Rash of Car Burglaries Sweeps Through Crown Heights

In recent weeks a significant uptick in car break-ins have been noted by the 71st Precinct. Sunday morning another vehicle was burglarized on Albany Avenue. The incident was captured on surveillance video.

Sunday morning the owner of a vehicle received a call from his neighbor saying that his car was broken into sometime Sunday morning. The vehicle was parked on Albany Avenue between Union and President Streets.

The vehicle owner went to check out his car, only to find that the passenger window was smashed and his iPod, GPS and cash were stolen. 911 and Shomrim were called, and while police filed a police report Shomrim obtained surveillance footage from a nearby building.

Surveillance video revealed that the crime was committed at 9:13am with heavy foot and vehicle traffic in the area. No one seemed to notice anything and no reports to Shomrim or the police were made.

In all the vehicle owner suffered close to $1,000 in damages.

Last week a pair of Tefillin were stolen from a Bnos Menachem bus. That incident was also captured on surveillance video and was turned over to detectives in the hopes of identifying and apprehending the burglar.

In the past Shomrim has issued statements imploring motorists not to leave belongings, or even trash, in their cars and out in the open – and here is never an excuse to leave a set of Tefillin in a vehicle overnight.

Sources in the 71st Precinct echoed this call after noting that they have been receiving an uptick in complaints of auto burglaries in recent weeks.

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  • Give him a break

    He works for Obama He’s only redistributing wealth. Our new mayor will be proud..

  • NYC-ER


    Don’t leave valuables in your cars – that burglars can spot and break in for!!!!


    When will people finally accept the fact that we live in a jungle (because that’s what New york is) and therefore you don’t leave ANYTHING in your car. accept for the seats, stearing wheel etc. by leaving things in the car you are inviting the smashed window and loss of items

  • bd

    everyone should sign up for shifts to do exercise walking in large groups and just walk around the shechuna.

  • #6

    Good idea. And say words of Torah while walking together.Maybe you should organize people.

  • Suggestion

    Take the wheels off your car at night so you don’t find your car on bricks in the morning.

  • chopchip

    If you leave you car on the street and it is burglarized it is you own fault. Don’t leave your house outside either

  • oy vey!

    who leaves their car parked on the street like that?

    there are certain things you just DON”T do. Period.