Jewish Boy Brutally Beaten and Pistol Whipped

Inset: The two inch gash right above the victims right eye, the result of being pistol whipped.

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — Two thugs accosted a Jewish boy Monday night, putting a gun to his head and brutally beating him on his head and body. The victim recounted his terrifying ordeal in detail to our reporter.

The incident occurred on Monday night at around 11:00pm on Union Street between Troy and Schenectady Avenues.

Two black assailants in their 20s approached the Bochur, one of them asking if he knows him and pointed a gun to his head. The victim told “I told him to calm down and the guy wacked me in the face with the gun, and the other guy punched me in the nose, and since he had a gun I wasn’t really going to try to fight back.”

“Then he wacked me again on the head with the gun and in the nose, and I fell to the floor and I covered my head. The guy with the gun just kept hitting me in the head and the other guy kept punching me in the head, I guess they were trying to knock me out” recounted the victim with harrowing clarity.

“Finally I pulled out my wallet and threw it to the side and I said enough, and the guys got up took my wallet and ran towards Utica Avenue” he said.

Two black girls who passed by and saw the Bochur all bloodied and beaten called 911 and stayed with him until an ambulance and police arrived.

The Bochur was rushed to Kings County Hospital where he received a staple to the back of his head, and multiple stitches on his forehead and nose. An additional visit the following day to a plastic surgeon was necessary to close up the stitches again.

The mother of the victim urged us to raise awareness that walking alone at night is extremely dangerous, and that girls and boys should always walk in pair, at the very least. She also hopes that this incident will serve as a deterrent to others to stay alert when out at night. “Please, please get off your phones and pay attention to your surroundings” she pleaded.


  • Gun Control

    The answer to this is making gun laws even tighter in NY. If the criminals know that there is no chance of their victims pulling guns on them they would be much more at peace during their night time working hours and their relaxed state of being would allow for a less generous beating to their victims. I think it is our own fault for even wanting the rights to legally carry weapons. I think this can also be avoided by just giving free money to the criminals so that they no longer have to do the tedious work of mugging to earn their bread. How unfair we are as a society, making them do such physically straining activities such as beating people just to make a buck. What a messed up State. I don’t know how many times this statistic has been mentioned here, but States with higher LEGALLY REGISTERED gun owners have lower crime rates. NYC is a retarded place to live.

  • Bentzion

    This story shocks and saddens me.

    I am glad the victim will be ok.

    I hope the criminals who did this are caught immediately and sent to prison for a long long long long long long long time !!!

  • In Israel they all acrry one

    Time to have Concealed Gun Permits for bothe men and woman. Trust me … we will never be attacked again!

  • how is the police handling this

    is this a hate a crime how come you are late to report this.

  • smart boy

    refuah shelaimah. this boy sounds vey smart. good move on throwing the wallet. baruch hashem that they didnt knock him out and that hes around to tell the story and warn others

  • to comment 2

    r u serious??? these guys do it for fun!! calling them sick animals is an understatement. and for you to defend them?? i think you just need to b mugged to realize that these animals do not deserve your pity

  • to comment 2

    and trust me, the animal did not think there was a chance of the bochur pulling a gun on him.

  • Union St Observer

    Bentzion how long is a long long long long time? are you sure you wrote ‘long’ enough times

    how about long to the 10th power. how about long times seven?

    how about longer than long

    maybe you could have wrote longy long long?

    maybe you could have wrote ‘long’ in a different language each time to make it more interesting

    i hope you dont leave another comment here for a long long long long time

  • tired of junk

    If the boy was black and his attempted murderers were white this would be on every paper and riots would be all over. Let alone the attempted murderers would be behind bars. We are tired of the double standard. We need Bloomberg out of office and someone in who will actually fight crime and not bury it!

  • Im with number 5

    Am I missing something? there are police all over…and yet when any incident occurs with african americans its as if oh you fell off a bike whereas if it were the other way around we have to worry about riots…
    Whats happening as a result of this incident!!!

  • to #2

    the constitution gives us the right to carry guns so don’t take it away! putting them in jail for more than a week wold work far better without taking away our rights

  • We are our own worst enemies

    Time for the local landlords from Anash, especially the ugly megulach who lives in the Five Towns away from the mess he makes in CH, to clean up their buildings and start renting to human beings.

  • meyer

    it’s interesting that two black girls called 911 and stayed with the victim until the cops arrived. hate crime for sure but with an up-beat ending.

  • reality

    #2 – Are you implying that they are legal guns?! and if weed is illegal then there wouldn’t be any of that around either?

    We need the cops to STOP focusing on cell phone tickets and START fighting crime!

  • Napoleon Simonetti And Kaker Tamir

    time to end Simonetti Corrupt 71 pct
    since this fat no good Simonetti came to town crime is so high and all the cops do is write tikets and cover up.
    time to say loud and clear Simonetti go away from crown heights. YOU FAILED

  • R- Shlomo In Eretz Yisroel

    Some of your readers wrie in sensible and justifiable comments. I mean numbers 5, 10 and 14. Please keep up thegood work and causes. A Refuah Shleama/ Speedy recovery and no scars and very grateful that your eye was spared any injury.

  • RS

    some good hearted businessman should get us all those cameras at cost price or some gov’t program. SO sorry for this boy, but we all need cameras. May we never need to use them for any incident again.

  • Angry

    These girls should be thanked and praised and

    B please do not insult animals they are worse then the **** on the bottom of the ocean floor

    May they rot in hell

  • Yehuda


  • To #-s 7,8,12 and 16

    You people are just as stupidas your parents and apparently wouldnt know sarcasm even if it hit you in the face. Im going to go out on a limb here and say you went to OT.

    and to number 9. FAIL burn. You my friend are probably even dumber than Bentzion.
    Extend your right hand in front of you, and beat yourself mercilessly.
    Then repeat with the left.



  • iZZY

    If this happenned on monday night how come no one reported it till thursday morn? even now its only on ch info not. I first noticed it on Yeshiva world website.
    now as for my second point I must agree with one previous comment that the fault lies with mayor bloomberg who looks the other way when savages roam our streets with impunity. Bloomberg must go. and lets get a law and order mayor who takes the safety of the people of this town seriously. unfortunately crime has soared under this mayor and he keeps burying his head in the sand as if it wasnt there.

  • Guess what?

    Would anyone think of walking through the African jungle without a gun?

  • mordechai

    We don’t know that it was a real gun, it could have been a BB gun that looks real.
    we need to do a lot of Teshuva, more than we currently do.

    with pain I say nothing happens without approval Min Ha’Shamaim.
    Our hearts feel the pain of the Bochur now, but why it had to be this way.
    B’H he is alive.
    Maybe we should start reaching out to this part of the hood, where all the animals live and
    teach them what is to be, and how to be human.

  • gimme a gun

    so why isnt it on the national news each time black and/or blacks violate the peace
    i personally can cite more than once that a black started a physical fight and the cops responded with a minimal aount of lip service and no follow up

  • Where are the paid guards

    The landlords are out of whack, all the money they are making from the monkey cages and they are not investing in the safety of our neighborhood. We need paid guards, we need to fund the shomrim. This is the responsibility of the land lords, to have ahavos Israel and to help their brothers live in safety.

  • Warning for all

    I wish the victim a heartfelt Refuah Shelaimoh;
    Having said that, as a mother of several young bochurim,, I am literally begging all mothers out there to warn their kids over and over again about the risks and dangers out there: Everyone seems to think it won’t happen to me, only to ”yenem”.
    Nothing can be further from the truth; We are, all of us, AT RISK, each and every time we go out at night; Go out, by all means , if you have to, BUT make sure that there are at least 2 or 3 of you, no matter where and how far you’re going;
    These guys are heartless, fearless. . . . and out to harm and even kill c’v’
    Maybe our kids should be shown the pics of this poor poor bochur, maybe that will be a deterrent for them: PLease lets not wait till something really serious happens c”v; Lets act now and take care of our own;
    Besuros Toivos

  • protect yourselves!!

    i think that kids growing up in crown heights, especially in a dangerous neighborhood where people are accustomed to walking around alone at night, kids need to learn self defense. its not an optional matter, its a must. a strong healthy bachur should be able to properly protect himself from assailants. they should open up some self defense classes for crown heights kids.

  • Sorry to say but...

    Sorry to say but the community counsel is out for one thing and one thing ONLY….. MONEY…. All the money goes straight into their pocket and we the people (who really are struggling) and need the money don’t see a dime!! The only time they will get involved is if it was their own child G-d forbid!

  • Rochel

    It is a mitzvah to defend and know how to defend oneself. We must learn and teach this. Blatantly clear….WE NEED MOSHIACH,NOW!!!!!!!

  • I-m a racist

    not all blacks are bad but most of them are. do you know how they came to amercia? Through the jews, the jews brrought them,

    Whoever black attacks anyone should die!


    Wheres Barry Suger (The Jewish Leadership Council)?

    Wheres Dov Hinkind?

    Where the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council Inc.?
    Where is the intermentlegovel Chanina Sperlin?

    Where are the press conferences?

    Where is the outrage?

    Where is the demand that Inspector Peter Semminetti get the boot?

    If there is a double standard it’s within the Jewish Community.

  • TO #23


  • declasse intellectual

    #2 You are out of your ever loving tree.. No matter mater what kind of gun laws you have, criminals will have always guns. The police cannot be everywhere and on time at any time–the track record in Brooklyn and Crown heights proves this. And, then the so called left wing liberal judges do not put these guys away as they should and they are out on the street. Not just that recently agao, police had to kill a seven time convicted major fellon who was arrested convicted and the judge told him to see a shrink

    My suggestion to those in Crown heights–it is time to learn what to do to protect youself and families: Vahalla Institute and the NRA has a series of dvd’s on how to protect yourself and family and propoerty both without and with a gun. Second, it has been proven more guns–less crimes. Get a permit, a gun and get trainned. Once word gets arouond you see the crime rate drop. Or you can do nothing and be victiums

  • No Criminals means No Crime

    Most of the decent black people in CH, especially the law abiding people of Caribbean origin, hate the thugs more than we do. They have a lot more to lose from them because the sad fact is that someone can mistake one of their teenage children for one of the punks.

    Roy Innis once suggested that the many ex-policemen from the islands who live in Brooklyn should form a volunteer force. I know that there is an association of ex-policemen from one of the islands in CH. When I lived in CH they had a social club opposite Aliya on E. New York. If Shomrim were to work with them, it would also put an end to the mesira gang, because the cops would be hard pressed not to cooperate with a mixed Jewish and black patrol.

  • refuah

    that really sucks!!! ouch!!! refuah shlayma to the bochur and i hope that the people who did this get caught and penilized. bh the bochur wasnt hurt worse.


    please don’t fault the police. I see them all the time stopping cars for not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign, or not signaling when turning…….. they’re only human, they can’t be all over at once……
    Yes, if this weren’t so serious it would really be funny. the crown heights police department is one great big fat joke.

  • samira

    I agree with #13 it’s a shame we continue to gloss over the fact how we have been exploited by our own in crown heights wether it be the slumlords we praise as residential property owner’s or our so called group of community leadership the crown heights community jewish council, all of them have sold us out! if this was june of 1977 this criminal act would of made it to every nyc tv news cast, so what’s changed?

  • meir

    since guns are outlawed in n.y. only outlaws will have them.
    stand up for constitutional carry.

  • yosef

    I carry pepper spray and keep it in my hand while I’m walking if I’m out after 9:30
    and never on the phone that is really dumb

  • i agree!

    to # 3 i want them to go to jail for a long long long long long long long long long

  • Jewish dude

    Another hate crime against frumme yidden. Were is the police we pay there salaries. And they cost us a lot of money.

  • What can we do?

    I think this threat of violence will cease only when either of two things happen. Either the police will be on duty 24-7 in a substantially stringent manner, or Chabad will find a place to dwell in a place that offers more opportunity to not live in constant fear. No place can guarantee such safety, but many places can offer more of it. Some might interpret this option as defeat, but I think sometimes movement is a peaceful and healthy option when lives are threatened in such a way. If money is the primary reason that neither of these is considered, then I think that represents a higher value on money than on life. If the typical response is that “it’s too much trouble”, then I think that represents a higher value on keeping things as they are, than on life. Actually, if a typical response is “why should we move, we have the right to live where we choose”, then I say this: Yes, you have the right to be there, and if you value that right more than you value safety, then stay! But if something isn’t done SOMEHOW, I guess the consequences remain.

  • Amused

    I have one thing to say, we Jews are ******. Its interesting to note how this remains to be a shock to our community. we live in a jungle this should be expected on a daily basis. In the times of colonial America it was expected that when a person left the house there was a good chance he/she wasnt coming home. So either form a well organized militia with gun-carrying and an intimidating presence, or shut up and expect that perhaps you wont come home today. Wake up and smell the coffee.

  • Yossel

    The Rebbe did say that Jews should not abandon Crown Heights. That being said, he also empowered us to build a model Jewish neighborhood, but with all the fighting and money grabbing going on at the top, nothing gets accomplished.

    Our leaders need to get their priorities straight, including our mosdos, Beis Din, and Community Council. Until then, we can’t expect much from our quality of life.

    It’s our choice.

  • Annoyed

    #42 You need a history lesson but ignorance is bliss so before an African American educates you, I challenge you pick up a book and read the origin of slavery and learn how people of color have been brought to this country. It scares me that I respect Jewish culture, shop in Jewish owned stores, exhibit a neighborly spirit and share my life amongst a people that has so many racist members.

    #48 Well put…