Rabbi Yossi Jacobson speaking at the Beis Shmuel Melava Malka in 2010.

As reported previously, the Rabbi of Beis Shmuel-Chabad in Crown Heights, internationally renowned lecturer Rabbi Yossi Jacobson, is stepping down from his post after several years of service.

Rabbi’s Departure Highlights Beis Shmuel Troubles

Rabbi Yossi Jacobson speaking at the Beis Shmuel Melava Malka in 2010.

As reported previously, the Rabbi of Beis Shmuel-Chabad in Crown Heights, internationally renowned lecturer Rabbi Yossi Jacobson, is stepping down from his post after several years of service.

This past Shabbos was Rabbi Jacobson’s last behind the Shul’s pulpit. In his farewell speech, he said he would leave the congregants of the Shul with a few life lessons; these included: To be honest, to be a Mentch, and not to be a hero to the world while neglecting your family.

The speech struck many congregants as surreptitiously explaining the reasons for his departure, as it has become known that the behavior of the Shul’s administration and several congregants toward him were what caused the Rabbi to reconsider his role within Beis Shmuel.

These issues reflect the broader deterioration of this once-proud Shul. Over the last few months Beis Shmuel lost a significant portion of its core membership, with many citing the internal politics and strife as the reason for their departure. Longtime Gabbai Dudi Farkash resigned from his post as well, although he remains a member of the congregation.

One congregant related how he had fallen on hard times financially, and approached the Shul leaders and congregants for assistance – only to be ignored by the former and mocked by several of the latter.

While it remains to be seen what will happen to the congregation without their beloved Rabbi, most agree that the Shul’s direction must be radically reversed for it to remain a viable place to Daven and learn in the future.


  • sympathetic

    Being as I am experiencing hard times as well I’m sympathetic to the member who was mocked by the congregants. If it’s true it shows how superficial Beis Shmuel people are. I have’t approached anyone in my shul or any of my friends for help but I don’t live a fancy lifestyle at all. I can’t pay my regular bills so I don’t have money for nice vacations, top tickets to Barclays center, a summer home in evergreen or even a nice evening out.

  • Ezzie Schaffran

    Your comments and supposed insight is way off target. I have seen the wonderful actions of many memners of BS. I have seen Moshe Pinson first hand deal with very difficult and serious situations and I can say that he is a tzadik. MF and LW are two more pople that without fanfare have helped many people within and without teh CH community. In these tough time you should be hesitant to write LH like this. If you stand by your reckless and divisive comments why would you write this anonymously. I am sure that the people at BS will not comment so I have chosen to do so in thier place.

  • shul=club

    it was never a place to daven, it was a bunch of bullies who was there from the start and just turned into a playpen for a shabbos club while some congregants took it as a serios place to go and daven with a chair and AC they were only looked at as the poor-per piggy packers of the shul. unfortunately this led younger guys looking for fun to start their own clibs in ch…
    RULE – if a shul is not created for the purpose to worship hashem and ONLY that! then it will not turn into a healthy environment.

  • nuts

    Very sad that CHI has resorted to this. Beis Shmuel is full of very generous and giving people, many without any fanfare. This accusation is ridiculous.

  • Chaloimois

    I am not sure who write this article. But being a member of the shul I can assure that perhaps there are not enough handouts, but I am sure that no one was made fun of. I am not sure that Dudi resigned and Sam stern did not take the position of Dudi F as Dovi M took that position. The rabbis leaving The rabbi did not talk about it at all. and I dont think people should assume, as we all know what happens when you do.

  • have seen a lot

    they started as lowering standards in ch, now they have been outdone.

    its time we support real shuls. with serious rabbonim,

  • Old Friend

    While I have no idea what is going on at Beis Shmuel, I know that Moshe Pinson, like his mother A“H and his father sheyichye, has always been dedicated to helping people. I also know Duddy Farkash, and all I can say is that he also does much good for others. This sounds like an internal dispute, or perhaps a sign the shul has gotten too big and should just split to avoid further disputes, but it really should not make the ”pages” of this site.

  • FSN

    I have worked with MP many times and he is the most honest person out there.

    I guess many people our jealous of his Success in Askonis and doing so many projects.

    There is no need to write good things about MP because his actions talk more than works. He is a man of action not sitting and typing anonymous crap here.

    Moshe will finish the mikvah thats all that counts. I have given him and arranged for him over 100K for the mikvah and am proud of it!!!

  • MG


    As an outsider looking in and trying not to be critical I’m sorry to say the first two people are correct. Beis Shmuel has turned into a ‘survival of the fittest’ shul. The haves look at the have-nots like not being worthy of being in their presence. They don’t know the pain of their brothers. The have-nots are just as proud, just as ‘normal’, and just as smart as the haves- the only difference is, the have-nots have either made choices that turned out to be wrong, haven’t had the mazal yet to make a go at things, or just haven’t been born (or married) into the right families. Have-nots are downtrodden as is. A helping hand, a nice smile and an encouraging ‘vort’ can go a long way. Maybe business advise and assistance and networking – hey that wouldn’t hurt too!

  • disappointed

    Unfortunately the symptoms in Bais Shmuel are part of a wider problem. Yes many of the members are stuck up & selfish etc. but they are not alone! It is a typical attitude throughout Crown Heights between the haves & the have nots etc.!

  • g-d bless the rabbi

    Ego and empty, is how i would describe most people that daven in that shul, rabbi jacobson thought he can change that but when he saw he cannot figured it was time to move on

  • Something smells

    B’Chlal, beis Shmuel was created tonfill a need, the question is what that need ws, is or was supposed to be. The history is simple. MP needs to raise money, and live a comfortable life. So let’s create a center where MP will the the founder and president, di gentler macher, and knacker! Let’s not forget the name, beis shmule, andthe original group of emeseh chassideshe yungeleit, who wanted to creat a real shul, based on ahavas yisroel, chassishkeit, what happened to them?, well not even one stayed with beis Shmuel, but the namesake stayed, and I am sure R Mule would take his name off if he could. Today its a party house, things got out of hand, so they bring a Rabbi to make Alz kosher! Remember the old joke of a congregant caught by his Rabbi eating treif, the Rabbi told him I was watching u the whole time in the restaurant, so the cngregent said, so what’s the matter, it was under rabbinic supervision, so too beis Shmuel brings in the Rabbi, but even then the partying masheh, tons of money being spent on sushi and carpets, no wonder why he is leaving, even if he is b’etzem with “them” past em night, so vaiyer geforen,,,, but the party goes on. If any readers don’t believe em, just see for yourselves, what a shabbos ravening looks like in beis Shmuel! One wouldn’t even know what parsha t is, they are so busy with kiddush, before and after kriah, and talking loshon hora. The proof is in thenpudding, the original chassideshe yungeleit long left, the Rabbi, is out, and now the party will really begin….

  • a member

    Aye Aye Aye. What a pity. A Shul that started with so much blessings and Kedusha. A shul that had real and sincere youngerleits, a shul that reached to so many of us came to implode because of Korach Vehadaso.
    Shame on us that we allowed a few individuals to make a Churban for everyone.
    Let the leaders repent before He (and they) cant no longer recover.

  • Kudos

    Kudos to CrownHeights.info for addressing the message that need to be said out loud, and what most leaders of our communities are too weak and too afraid to address.

  • Itchie Gross

    So long as the article that you posted and the sources that you quote remain anonymous. There is no reason to justify any part of this post with a response. Except to say that everything that was written is a lie and is a sleazy attempt to further make “machlokes”and divide the rebbe’s community.

    rabbi Jacobson remains a very integral and loved member and leader of the Bais Shmuel family. He remains at the ready to help the shul and it’s members anyway he can. Including giving multiple classes throughout the week and helping members work through private matters with the utmost of dignity and respect. That was the rest of the speech that he made on Shabbos. That your poster so callously left out. There is nothing but love and admiration for rabbi Jacobson from all the members of the shull and I am 100% sure that he feels exactly the same.

  • Look at Truth....

    This sounds like a vendetta from some former not so happy member/s of Beis Shmuel.

    While every Shul has its plusses and minuses, Moshe Pinson has single handedly created the Shul era in Crown Heights, Moshe and Congregatio BS were the first Young Shul in Crown heights to open up and look how many have opened since then… while some might argue that it was inevitable but facts are facts.

    I have seen time and time again the great things that Moshe and many other members of Beis Shmuel are capable of doing and helping others.

    while yes they may be more lavish then other, and dont hide it, its also not your place to count their money and decide for them how they want to spend their money, and just becaus they go and spend lots of money on Gashmiyus for Simchas Torah it does not mean they dont do many many times over for wonderful helpful things.

    so the writer of the article, just admit that you have a grudge against Moshe and Beis Shmuel and reveal your name to the article as everyone already has figured it out…

    its just like spitting at someone in middle of the street walking home from Shul on Shabbos.

    as community we should look at all the good that is done by the members of this and other Congregation’s and not shield our eyes from what may not be that good and our lives will be that much better….

    take care ouf your yourself and those who love you most before you go out to “FIX” the wirld….

  • History is Set in Stone

    @ 23

    MP did NOT create Beis Shmuel! Muleh Mochkins son did when he wanted to establish a new Minyan in his fathers memory, MP hijacked that minyan and now we have this BS.

    Everything else about MP is fine and good, but dont go and try to rewrite history please.

  • Nosson Blumes

    Usually I do not write, promote or publize my opinions on such forums, but now I am making an exception.

    I have been davening and a member of beis Shmuel for over 8 years. I have seen it grow into a caring, loving community, with a diverse arrange of chassidim, all there for one purpose. To be in an eviroment that is not political, no agendas other then to try and strengthen our yiddishkeit, become better chassidim and feel part of a greater community.

    I have been witness, and a recipient of many great things beis Shmuel has to offer. I highly doubt that there is another shul in CH, that cares so much for it’s members, stands there when there is a time of need, and does many great chassodim in ways of gemachs, helping for yom tov, and yes even a simple good morning is everything ok?.

    I have the highest regard for Moshe Pinson, and have seen him as a true friend, and one of the few you can call on for a favor, and actually feel like yor doing him a favor by letting him help you!

    And that goes on with many many of the Shuls board, gabbais and members.

    What I see, I know, and I see much good in beis Shmuel!

  • dumps

    Beis Shmuel is in the dumps now – it will just become another extension of the modern orthodox CH community (more than it was before)

    Good luck to my friends in CH, I hope your grandchildren are Jewish

  • Amazing Place!

    I am a little dazed by all these bold words in this article… I personally received help from Beis Shmuel and everyone treats like a mentch, although I am poor and have nothing to offer them. I do not pay membership or donate any money, yet, I am treated by everyone there like one of them. I never felt looked down upon, just love.

    Just like all other orgs in our neighborhood are suffering from a cash flow, I imagine so are they. Some of the wealthier members either moved out of town or are on empty, but if they would be able to, I am sure they would help with open hands.

    In addition all shuls should learn from Beis Shmuel how to learn Torah. The amount of learning opportunities for men and women is second to none. Daily Shiurim, a gemarah shiur, an in depth shiur in Likutei Sichos.

    Nothing beats them!

  • member

    Mr. Farkash did not resign, he was terminated for inappropriate conduct. Additionally, BS as a community helps more individuals and organizations than any other shul in ch. That is a fact. This article sounds to be the gripes of a jelous individual.

  • Melamed Family

    I feel that this is a smear campaign against those that are jealous from the President Street Mikvah.

    President Street Mikvah lacks rabbinic oversight, an environment of cleanliness and is dearth in Mikvah ladies that have the proper etiquette.

    We should learn from Mr. Pinson on how to run a beautiful project! Love and caring for every detail. A strong willpower to stand against all odds in building a beautiful edifice and all this without besmirching the other side!

    Kol Hakavod!

  • @24 from 23.

    Forget about who “created” the name of the Shul… who made the Shul and all the good it does for many people is definitely not Muleh’s son.

    Some people only know how to givea name and then “create” controversy and let others deal with the pile, and others like MP say ill deal with the ple and clean it up….

    so Kudos to Muleh’s son for creating the Shul & then further kudos to him for leaving because he disagreed with what was going on , at the end of the day you can argue that he tried to work things out or was forced, but thats just a argument… and at the end of the day there are very good people in BS who do lots of good and many many people are just jealous.

    and to all the other hatemongers out there, im surprised nobody has gone to to task about the tznius comments, i thought that would be the first stupidity you all hatemongers would start with!!!


    another extention of hatemongers but because of all the good moshe does he will prevail as its said “ a little light pushes away alot fo darkness” and unfortunately our neighborhood needs more people who bring light to push away all the dark hatemongers in our comunity.


  • disgusted

    my mother went to a class that was given for the women of bs…(haha bs is their initials) she arrived and was told it was only for the members…seriously? you turn someone away on a shabbos afternoon from hearing divrei torah? shame on u b.s.! thats waht you are b.s.

  • Eidel

    While my usual opinion of these malicious articles are a profanity laced grumble under my breath, this one really takes the cake. There is no need for any hurtful comments about people who work so hard for the good of others. Thank G-d they all have thick skin and won’t be affected by these awful comments. Moishe you rock! Rabbi Jacobson you rock, and you’ll be sorely missed. Now if you’ll allow me to return to my yacht so I can attend to my numerous diamond mines and oil wells. I’d like to ensure we have another sushi bedecked kiddush this week.

  • interesting observation

    all the bais shmuel comments are proudly posting their names and ready to back up their comments. why dont u cowardly haters do the same instead of hiding behind ur pathetic comments? oh, because you are cowardly haters….

  • question to ponder:

    MP, if you are so good. If you are such a Malhach (as previous posts almost suggest), MP, if your deeds are so good and you are the Chosid you pretend to be (at least befarhesiya), how come so much Machlokes, so much hatred, so much fighting comes out of your doings? (and please don’t tell me its the Maasei Satan, just you look in the mirror, you will see him there).

    Maybe its time for a real Cheshbon Nefesh, if your cronies can allow you to do the right thing for once.

  • Jew Lover not hater....

    Haters will be haters… when fellow yidden are being persecuted in cold blood, this is what you lowlife scum sit and scheme and plot against fellow yidden who have a beautiful shul and community. SHAME ON YOU!!!! think long and hard about what your rechilus and nivul peh are causing. May Hashem bless you that you should climb out of your jealousy and hatred.

    A fellow Jew and Human lover…..

  • Eitan G

    This article is a poor excuse for journalistic work. The anonymous author makes unsubstantiated statements of fact, and weaves recklessly between wild conjecture and specious diatribe.

    During the last several years, I enjoyed attending Rabbi Jacobson’s weekly shiurim at Beis Shmuel. I am grateful to Rabbi Jacobson, Moshe Pinson and to Beis Shmuel for facilitating this important forum for learning in the Crown Heights Community. I wish Rabbi Jacobson only the best in his future endeavors.

    Eitan G

  • lashon hara

    i know nothing about bs, but this article is definitely lashon harah.
    not appropriate! like someones trying to get bck at someone so they’re using the internets publicity…

  • Tammy

    Weather or not any of these accusations are true is irrelevant, this article should have never been written is a chilull Hashem and you don’t publicize your dirty laundry, this article will do nothing to help. Chi please delete it, thanks

  • Captain abandoning ship

    I always thought that when the ship is sinking, the captain is the last one to leave. If the shul is sinking, does the rabbi abandon ship???

  • To number 30

    Your are partially correct. He left the board not the shul. If you come there you will note that he still frequents.

  • Out-of-towner

    The only comments with names are pro BS. ’nuff said. Anonymous comments are useless me’ikara.

  • To number 34

    I don’t usually comment but if you are trying to knock someone for benefit to no one, I think you deserve to be put in your place.
    It just happens that MP has been mekarev a lot of members. Today I can proudly say that there are people that are shomrei shabbos due to the hard work of MP. There are people that can call shul home because of MP, as opposed to not going to shul on shabbos. and the same are true for the shuls that have popped up after BS. Just by the way the machlokes is not within the shul, it if from the outside.
    This is not the place to go in to detail for it, however there were many many people (without yichus or connection) that were helped in time of need. I don’t know of a bigger thing than to help yidden in gashmius and ruchnius.
    BTW what is your point in knocking MP?

  • who is a real captain?

    nunber 39 assumes there was a real captain. Only the Rebbe can lead the Schuna

  • Not to be a hero to the world..

    ..While neglecting family. Wise words which bring up the question every one in the ‘hero’ business should ask themselves: Why am I doing this? Is it for the ego trip and in order to bond with certain types of guys? If you find yourself overriding the needs of your family so you can have the adventure, excitement and honor of saving the world, if you find yourself talking about or disrespecting the people you ‘help’, then kindness is not your motivating factor. If your deeds were UNKNOWN you wouldn’t be motivated to do them and your great, self sacrificial acts are being done for no one but YOU. No problem. Maybe eventually when you become more mature, you’ll be real. But for now, while you go rushing out in the middle of the night just know who you really are and don’t be a hypocrite at least to yourself.

  • Can-t take the heat

    The rabbi can’t take the heat so he quits. I thought he had more intestinal fortitude. Never thought of him as a quitter.

  • dr.

    this is irresponsible hearsay. I know you have to report, but look how we are so bitter over the world’s inappropriate news reporting. We have to have some dignity.
    The mispallel who you say was mocked by the congregants……NOBODY knows exactly what happened with that. It is just a small part of the story. There are so many more details not known and so how can you just make up a story and assess it without any intelligent information.
    We are children of the Rebbe, we must conduct ourselves with dignity.
    As well, the ikkar here is not to provide news to the point where you are on the verge of sharing dirty laundry. That is not our way. If you change it, you are just as guilty as the people who are changing the tzanua level and taking that into their own hands as well. The Rebbe is in this, have respect and be dignified.

  • A Lubavitcher

    How emarrasing how much hate here, NO I am not a member of Bais Shmuel! Just can’t believe the comments here! Why????? Why do random people from CH care about internal issues BS is having? Just awful comments and mentioning of specific names? מוציא שם רע? For what? Do u get pleasure of this horrible Lisbon horah and propaganda against specific individuals?
    Worry about your own flaws and leave people alone.

  • mother

    why is there a mens board for a girls mikvah and they are all from BS, get a board of elder respected frum women. put people that you trust not people who have money, they can advise the board when it comes to financial matters.

  • Sruly

    Everyone must agree that BS does serve a great number of people in the community, and everyone can agree that MP is a tremendous person, that does great work, now let’s focus on the the issues that lay ahead.

    1. Rabb Yossi Jackobson is the greatest thing Lubavitche has today, and the BS community took advantage of the diomond they had ( yes they will justify the abuse they gave him with all sorts of ratinalizations ).

    2. The Shul needs a Rov, cause a Shul without a Rov is a party headquarters, so now when they choose their next rabbi, they must make rules on how to respect him that children growing up will know what it means to have KOVOD HATORAH and KOVOD HARABONIM, two things that are very foreign in this community.

    3. A example of some of the rules should be the following
    1. When the Rov comes in to Shul Everyone stands up.
    2. When the Rov speaks nobody makes any noise.
    3. When someone, or people feel the Rov did something wrong, they tell him ONLY PRIVATLEY how they feel not in a public forum.
    4. If someone is Chutzpadik to the Rov he’s thrown out of shul (even if he’s the biggest donor) untill a proper apology is made etc…..

    I saw first hand how all the above mentioned rules were not kept, and that’s the reason why he’s stepping down.
    I wish them all much Hatzlocha, and it’s time they focus more on the Shul then a second women’s Mikva!!!!!!

  • Why BS need a mikveh ???

    on kingston and eastern parkway
    this evening of Not very dressed lady’s
    are this madam’s in need of a mikveh ???
    yes i understand MP needs to make a living
    and his contractor the graduate of the state of new york accommodation.

  • The Truth

    Yes Bais Shmuel has done some excellent work, yet if we take a step back there is reason to argue that BS is the cause of many of the problems we are now facing in crown hts, eg tzinus shaved beards, whilst before someone who didn’t want to conform would move out to another neighborhood, bais shmuel has made these people feel comfortable in crown heights and has also made it acceptable which in turn has led many more young men and woman to follow down this modern road, so yes many good things have come out from the creation of BS however in my opinion long term it has done more bad then good by legitimizing many of these modern and non lubavitch shtick.

  • really??!!

    analyzing these comments , especially the ones coming from long time bs members who are still declaring their love for rabbi Jacobson ( human nature is to feel betrayed at a deserter and defiantly not keep them there part time after they left u)makes wonder if he indeed left on his own accord , or is it that bs can’t afford him full time anymore ?!

  • Ruth Reid

    People! People! People!
    Will all the unhealthy angry people who are letting out their frustrations here, GO GET A SHRINK!!! Bais Shmuel is a respectable shul whom dozens can attest to. So cut it out and get a grip!! YOU Are ignorant or misinformed and should keep your comments to yourself!
    Bais Shmuel Rox! Can’t wait for the new mikvah so many of them have been raising funding for!!! They have a bright future ahead! Rabbi Jacobson, Much hatzlacha in your future! We will miss you!!!

  • did you say hareini today????

    this is all so funny.

    to number 50, dont know where you are living or what planet you come from but the mikvah on union street has a all womens board so good luck to that.

    to all other who love moshe so much that you are williing to ostracize him so much and drag him through the mud and make so much out of him i look forward to the shabbos morning you come to shul with a big smile on your face because your wife just went to the new beuatiful mikvah and did not have to wait an hour for her tuen and when she waited 5 minutes it was in a beautiful lush bathrobe that you would never buy for her because you would rather give it to some orginization that promotes machlokes…

    you all are so stupid… if you ever need anything just go to moshe if he tells you to go to another source then you must be a real villain…. i have never seen moshe not help someone who needs help…


  • shloime freundlich

    To 31 I dont belove your mother was ever told not to come to a shir tell me time and place.The Shir e mail says bring a friend .To 18 Moshe Pinson is a good man when my father pased away on the eve of Passover he flew to London with me to be with me in my pain .Guys in the shul with S kopstines help got me a Bussnes class tiket to London .Moshe trys to help I have got him out of bed to sit and cry or talk to him .So thinga are hard now but we will overcome, it is cowardly to kick someone when they are in a hard time .And CAY loves BS they are 2 good places helping pepole .Half of you dont know what CH is like the sub culture etc show some love

  • Just saying

    I think that it was the Rabbi himself that asked for assistance and was blown off… The congregant in the story related that “he” meaning the rabbi, not the congregant himself…

  • shloimme freundlich

    Muleh’s son is still there ,there is “chasdiher yugerlight” there who learn each Shbbos at the back Mamorim etc Muleh,s son is one of them ,And CAY is Chabad, Rabbi C Denebeim told me he goes to the Ohel and asks the Rebbe to help him that he is doing the truth and what the Rebbe wants he is a good Jew ,pleses dont be naive to 52 please dont talk like that about women in BS

  • shloime freundlich

    To 31 I dont belove your mother was ever told not to come to a shir tell me time and place.The Shir e mail says bring a friend .To 18 Moshe Pinson is a good man when my father pased away on the eve of Passover he flew to London with me to be with me in my pain .Guys in the shul with S kopstines help got me a Bussnes class tiket to London .Moshe trys to help I have got him out of bed to sit and cry or talk to him .So thinga are hard now but we will overcome, it is cowardly to kick someone when they are in a hard time .And CAY loves BS they are 2 good places helping pepole .Half of you dont know what CH is like the sub culture etc show some love

  • Moishy fan!

    Clearly there are some people who have nothing but hatred in their hearts for people they clearly have not met! If you EVER met Moishy you would have ONLY nice things say about him! He ONLY cares about what is real and true and if you think for 1 second he is running bs and opening a Mikva for money fame and glory you do not know Moishy! He is at the ohel 4:30 most mornings and I assure you not to pray for himself! Moishy don’t listen to these pathetic haters! You are amazing and you make the rebbe and your mother soooo proud! Every day every second!

  • to #51

    To #51. You are right about a real Rov, but Rabbi Jacobson was simply a lecturer, not a learned Rov in the traditional sense. There is not a single lubavith shul where people stand up for the rabbi. Finally, the rabbi must be held accountable for putting his interests before the interest of the shul. FYI, in the case you mentioned, it was the Rabbi who escalated it, perhaps because he knew he was wrong.

  • #51

    Really. I guess than you are the Rabbi. If what you say is true than the rabbi will assume another local position.


    I regularly davened in Beis Shmuel. I decided to leave and dedicate my life to shlichus. I came back on the weekend of the Kinus. Not even my cousin (the blond litigator ZS) could other to say more than good Shabbos. He just sat drinking with his buddies (none who davened as they call came in late) and that was that. The shul has become a liquid bar and apart from Rabbi YJ, there is no spiritual substance. If there was anything other than this to be true, Rabbi YJ himself would write a response to defend his community. But they are not his community. Not the community that he raised and nurtured. Sad.

  • understandable

    Stupid people say stupid things, and liars….lie.
    It is therefore easy to understand who and why the article was written.

  • Ezzie (ok I a family)

    it seems like the only person at BS that isnt hated is Shimmy. Long live the kiddish manager.

  • to 52

    just because moshe pinson made a mikva dosent mean it for bs how many men mivkas are there over 100 women need more then 1 mikva

  • Proud Bais Shmuel Mom

    For those who love to hate, for whatever reasons, please turn on your news station. You will find plenty of misery, much of it directed at fellow Jews. Must we also turn on each other?

  • my two cents

    I don’t know much about BS, so I won’t comment on that shul itself.

    What I will say; is I go to another large CH shul and am often mocked, belittled etc. etc. by those “elite”…. The funny thing is, the leaders of that shul are refined mentshen and many of the mispalelim happen to be jerks.

    At the end of the day, people must be judged individually. Some are ultra mentshlich and others are ultra cruel. Don’t get angry at shuls, rather where justified, direct that towards the individual. And people in CH shuls; CH is a jungle, so when you see the mistreatment of a fellow, say something! I saw a fellow shamed in public for no good reason, which left him so embarrassed, he left shul in middle of davening. I was horrified to see that nobody cared.

  • Old Friend

    If there were no Beis Shmuel, some of the mispalelim there would no longer be shomer Shabbos at all – and they would remain in CH anyway because we don’t throw people out (whether we should or should not is not a topic for this thread).

  • Good? Bad? Confused?

    Rabbi Jacobson was the best thing that Shul had. It is a loss to the Shul and those that daven there. When the news was posted it was interesting to read the comments about how the Rabbi has to realize that Shlichus starts right here…. It forces us to all see that the congregation and very good people there did not realize they had the diamond in their field. Now that the diamond is moving to a new field, of course the thorns are rising. 71 comments later – all sound the same. people yelling, people saying how nice…they all have the same underlying point. Men Darf Teshuva Tahn.

  • response to #26

    I am baffled at your comment, If I had the time in my day I’d write a kovetz just countering your moronic comment, I am not a CH’er and have never davened in Beis Shmul and I like to think am not a very judgmental person but you just sound like a bitter person, BH I have been to CH countless times and have many friends there and A) Its a lovely place thriving on yiddishkeit (majority), I dont know any community where you’ll see more bochrim and youngeliet in hats and jackets with a chitas in tow, definitely not my community, B) Rabbi Freundlich from Beijing once told me that over 50% of shluchim are composed of at least one CH’er and 96% were at some point educated in CH (that number would be 100% if not for a handful of Israeli Shluchim) C) To you Mr. or Mrs. Halike #26 I would like to give you a sincere blessing that one day not just your grandchildren but your children and your grandchildren all end up marrying wonderful frum lubavitchers from CH and all end up living in what OUR Rebbe called “Kan Tzivah Hashem Es Habracha!” and if its a good fit for them maybe even end up daving in Beis Shmul, all the best and have a blessed day!

  • to 53

    i daven at b.s. every one has beards except maybe 2or 3 ppl so u dont know what u talking about

  • Stop this bickering.

    A message to BS admin
    Just get yourselves another rabbi who is half as good as Rabbi Jacobson and move on.
    Treat him well. Set rules for your minyan that will enhance the davening and chassidishkeit.
    Rabbi Jacobson will be grabbed up by another worthy congregation, and he will continue with his wonderful work.
    Sholom al Yisroel.