NY Post
A man was arrested for trying to lure a 10-year-old girl into his car in Brooklyn, cops said today.

Jewish Man Arrested in Attempt to Lure Young Girl

A man was arrested for trying to lure a 10-year-old girl into his car in Brooklyn, cops said today.

Chaim Fried, 53, had parked his car at the corner of East Second Street and 18 Avenue in Borough Park at about 8:30 a.m. Thursday when he grabbed the girl’s arm and told her, “Come with me!” sources said.

The girl pushed him off and broke free.

He tried the same trick on Friday morning at the same location. But this time, police were waiting and put him under arrest.

Fried was charged yesterday with attempted kidnapping, attempted unlawful imprisonment and reckless endangerment of a child.

He posted $2,500 bail last night in Brooklyn criminal court, law enforcement sources said.


  • CH'er

    Thats it $2500. after all the things that have been going on in NYC in the past 2-5 years. are you kidding me……………..
    should of been 10-20 x that amount

    some ppl never learn

    in addition, “”””He tried the same trick on Friday morning at the same location. But this time, police were waiting and put him under arrest.””””

    what a stupid putz (no pun intended) he deserves that..

  • ???

    he was allowed out on bail after he tried to KIDNAP TWICE?! THE LAW IS MESSED UP

    • Milhouse

      Bail is a right, not a privilege. He is presumed innocent, so the only grounds on which he could be detained is a fear that he might not show up for trial. If the judge is not genuinely concerned that he will escape, and there’s no *provable* danger to the public, then he has to be given reasonable bail.

  • EAST 2nd STREET?!

    EERIE! That’s the same street where Leiby Kletsky was murdered.

  • Are we really better off?

    You know, I used to take solace that, although these things happen among Jews, it is worse among the goyim. Now, with so many of these things coming out
    (abuse, molestation, violence, etc.), I am taking seriously those critics (liberal Jews) who say it is just as bad in the Jewish community – but, “Shhhhh… It will make us look bad.”.

  • Dr. S

    need more surveillance cameras as a few of us have been saying.
    Mental Health issues need to be IMPROVED.
    How many of us really know what postive mental health is, or the lack of it. Most people don’t have a clue that Mental Health is an issue, what is needed, what to do, etc etc.

  • Kensington Crimes

    Yikes! I live a few blocks away from that corner. I was actually a witness to the arrest, wondering what was happening. This is a very scary neighborhood!

  • Need more done

    To 8:

    B”H, unlike yesteryear, community leaders, esp. Dov Hikind have come forth to confront this embarrassing issue. But, like you asked, more needs to be done.

  • why?

    why are there so many things happening especially in crown heights?
    (at least nothing is happening where i live)
    i feel so bad for the people in crown heights, its so unsafe :(:(:(:(


    If i was judge. Stupid $2,500. Bail. ill do TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLAR BAIL! Stupid justices we have in N Y. The judge should loose his license. CHUTZEPAH. A HUNDRED TIMES OVER. CHUTZEBA CHUTZEBA CHUTZEBA.!

  • Where have you been?

    To 14:

    I would think that just reading the article would answer your question. Okay, here is an excerpt to help you out:

    ‘ Chaim Fried, 53, had parked his car at the corner
    of East Second Street and 18 Avenue in Borough
    Park at about 8:30 a.m. Thursday when he
    grabbed the girl’s arm and told her, “Come with
    me!” ‘

  • chaim kletsky

    i am a man who was molested when I was a young boy. this stuff has infected our community. the evil perpetrators are protected. it is so bad there are more who take part in sexual relations with little boys and girls than who do not take part. and those who do not take part cover up for those who do, if your child has ever been alone with the rebbe he/she was most likely molested. wake up people stop ignoring reality. that is why they attack the victims and victims family. they do not want anyone to know. kingston ave might as well be renamed to NAMBLA ave.

  • Gman

    All I know is if my kid was attacked and hurt by somebody let out on a $2500 dollar bond for something so heinous, I would make a statement by making the judge an example.

    • Milhouse

      You won’t talk like that when you’re arrested on some charge. Bail is a *right*, and so long as the state can’t *prove* that there’s a danger to the public, or that the accused person is likely to flee, then the judge *has* to grant bail.