By Rocco Parascandola and John Lauinger for the NY Daily News

Rabbi Aaron Raskin of the Congregation B'nai Avraham

A career criminal with more chutzpah than sense was busted Tuesday for stealing from the very Brooklyn Heights synagogue that helped him during times of need, police sources said.

The collar made 30 total arrests for Davis Duvallya, 43, who was first aided by the leaders of Congregation B'nai Avraham several years ago.

Brooklyn Heights Burglar in Police Custody

By Rocco Parascandola and John Lauinger for the NY Daily News

Rabbi Aaron Raskin of the Congregation B’nai Avraham

A career criminal with more chutzpah than sense was busted Tuesday for stealing from the very Brooklyn Heights synagogue that helped him during times of need, police sources said.

The collar made 30 total arrests for Davis Duvallya, 43, who was first aided by the leaders of Congregation B’nai Avraham several years ago.

Duvallya allegedly tried to break into the house of worship Thursday, but was scared away by a cleaner, police said.

He failed to appear in court July 28 to be sentenced for burglarizing the temple on March 3 and stealing a stereo and a charity box containing roughly $50.

Rabbi Simcha Weinstein called yesterday’s arrest a “relief.”

“I feel angry and betrayed, and I hope he can learn the error of his ways,” he said. “Hopefully, we can put this behind us and celebrate the Jewish New Year with comfort and security.”

One Comment

  • Hasgach Protis

    The good part is that maybe the publicity will get more people to join the shull.