANOTHER PERSON!!! NO MATTER WHAT COLOR OR BACKGROUND!!! NO EXCUSES!!

    But getting guns and cameras on every block??? For who?? All black people?? In case you guys don’t know, all black people are not African American!!! In Crown Heights, there are Caribbean people who do not have the same history as African Americans. Most of them are working class people who just want a piece of the pie just like you.

    I know there is some distrust towards jews because they own Crown Heights and most treat blacks unfairly and lack respect for them. They act like blacks are not people too. I see it everyday!! The jews stick to themselves, the blacks stick to themselves, hardly ever a hello or even a nod, JUST A STARE OR A LOOK AWAY. That is just how things are and it is known and accepted by both.

    AS FOR THE ASSAILANT, he was clearly insane!!! Who in their right mind would do that in daylight in front of other people?? And in front of his community??? I doubt he is even from this neighborhood.



  • Steve Cohen

    Will never happen to me! I live in a free state and have a license to carry a weapon.