Deranged Suspicious Person Attacks Shomrim, Committed

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — It started with a suspicious man loitering on Kingston Avenue and ended off with property destruction and a racial bias crime.

At approx 11:00pm, Sunday Night, a Middle Eastern looking man was spotted walking up Kingston Ave and attempting to break into local stores. Numerous calls from worried residents were made and patrolling Shomrim Volunteers responded and also noticed the man. Additional units were called to the scene to ensure the safety of passerby and stores.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

The man was followed at a distance all the way up Kingston to Eastern Parkway until he crossed over towards Oholei Torah. After noticing the members behind him, the man started getting agitated and began yelling verbal and racial slurs at the Shomrim Units and other Jews.

During his verbal assaults the man ran up to a Shomrim member’s car and broke off his side mirror, and police were quickly called. The man continued to curse out everyone around him and was quick to mention how the Holocaust didn’t do justice, when the police arrived on scene.

The man was quickly evaluated as someone who was not well, and out of pity for the man the Shomrim member elected to have the man committed to the “G” building [Psyche Ward] at Kings County Hospital where he could receive the treatment he needed.


  • Boruch N. Hoffinger

    Out of work, no rent money.
    Room and board at the ‘G’ building.
    Great! Try it!
    (Looks a little like the president. Only
    disparity: bank account.)

  • CN

    At least he’s not a holocaust denier. Why is the G building having pity? He’ll do much more time there just waiting to be seen than he would have done in jail if he had been arrested.

  • scary!

    oysh, this looks like something serious!, i think they should have arrested him and question him, especially if hes middle eastern looking!
    Hashem Yishmoir!

  • ceo

    is someone going to watch this guy and make sure he’s staying in G? We need to know. They better keep him in.
    I was just thinking…..for all the weird behavior on part of the police, that they are not doing much to protect us, I feel sorry for THEM as well, because it gives a message to them that they can get away with things, which ultimately puts the police in a more precarious situation…..

  • Torah Observant non Judegmental

    That guy is Middle Eastern Looking like
    Don’t you know a South Asian person when you’re looking at one? If he isn’t Indian, Pakistani, bangladeshi, etc., I’ll eat my kippah.

  • Menachem

    What’s with the comparison to the President, mister hoffinger? Are you nuts or just on leave from Building G yourself?

  • Quality Punishment

    At least he is getting some real punishment by sending him to the Kings County psych ward. If anyone has been reading the stories lately of what goes on there, we will probably never hear from him again

  • fed up

    we all complain about anti-semitism is there a way that we as a community and the writers of can be a little less racist. If we are going to racial profile…don’t complain when people call us dirty jews.