CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — A Lubavitcher man was attacked Friday night on his way home from Shul by a group of four Black teens, in an apparent hate crime.

The incident happened at around 9:30pm on President Street between Kingston and Albany Avenues, where the 28-year-old was grabbed by one of the group and put into a headlock or chokehold and the other three began punching him, he was then thrown to the ground and the four began kicking him. A Jewish woman who witnessed the attack began screaming and chased the group off.

Gang Assaults Lubavitcher Friday Night in Apparent Hate Crime

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — A Lubavitcher man was attacked Friday night on his way home from Shul by a group of four Black teens, in an apparent hate crime.

The incident happened at around 9:30pm on President Street between Kingston and Albany Avenues, where the 28-year-old was grabbed by one of the group and put into a headlock or chokehold and the other three began punching him, he was then thrown to the ground and the four began kicking him. A Jewish woman who witnessed the attack began screaming and chased the group off.

The victim then got up and started walking back towards 770 in search of a police officer, which he found near the Shul, and reported the crime. Many officers responded including detectives from the Hate Crimes Task Force who are treating this beating as a hate crime.

In a conversation with the victim told us that throughout the entire attack they did not say a word, and that if not for the woman scaring them off it could have turned out much worse. The victim B”H only sustained scrapes and bruises, and no serious injuries.

Other witnesses came forward and said that as the group fled they were heard laughing. Another pointed out the noticeable absence of any officers on the street, one said “they [police] try to make us feel good by ganging up near 770 making it seem like they are out there, but they are not. How else can such a thing happen and the perpetrators not get caught?”

In response to a question to the victim if he felt it was a bias attack he said “well they didn’t ask for money, and I am Jewish, I cannot see any other reason.”

This incident brings back memories of a very similar attack which took place less then a block away, where a Lubavitcher Bochur, Shmuel Balkany, was attacked by a group of five who shouted racial epithets during the assault. No suspects were ever apprehended in that case.


  • Haimishe

    This happened on the block over by the home of a Vaad Ha Kahol leader. The Mayor and Police Commissioner will take action.


    we need the law out on the streets – if they have to go under cover and blend in with the crownheightsers to catch these people – THEN THAT’S WHAT THEY SHOULD BE DOING TO STOP IT.

  • Toshav hashchuna

    The craziest thing is that after hearing of the attack went out on shabbos around mincha maariv time and took a walk around and guess what there was not a single irish man or officer to be found on all of albany avenue from eastern parkway down to empire nor on kingston, what kind of message is the precient telling us? Oh wait they are around 3 in the afternnon giving a ticket if you fail to signal, send those low lifes home to staten island or bayridge or wherever those cops live, I think will be better off

  • where are the C.O.P.

    the problem with the police is, they either have one officer or two on each corner or don’t have anybody patrolling the streets at all.

    Even if they are not out by numbers at least be out.

  • dan

    We need more video cameras to go up all around CH on every street on every corner its the only way we can catch them and make them pay the price

  • Self Defense

    Would people in Crown Heights be interested in a Self-Defense seminar? I can organize one with a 9th degree black belt in American Karate and American Tae-kwan-doe. It would probably cost 100 dollars per person for a four hour session.

  • Solve crime, employ Yidden at same time

    I agree with Shalom, above.

    The police need to add an undercover project to their efforts, and they should be bearded and dressed as Lubavitcher chassidim, for sure — maybe recruit and train some of our healthy, strong unemployed members of our community for the job.

  • funny

    in middle of crownheights at prime time????

    hopefuly this will stop at the begining of school year!

  • agree

    agree with “solve crime” that some members of our community should be working in the 71st pricint

  • Kol Hakavod

    thanks HASHEM the rebbe and of course the lady who went to save him!!!!!
    this is such a great deed this lady did! KOL HAKAVOD!!!!!

  • tired of idiots

    no, you need to catch the group.. and give them a williamsburg beating..

  • Shana

    I see at least five police officers congregating on only one corner. They should be on every corner!!!!

  • Wake up Yiddin!

    If this were an incident where the roles of the victim and perps were reversed, i.e. “A black man was attacked on his way home from church by a group of 4 Chasidic teens, in an apparent hate crime” can you imagine the outrage, the extent of the news media coverage, the response of the mayor and other public officials, the police dept., “civil rights activists” including Al Sharpton YM“S (v’hu b’rosham…)etc. etc.!

    This is a situation of PEKUACH NEFESH! The next attack could have a much worse outcome R”L! The commmunity askanim on every level need to mobilize and address this situation AGRESSIVELY! I’m afraid they’re too busy figthing each other though… I hope I will be proven wrong!

  • levy

    every one is saying abuot puting more police. i ask and for how long. I think we should not have to live this way somthing has to change.

  • awacs

    “I see at least five police officers congregating on only one corner. They should be on every corner!!!!”

    Maybe they’re afraid of being mugged. :-)

  • fortune teller

    everybody pay the 100 dollars and learn to defend yourself its our only hope


    may i add that, without sarcasim from the reader, why doesnt the community act as Charles Bronson would with/without the gun of course…. you know the quiet streets.. self patrol.. watch out for each other (something new for you) (I know, u r too busy and the kids keep u busy) just try dont depend on the police depend on each other


    seriously the police are chillen and hanging out but don’t realize they actually DO need to be on the look out cuz unfortunately things do happen..this is so scary and makes me want to cry it’s so sad..AD MOSAI?????????

  • category?

    If they are caught, they will bring this to trial. How will they prove it a hate crime if nothing was said? Better if they categorized it as an assault. It’s easier to prove. Are there any cameras near there?

  • Attention getters

    You have to be Hispanic or black to get any press attention around here.
    This was in todays NY Times.

    NEW YORK (AP) — A Hispanic man told investigators he was beaten and robbed in a racially charged attack in a Long Island community where another Hispanic was killed in an alleged hate crime last fall, police said.

  • worried mother

    my daughter was there 16 with her friend and her brother but it was hard because they didn’t know if they had knive or gun
    so they walked towards them to scare them
    it was not easy and very scary for my daughter 7 years old she saw the whole thing. w should have police every where if not we could do our own patrol but more than what we have now
    if the police can’t protect us and our children we have to do it
    so more guy should be in shmira and walk around arrest this roaches and show the police that they are really not doing their job.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    we are all the milouim guys i am sure they didn’t forget what tzahal taught them!!!!!!!!:(

  • me

    oy vey!!!!! not again!!!!!!!! we need mashiach now!!!!!!!!! as for self defense, i think i want to take the offer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • To self Defence

    It’s definitely a positive thing to do and will boost peoples confidence which can be helpful but in all honesty (and i took martial arts for a while) in order for those skills to be useful (especially against a group) you’ll have to be a pro and also Tae-kwan-doe is not the best street form of self defense.

    I know it sounds like I’m just bashing a good idea but really I’m not. I think it should be done but just putting in a little reality check,

  • outraged

    They shouldn’t be hanging out on corners shmoozing with our kids or talking on cell phones. They should be alert & patrolling up & down the streets & spend less time giving tickets for being a 1/4″ over the white lines on same corner.

  • D.A

    A group approached my son when he was returning from shul on shabbos, this was on Carroll between Kingston and Brooklyn, B”H he was at our door and turned in before they could harm him.How can we live in such fear?

  • time to kick some real back

    Yeah one Jewish lady drove all the brothers away. hey lady how about taking on the yeshiva system in CH?

  • Jews to care for jews


    when people tell you that the riots of 1991 came as a direct result from the dismantling of the Jewish patrol in 1987 by Mr. J.B. Spilman you all laugh. and now don’t cry when you all support a bunch of low lives in concert with mr simoneti trying (hl”t) to dismantle the jewish shomrim.

  • ceo

    one day someone is going to see how out of control this situatino is. If you look at this from far, it is just absurd.
    Someone is missing out on getting the job done right.
    The schools are accountable for kids not being dealt with, the police are responsible in many ways, one being that they are not dealing with gang problems (they need to call in someone who is a gang specialist), and our own community has to stop using loshon hora as a extra curricular activity, as well as having the goal within each of us, to pull ourselves together and know that we have to work together.

  • Sholom H.

    Perhaps, it is time for us to move our neighborhood away Crown Heights. The blks do not realize that we bring economic stability here, as well as social and moral stability. If we all as community move out — they will all become like the next harlem.

  • Boruch ben Tzvi (A H)HaKohaine Hoffinger

    Dear tired of idiots wrote:
    I hope the bochur is OK.
    In an Italian (Or other) neighborhood these thugs would be picking up their scattered teeth and crying like babies. That is, if they were still alive.
    (The Rebbe, MH”M wanted to do everything legal. However, when the law doesn’t observe The 7 Noahide Laws and is (As is clear.) generally weak, what should a citizen do?

  • chaya mushka

    well all the problem we have is because we should be teaching in agressive way the 7 mitzvos benei noach ,but we dont do what the Rebbe says.

  • Tired of idiots

    Its very complex according to if your going to draw from the rebbe’s teaching’s, there are serious pikuach nefesh implications, the rebbe drew from shulach aruch or hachayim hilchos shabbos shinm chuf tes of desecrating shabbos in self defense.

    I have walked every inch of CH every hour of the day and night.. was never mugged.. i walkeds to canarsie alonbe friday night, from canarsie to flatbush etc etc etc..

    Stop walking around like a shlemiel, stop being afraid.. theyu thrive on fear.. be loud, be aggresive, scream your head off and pound their teeth in..

    I have friends in the 71st pct, when i come to nyc i tell em “make sure i dont get mugged because i will break their heads open”

  • Fellow Jew

    Why havent the jewish community council together with the city councilman and the police precinct demanded the NECESSITY for surveillance cameras in our community. It doesnt take a scientist to work out or read the crime statistics of crown heights. Camera surveillance is a guaranteed method to PREVENT crime. Isnt that the PRIMARY goal here? It appears NOT especially after continuous crimes, in particular HATE CRIMES are repeatedly inflicted on our community with NO LONG TERM city protection or solution! How shameful!!!!No wonder we have our own POLICE TASK FORCE. THANK YOU TO ALL THE VOLUNTEERS WHO DEVOTE THEIR PRECIOUS TIME TO PROTECT US AND SPEAK FOR US!