BR Girls Harassed on Their Way Home from School

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] –- Four Beis Rivka high school students were accosted on their way home from school Tuesday evening right outside their school building on Crown Street.

The incident took place at round 4:00 PM on Tuesday; as the girls were heading home from school, a large group of students from the nearby public school gathered on the sidewalk, and as the Beis Rivka girls passed, a few of the boys would pinch them and pull their hair. police were called, and one girl filed a crime report.

The scene repeated itself today with an even larger group. this time, the girls called shomrim, who came immediately and stood there for 15 minutes, keeping watch as all the girls made their way home.

Police were called to break up fight among several of the public school students, but they only arrived 20 minutes later, after everybody had gone.


  • about time

    shouldn’t the crown heights community march on the 71st for this? where are the cops? what the !@#$!@#$ are they thinking? the kids will pinch and harass and nothing will happen. fight fire with fire!!!

  • WOW

    what an EMBARRASSMENT on the police. TWENTY minutes? they are what, a 3minute drive away from the school?

  • Cameras


    I am sure Beis Rivka has cameras outside to monitor the sidewalk area. Are they reviewing that?

  • i go to br

    i go to bais rivkah and today i was walking home at like 4:40 i was passin the public school and saw these older kids pickin on someone much smaller. they were hurting him,beating him up but i didnt want to get involved to much. i dont know why they were their i think they finish at 3

  • Four Beis Rivka students were accosted..

    … and one girl filed a crime report. *N*E*B*A*C*H*
    The principal should go with each of the other girls for both days incidents, and support them as they file complaints.

  • any volunteers

    mayhe have one or two parents or teacher infront of school at 4.00 till this calms down or gets settled.

  • DTorres

    This is an outrage, terrible.
    Those in positions of authority,
    must act quickly, to put a stop to this,
    before it escalates and one of the schoolgirls,
    gets hurt.
    This is really bad.
    Who is doing this?
    Why aren’t they under arrest?

  • Where is Benjy Stock/ Minkowitz?

    Thank you Shomrim!

    Benjy Stock, please stand up for your school and set the tone for proper protection! Please be publicly proactive about this situation! It’s not fair to the girls! To be Dan L’Chaf Z’chus – I hope he already took action!

    If it was your teachers leaving school and getting harrassed, what would you do then?

  • concerned

    This is terrible, how can we send our daughters to walk alone to school with this going on???? And on the other hand, how can we not?

  • Yitzchok

    The donut squad aka the 71st police prescient are impotent in CH. The only time they react is when there is any kind of political activity. Or when there is a 2 for one at Dunkin Donuts on EP and Nostrand. “Calling all cars”

  • Shameful

    Where are the members of the hanholo? That shomrim had to come on the second day and police were not there speake volumes about Bais Rvka’s administratrs and the police.


    lately their is a trend that they scare people they walk by and shout that is besides hearing their foul language all the time its joust hard to live in such environment ..its coaled golus i don’t think we can do anything about it just video cameras in the repeat locations

  • Uproar?

    Where is the media? If a group of Jews did this two 4 blacks high school girls, there would be a political and media uproar. Where is The Jewish Community Council’s statement on this? Where is the general uproar within the community. WE SHOULD BE MARCHING IN THE STREETS but we’ve basically just accepted such behavior as the norm.

  • Beit Shemesh

    What’s the issue? These Goyim were doing what Yidden are SUPPOSED to do.

    Didn’t we see in Beit Shemesh that the Ultra-Orthodox harrass school girls for dressing (un)Tzniusdik? Since the Crown Heightsers are not willing to stand up for the Torah, so we need those chayos to do it for us…

  • Two tricks

    Attention people of Crown Heights:

    If you are ever C”V in an emergency situation, and you call 911, tell the dispatcher one of the following:

    1) Somebody is double-parked
    2) A cop just got shot

    You will get an immediate response.

  • M O T T I KKK

    / 16, you are right. They only perform with donuts and an anticipation of govt pat on the back. They will not get involved otherwise, unless it`s a serious murder crime. IT IS SICK and itg doesn`t happen here in Toronto. Someone who pinches or harrasses gets slammed into a holding cell for at least 20 hrs. For shame Brooklyn police. You smell and you stink… 75 percent of the time.

  • Moishie

    to # 22: If you say that a cop was shot – you will get arrested for filing a false report.

    to #23: you are in lala land (and wrong) if you think that that TO police will lock someone up for harassment

  • # 22 bad idea

    # 22. Two tricks wrote….your # 2) is not very smart people get run over like this.


    i was passing by and i saw them do it to numerous groups. since i was older, i first spoke to them, and they became aggressive to me and i threatened to call the police on them. They just laughed. maybe i shouldve called…

  • A parent

    If anyone is doing anything u can bet its Benjy Stock!!!!! I am sure he did not sleep last nite and was busyyyyy with this!!!! So before u go bashing people think.

  • Crown Heightser

    To #20
    you are completely out of your mind!
    There is no excuse for violence!
    The girls are dressed very tzniusdik in school, or they would be sent home! You seriously need help

  • I was there yesterday

    Bh the school administration did get involved and supported the girls.
    Today there were two policemen standing across the street, making sure everything was safe.

  • i live on crown street!

    To number 30. i Totally agree with you. number 20, saing this is sign of illness so dum likaf zchus maybe he has an illness that cannot be cured chas vichalila.
    i personally with my two einayim whitnessed this event occuring as i live on crown street and am very perceptive.

  • .. And Bais Rivkah said nothing.

    I am a student in Bais Rivkah and happened to be out of town for a simcha for the two days that this happened on. I only found out about it through When I got to school today, Thursday, I was BEYOND shocked to find that none of my classmates knew what I was talking about when I mentioned this! School didn’t talk about the incident to the girls at all. Shame on Bais Rivkah. They should have made an assembly, or an announcement, letting the students know what the situation was. I understand that Shomrim came to watch, but even still. How could BR just NOT say anything? I’m seriously shocked.

  • saw it and called shomrim

    i was there, bengy was involved, he called the police and directly to the 71st , many girls saw . The girls all take out there cel phones as they walk out of the building just asking for trouble, yes shomrim and police have been there since this occured. The kids are not from the public school next door they are older kids that come from other schools and come to play ball in the public school and hang out….

  • jewish dude

    To number one, the cops are eating donuts or fixing tickets for their friends. No need to go to the police station they are not there either.