Oholei Torah Sees Faculty Changes for New Year
Oholei Torah’s elementary and Zal divisions saw some faculty changes for the new school year. A Mashpia and Magid Shiur were hired for Zal, and a new principal for grades 3 and 4.
Rabbi Pinchus Rapaport, a teacher in Oholei Torah, has been hired as a principal for the 2nd and 4th grades. Rabbi Rapaport had previously served as a principal for the same grades for over 15 years. He will be replacing outgoing principal Rabbi Zalman Goldstein.
Over 900 students are enrolled in the elementary division for this coming school year.
Two new staff members were hired for the Zal. Rabbi Shloime Kaplan, originally from Montreal, Canada, will serve as a new Magid Shiur in Nigleh.
Rabbi Shmuel Shor, who is a Crown Heights native, will serve as a Mashpia and will be giving Chassidus Shiurim. He will be replacing Rabbi Shlomo Sternberg.
Oholei Torah’s Zal boasts some 230 students enrolled for this year of studies.
Just saying
There are 184 students in shir daled and 43 total in first second a third shir.
The only reason zal is still open is becuse up until 4 years ago OT had a monopoly on shlichis this has changed but most boys don’t know that.
Less then half of bochrim from OT get shlichis
Big shoes to fill
May the new appointees have much hatzlachah and succeed in filling the shoes of the outgoing rabbis. A tall order, but Oholei Torah should not lower it’s level of quality.
May OT see hatzlachah from the new staff!
Summer Vacation
How many days left until summer vacation, let’s start counting down the days.
It’s about time that our Yeshivas start considering getting rid of this so called summer “vacation”.
Rabbi Shmulik Shur! Who would have guessed! OT strikes gold!
hatzlacha to everyone
Whoever got rabbi goldstein and rabbi Sternberg are super lucky!!!! A real loss for OT
well well
Call of the new Magidei Shiurim :D
ETZ Haim
Finally payback time for Rabbi Sternberg. They hanhalla finally got their wish. They have been waiting for this since the previous story.
to #5
Yes! You are 100% correct. Our mosad feels very very very lucky to have rabbi goldstein. He is amazing. In just two weeks you should see what he already accomplished.
sternberg and goldstein are very missed!
Agree with #5. Huge loss to OT. No one can fill their shoes!
It seems that the mashpiim in OT all come with titles, they even have a mashpia emeritus, what happened to bitul heyesh?
A mashpia is a mashpia, not a war of titles…..
To Number 1
you say “less then half the bochurim get shlichus”
Lets look at 5774 shall we.
160 Bochurim were on the paper for shlichus and there were just under 190 bochurim in shiur daled, so do the math… i think that comes to over 85%…
And what do expect for the others that never showed up…
I don’t disagree that they dont have a monopoly, but get your facts straight.
R. Shmulik Shur is capable of being the Mashpia of Lubavitch. He is learned in both Nigleh and Chassidus. He is smart, Aidel, very approachable and down to earth. Hopefully there are some Bochurim out there that will appreciate him and take advantage of this opportunity.
A real loss for Oholei Torah. Rabbi Goldstein was an amazing Menahel. and Rabbi sternbers was a incredible Ibergegeben Mashpia.
who is a magid shiur?
one who learns well, or one who teaches well
This article fails to mention the NEW non-Jewish bus drivers, driving Oholei Torah buses.
Why are there non-Jewish bus drivers, what happened to the Jewish ones, why did they leave and why can’t OT find new JEWISH drivers?
Shame on you OT Vaad for allowing this to happen!!!
I agree with you
Why are goyim driving our kinderlach?!
I understand how you feel
just be happy don’t worry about it life has got to move on