Close to final count stands at 992 votes to Rabbi Braun, and 895 to Rabbi Bogomilsky, with and 63 to Rabbi Chaviv. As it stands Rabbi Yossi Braun appears to be the Rov elect for the Crown Heights community.

FINAL: Rabbi Yossi Braun is the 3rd Rov in CH!

Close to final count stands at 992 votes to Rabbi Braun, and 895 to Rabbi Bogomilsky, with and 63 to Rabbi Chaviv. As it stands Rabbi Yossi Braun appears to be the Rov elect for the Crown Heights community.

We would like to take this opportunity and wish Rabbi Braun a hearty Mazal Tov on his election to this important position.


  • chaim

    once a rov is elected
    it is important, mature and responsible to
    all be behind him.
    you don’t have to love him
    you do have to respect him
    he is now yr rov. this is maturity.

  • Shana Tova

    Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov. May this herald a new begining of peace in the Rebbes Shechuna.

  • A Chossid

    As a supporter of Rabbi Bogomilsky, i would like to urge my friends to show Rabbi Braun the respect we would have expected his supporters show Rabbi Bogomilsky had he won.

  • jack lotzky smiled

    lester losch congratulates everybody who won an dat iz da hole kran heyts komunity shlimazel TOVVVVVVVVVV

  • It is Erev Rosh Hashana

    As he is the new Rov based on the comments up till now, it is Hashem Yerachem!!!!! The fact is the Kahal elected a new Rov, and I think the first stand they should take as a bais din is to bring back a little respect, and stop all Bizoy Talmidei Chachomim that go on in the comments of these blogs!!!! Who is taking responsability for this????
    The Hashem yerachem is that we all scream Rebbe, and then we post things, and things are allowe to be posted on blogs, that would never be posted or allowed to be posted b-4 gimmel Tammuz.
    All the israeli chabad Websites do not have comments, as the rabbonim forbade it, I think that would be a good start for this bais din.


    The Rebbes Shluchim in Sydney will now have some peace.

  • to

    It’s only right, now that he is elected, not to allow any disrespectful comments.

  • Mazal Tov!

    There sems to be a clear winner – with real margin. PLEASE LTS PUT AN END TO THIS CHILDISH FIGHTING!!! Lets open a new chapter in Crown Hights.

    the whole comunity (almost) voted. Time to begin healing…. Let us work hard to bgin this long process

  • Inda Know

    To: A Chossid (#8) I agree. It’s not the respect for this Rov or that Rov. It’s respect for the Beis Din Tzedik!

  • Boruch Hashem

    Rabbi Bogomilsky didn’t need this headache. May Hashem grant him the koach in good health for many years to come to continue to help all the thousands of people (and any in need) as he has been for the past few decades.
    Let Rabbi Braun deal with all the losers – you never know – maybe peace will come after all. Anything is possible, land for peace, newcomers for peace…

  • Worried resident of crown heights

    I guess after all we have no self respect and we elect a know baal machlokes i guess the mess he maid in Sydney was not big enough and know he wants to bring his trash to our community

  • Zalman

    Please don’t alow comments out of respect of the rabonim. let’s start on a good foot and hope for the best. a gut yohr.

  • meir

    no winner in this election. the deep divide in CH. was apparent in this’s tragic to say the least.i spoke with friends who harbor deep hatred one for the other.where did this come from? CH bleeds and our enemies rejoys.

  • moshiach now

    why is crown heights info allowing nasty comments about fellow yidden to be published on their on their website?

  • HOPE

    Please, Let us give this new Rov a chance to prove himself. He did NOTHING wrong to you, me or anyone in your family.

    I voted Rabbi Bogomilsky Shlit”o, but we need to accept these results and give Rabbi Braun a chance to create his own record.

    Let us hope and pray that is will be a positive one (for the most part).

    Ksiva V’chasima Tova to all

  • An observer

    I observed with positive good feelings, that crown has good graciously posted a congratulation to the newly elected Rov (although their choice of candidates before the elections was quite evident)
    May we ask you to continue in this positive vain and not publish derogatory remarks which are a Chilul Hashem; Chilul Sheim Lubavitch, and the Rebbe’s shchunah.
    A Shono Tovo mesuko to all.

  • Getting Older

    Whether we voted for him or not, let’s back this Beis Din and clean up the community. Our kids are getting older and we have to do it.

  • We all won

    now we have a strong base din, Beseras Hashem the community as a whole, which have all voted together, will go from strenth to strenth,and move forward with Achdus

  • NoYechi770Jerusalem

    Och & vay for CH.
    Now he’ll destroy CH like he did Sydney!!!
    Hashem yerachem!!!

  • Very Happy

    This is the Best thing for Crown Heights
    and you should NOT already or EVER write not good things about Rabbonim

  • Kihilat Tzemach Tzedek

    Mazal tov Crown Heights! Just watch ”Rak Hlikud Yachol” only the likud can give back land and only Rabbi Braun, if it suits him, for a little kovod from Merkos, will be the one to take down the yechi sign in 770, destroy the meshichistim from inside. Good luck Crown Heights.

  • Yankel

    As per the by-laws and the psak of Rabbi Marlow, in order to be elected in this Shchuna to Vaad or gabay and of course Rav, you must receive 50%+1 vote. Rabbi Braun did not receive that.

  • I congragulate

    When Rabbi Schwei ran in elections, a mashpia told me to vote for him because he is a mashichist. I listened to the mashpia and later realized what a mistake it was. I failed to think for myself and make my own decision.
    I believe this election is a victory.Too bad so called “shluchim” tried to interfere and use their position to influence others. I’m happy for Crown Heights. I support all elected Rabbonim,and congagulate the newest member.

  • Kihilat Tzemach Tzedek

    Mazal tov Crown Heights! Just watch ”Rak Hlikud Yachol” only the likud can give back land and only Rabbi Braun, if it suits him, for a little kovod from Merkos, will be the one to take down the yechi sign in 770, destroy the meshichistim from inside. Good luck Crown Heights.

  • Kihilat Tzemach Tzedek

    Mazal tov Crown Heights! Just watch ”Rak Hlikud Yachol” only the likud can give back land and only Rabbi Braun, if it suits him, for a little kovod from Merkos, will be the one to take down the yechi sign in 770, destroy the meshichistim from inside. Good luck Crown Heights.

  • Do your math

    To #31
    If you deduct the 13-10 posul votes, 13 challenged votes and 11 missing votes, you are left with 1153-1955 votes and 50% + 1 of that equals 979 and Rabbi Braun earned 994 votes.

    This is besides the fact the clause #39 of the original Psak clearly states that in the event of more than 2 candidates, the winner does not need to receive a majority of 50% + 1

  • Antis didn’t lose

    If you really want to break this down as left verses the right wing, I think you will find that the antis power is growing. Since when is 46% of CH linker? Didn’t it used to be more like 30% linker, 70% rechter? So in another 5 year or so….

  • antimesira

    Some think that we can ignore the facts and realty.

    This was a loss for Crown Heights and a win for mosrim.

    Last night the mesira already started in a big way.

    Many said the same thing after Obama won, we all see what we got.

    All the questions that hung over rabbi Bruan are still questions, now we will get an answer, but its to late to do an thing about it.

  • shame

    it looks like the last election in u.s.a a person you never heard of a young guy and pop up and wins his name is obama dosent know what he is doing so too in crown heights……

  • fitzy

    From Sydney to CH, from one sad place to another. Anyway, at least the Meshichistim must be happy…

  • Rabbi Braun needs to ask Mechila

    If Rabbi Braun is serious about healing the community etc, the first thing he has to do is ask Mechila from Rabbi Bogomilsky. The disgraceful way Rabbi Braun’s campaign acted, trashing Rabbi Bogomilsky, spreading malicious lies about him accusing him of being responsible for Rabbi Marlows death etc…was disgusting, Rabbi Braun didn’t put a stop to it during the election, he should at least now apologize for it and then perhaps we can all move on.

  • WEL...

    The year was 2008 The candidate had youth, hype, charisma, knowledge of media, and a promise of a new beginning. When it all faded, we saw the end coming by the 2012 elections.
    The year is 2010 and history repeated itself. However, this time we are in it for life…….
    So, Mazal Tov to Australia and good luck to C.H

  • Rabbi Braun and his Blackberry power...

    To #41

    In another 5 years what will the ration of Modern Lubavitch to Old Lubavitch be?
    It will be too late. The youth are voting with their feet against th narrowness of di rechter (self appointed.)

    Broin can compete (with heavy support) against Bogomilsky (what were they thinking when they put their eggs in his basket?). But Broin is a featherwaite when put agaainst YY Jacobsen.

  • Dave (outside of New York)


    I for one am pleased that Rabbi Braun was elected.

    Based on the limited coverage that was available outside of New York, I found it at first difficult to decide which to pick, were I to be able to vote. All three of the candidates have impressive credentials which attest to their dedication to Judaism and their ability to deal with difficult and complex issues.

    Rabbi Braun is certainly the most articulate of the three. This was demonstrated on the internet coverage I was able to view.

    Rabbi Chaviv speaks broken English, but noted that he would attempt to become more fluent if he were to be elected. My immediate reaction was to ask, why wait until now?

    Rabbi Bogomilsky is a life long resident of Crown Heights and appears to be well acquainted with the other two members of the Beis Din. However, I was unable to view very much because Shmais News committed a huge disservice by failing to post the full interview with Rabbi Bogomilsky in time. All I was able to gather was that the two sitting members of the Beis Din are a “dysfunctional” team.

    What swayed me towards Rabbi Braun were his comments about addressing the current issues involving young people. His enthusiasm reminded me of the four college campus Shluchim I have been privileged to meet and get to know over the past few years. Their ability to reach out and connect with young people is most impressive. I feel Rabbi Braun also has that ability (not to mention his extensive knowledge of Torah and Halacha.)

    In conclusion, the Rebbe always stressed the need to reach out to young people. Based on my limited knowledge, I feel Rabbi Braun is most qualified to achieve that goal. Thus, I feel the right man won the election.

  • Beis Din power...

    There is one very important thing that NOBODY seems to be realizing here. But the Beis Din (all 3 rabbonim) BETTER realize that:
    The whole “Power” that this Beis Din has, is the power that WE GIVE them. this Beis Din has no “Legal” or “Official” power. the ONLY power they have is the power of respect and honor that WE GIVE THEM. beyond that they are POWERLESS! they cannot legally force ANYBODY to do ANYTHING. the only “Power” that they have is the power of honor that we give them.
    Having said that, this Beis Din (all 3 Rabbonim) BETTER make sure they behave in a way that brings dignity and respect to the Beis Din. because if they dont, have absolutely no power. the whole power they have is the power of respect that we have for them. they have absolutely no “Legal” power.
    And it is precisely for that reason that for so many years, people have been able to abuse this Beis Din and atep on them, because they have absolutely no “Legal” power to do ANYTHING.
    They are not the “Congress”
    They are not the “Senate”
    They are not the “City Council”
    They have absolutely no Legal power
    So if THIS Beis Din wants to retain Any power (which is only the power of respect from the community to them) they BETTER act in a way which brings dignity and honor to the beis Din. otherwise they will be as powerless as the previous Beis Din

  • Proud Sydney Sider

    oh goodness, Rabbi B was not the cause of all the issues in sydney, sydney (unfortunately) did it to itself. and besides, sydney has been getting much better – Rabbi B did not destroy the community or cause it self destruct or whatever he’s being accused of. do not blame Rabbi Braun. he is an excellent teacher and has a very good head on his shoulders. don’t judge based on obscure facts you really know nothing about.

    i wish you all the hatzlacha in the world Rabbi Braun!

  • A GOOD FREIND OF R-BRAUN!!!!!!!!!!


  • shlucha

    To #30
    You are obviously totally unaware of the reality.
    He certainly didn’t destroy Sydney, actually the opposite.
    Yasher koach Rabbi Braun, you are a mensch.

    from a sydney supporter

  • Gary L

    Rav Joe Brown, dad would have been proud of you, very proud.

    Just remember before you puskin, consider … is it good for the chicken (-:

    Regards Gary L.

  • so sad

    What a crying shame. We let a man like that win. He caused so much machlokes in Sydney (I know, I grew up there) that they just want him out. He is backed by the party that spews hatred and filth. He is a young guy which means we are now stuck with him as rov for a very long time. He has absolutely no knowledge of “the fifth shulchan aruch”, and he has no tziyur of a rov.

    I am so so dissaapointed by our community. This is another nail in the coffin of our future. Just keep an eye out and look for more kids going off the derech etc. This result is going to breed more divisiveness, more extremism and more hate.

    It is a sad sad day for Crown Heights, what a pity to be starting a new year like this.

  • Mordechai

    Another drop down under for Crown Heights.Every time a meshichist wins something is less respect for the schuchna. And another victor here is Herzog and Sperlin, the twins of destruction.

  • Gug Hayman

    Mazel Tov Rabbi Braun!
    You will be an enormous loss to the Sydney community.
    May Hashem grant you the strength & wisdom to lead the Crown Heights community Me’Coyil Le’Coyil.

  • disgusted & astounded at the stupidity

    G-d help us. Instead of Achdus, this situation will be a bigger nightmare than we could have believed. What will go on now will make Satmar & Bobov look like a game.

    I will not follow ANYTHING these 3 say They are nothing. Don’t call me to a Din Torah, I don’t recognize your “authority.” The sooner I can move to another community & get the hell out of here, the better.

    Braun is a HUGE Mechichist, under the total control of Hendel. What part of dictatorship don’t you idiots get? Anyone who doesn’t follow their way is a nothing, There;s no place for non-Meschichisten.

    First rule:

    Clear out all the freaks from 770. If Aguch wouldn’t have sat on their hands for 16 years we wouldn’t be in this position. I beg you, re-take 770. Our Schechunah is lost forever if you don’t.

    How much clearer do we have to be? YOU HAVE ABANDONED ALL THE PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE IN THE TRUTH. Rabbi Krinsky, you’re locked in your ivory tower with your rich family & friends & we are dying here.

  • stunned at the stupidity here

    “ A Chossid wrote:

    As a supporter of Rabbi Bogomilsky, i would like to urge my friends to show Rabbi Braun the respect we would have expected his supporters show Rabbi Bogomilsky had he won.”

    HOW??? HOw can I support A “Rav” when I know what bitter machloykes he caused in Sydney? When he had to leave his position at the school, & the reasons for it? When he’s controlled by Hendel & the Tsfatim just like Rabbi Schwei is. How can I accept a Psak from him when he has ho morals whatsoever? He is NOTHING. My Rav is outside Crown Heights.

    Tell us, how can we respect someone like that whose history only promises more pain. It’s like Tisha B’Av in our house instead of Erev Rosh Hashana. My wife is telling me we must leave, My neighbor is telling me he is looking to form a breakaway community within CH, one that turns to Rabbi Bogomilsky in all matters.

  • Just like death

    I feel like sitting shiva for the death of a once beautiful, vibrant, & caring community of hope.

  • rabbi braun.

    Rabbi braun gave me a very nice impression as a rov. but what bothers me is that hendel and co. pushed him so much. it’s suspicious. so rabbi braun – i respect you as my rov. but if i see any machlokes games starting, you will be my rov no longer.
    mazal tov! and good luck to you

  • Zev

    I guess Rabbi Braun will have one last chance to ask Rabbi Feldman and his Shul to join in at the Tzemach Tzedek for a return Achdus farbrengen before he moves.

  • Surfs Up @ Bondi Beach

    Hey Crown Heights, you’ve all got your knickers in a knot about nothing
    I wonder if Braun knows what he got himself into!! He might one day regret leaving the calm of Sydney!
    It seems like YOU Crown Heights are the centre of Machlokes & Motzi Shem Ra. The comments here speak for itself!
    NONE – not one of you Crown Heightsers have a clue about Sydney Kehilla life. There is no politics and there is no Machlokes. Sun, fun, sand, beach :)
    Frankly Crown Heights..Sydney doesn’t give a toss!



  • Yosef Katzman

    I know that I wrote publicly that you won’t hear from me on the politics. But I hope that in the spirit of Selichos you’ll forgive me if I speak just this one time.

    Congratulations Crown Heights, again just about 2000 strong voted and we elected a new Rav, Harav Yosef Yeshaya Braun Shlita, lets welcome him with a hearty Mazal Tov and all the Brachos and let’s wish him the most of Hatzlocha in his new role, and pray that the nightmare for our community is now over, and we should continue on to march forward with heads held high towards a New Year of peace and Geula.

    Yosef Katzman

  • God have mercy

    Dancing and drinking in the street?

    How sick can people get?

    This reminds me of the Taliban dancing in the streets every time a Jew gets killed!

    Does Mendy Hendel now get 72 virgins?

  • Distraught Crown Heights resident

    We’ve all been duped. This is a mekach toois. He just received Smicha (note that there’s no date on his Smicha paper) and we now here that HE HAS NO DAYONUS!!!.It seems that Sydney was really sending us what they wanted to get rid of. I voted for R’ Braun and if I would of known I would of never voted for him. WE NEED NEW ELECTIONS!!!

  • analysis

    It’s time to put old machlokes behind us. The majority has spoken. Tracht Gut Vet Zein Gut.

  • Rosalie

    As a baalas tshuva I am thoroughly repelled by the mean and malicious spirit displayed in the majority of comments with the obvious blessings of Crownheights info.
    This “frum” internet rag reflects well the spirit of the (Jewish) times in its total cynicism to anything that is not related to materialism – the only power they TRULY worship. The secular world pretends at least to be cultured, but not you, the apparent heirs of butchers, tanners, and wagon drivers, without their legendary simple faith however.
    (Let me see if you print my comment).

  • motti

    to no #51, you are wrong. The Beis Din has the power that the Torah gives them, nothing more, nothing less. You are wrong, you think that you can manipulate the Beis Din. But you cannot.

  • mazal tov Rabbi marlow

    The VOTE I casted last night for R. Braun was in reality a vote for R. Marlow. BH your honor was upheld yesterday.

  • to #60

    1st of all – for your info, R’ Braun did not cause the machlokes in Sydney. It was at a time when there were huge machlokeses happening there and most of the community broke away from Feldman and formed their own kehilla. They then asked R’ Braun to become the rav of their shul. So he didnt start the machlokes he was just asked to be the rav of the breakaway shul, and it wasnt him who started all this – so to all those that are calling him a baal machlokes, you dont have your facts right!
    2nd of all – he was the one that brought the achdus in sydney. right now there is no machlokes and the 2 communities have joint farbrengens, thanks to Harav Braun!
    3rd of all – you can all mention about this machlokes in Sydney and blame it on braun, but when it comes to bogomilsky you forget about all the wrong he did. What about the whole thing how bogomilsky changed the psak by neparstek-cunin. and what about when bogomilsky fought R’ Marlow a”h and caused him such pain in his life? that you forget to mention, huh?! But when u find 1 thing wrong about R’ Braun, you make it into a whole story. You can find more wrong with bogomilsky! Anyways now that hes the Rav you have to give him your utmost respect whether you voted for him or not! Hatzlacha Raba R’ Braun!

  • CHT

    Please, do not be stereotypical. I voted for Braun but was thinking Bogomilskiy will win – in which case I was ready in full heart to great him with full respect – and I know many like that. Just saying, thanks whoever voted for Bogomilskiy but accepting now of Braun, but we would be the same way.

    Also, I know Braun personally, he is not radical meshichist, he is moderate meshichist at best. The impression I personally had of him is he is just Meshichists sympathizer or friend of number of Meshichistim.

  • Remember

    For #51 and those who agree with him:
    The power the Beis Din of Crown Heights has is not only from the voters. It is from the Rebbe and the Shulchan Aruch, which the Rebbe quotes in his Sichah about this matter. The Rebbe in this Sichah clearly gives honor and respect to the Rabbonim who were elected at that time. He points out the OBLIGATION from the Shulchan Aruch to respect a Rov of a community, especially one that is elected. If you have any respect for the Rebbe and for the Shulchan Aruch, then it follows that you need to have a similar respect for all 3 of our Rabbonim, including the newest elected one. Not only because of any qualities they may have. At least have respect for them because the Rebbe and the Shulchan Aruch require us to do so.

  • Gedaliah

    The people should be calm and have a wonderful Shana Tova. The
    election did not change anything for the Chabad community world
    wide. The most glaring thing that came out of the election, I feel,
    is that with all the criticizing of both candidates, there was no
    statements by any so-called mashpi’im. Why, there are NONE. I have
    been a part of Chabad for 40 years and have always been accused of
    not ever having a Rov or mashpia. This is not true, I have a Rov
    and a Mashpia. It is true that my Rov and Mashpia are one and the same, the Rebbe MHM. I never did, nor do I expect the Beis Din to
    bring about any changes. I do not think that that is their job.
    I listened to both of their comments about what they want to accomplish for the community. Bring achdus to the Beis Din and the k’hilah, help the children, address the tznius problem, etc., etc,.. All very
    good and nice things to do. They both have an agenda, and as good
    as the agenda might be, my feeling is that any Rov who wants to
    enhance and advance HIS agenda should NOT serve as a Rov on any
    Beis Din. Hashpa’ah should come from the Mashpia.I thank G-d that I have a Mashpia. I myself will not change my Rov and Mashpia the
    Rebbe MHM. After all, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. I should know, as I know alot about horses.
    A G’mar Chasima Tova to all. Gedaliah

  • Berel

    I would like to understand. This was a free and clear election, so why all the aftermath against the dully elected Rav????

    It is interesting, if the left would have won, comments would have been there was was elections. Now that Braun wone, what is difference???


    To #51: You disregard what is written in the Torah. So now all you care about is whoever has legal ability to punish? All you can fathom is what is before you here and now; what happens after 120 years is… you fill in the blank for yourself, and bear in mind that there is a G-d above. How far into this golus have we sunk…
    To #59: Have a little respect for others’ opinions, and give him a chance! So he’s a mishechist, and you’re an anti. So he’s the rov, and you’re not. One thing does not have to do with the other. Obviously, if anything happened in Sydney, one learns from his mistakes. And one is allowed to make mistakes…

  • observer

    It is a great mark of disrespect for those who participated in the elections through campaigning or voting to now be bitter and vindictive over their loss. The institution of Beis din mandates that full support and respect be given to the winner. It is simply immature and unfair to immediately turn against the fair winner without even giving him a chance. Those that fail to do so are living in the real dictatorship of only one so called “legitimate” rule.
    Whatever the outcome would have been, half the populace would have to adjust and accept. Let’s hope and pray that the Rabbonim will now take the painful step to reconcile and create true peace and achdus. Thank you to this site for supoorting the winner regardless of affiliation.

  • never

    i will never have respect for rabbi braun, or any other rabbi/ member of crown heights. ever again. give me a reason why i should? i sit here reading this shtus!
    all u crown heightsers can go. u used to have my respect but no longer.

  • Sydney resident





  • Tax?!

    Who is going to pay the FULL TIME Rov’s salary? He has 11 children, right? He is suppose to be working full time for the Beis Din, right? He has to move and come here…I geuss S.B. Drizin will lay out the money, but do you think that will go on forever? Oh try taxing the Jewish residents of CH see where you go with that. With all the division and strife I don’t see much fund raising oppurtunities here. Bogomilsky would not have these problems.

  • Give -im a go, mate.

    Please give Rabbi Braun a chance.

    He said that he wants 770 to be comfortable for everyone. That shows he is not a meshichist.

    It does show he may believe he is a baal moifess. If he is, he will have solid support to become the next…

  • shliach


  • Mazel Tov CH

    CH is lucky now to have such a special ruv. There will be a change for the better. Hopefully all will go along with the rotzon of the kahal. For those that opposed his candicy based upon lies, now is your chance to to accept him for true peace in the community instead holding on to grudges. You will all be pleasantly surprised how level headed he is with a backbone. He will not be run by anyone but will stand up for whats right.

  • Braun

    Who do you see dancing Australia is thrilled to be rid of him. They would actully like to send him packing before the holidays but with a family that large……………Who is going to afford a salary for 11 children 2 adults and I am sure they are good for more children. Does he get free tuition let his fellow meshichistes who were dancing and rejoicing provide free tuition for ALL THOSE CHILDREN . Ohr Menachem Bais Chaya Mushka. A sad sad day for Ch residents.
    Actully a day of mourning. I think that man Rosenberg was paid off he did not check the ID of people properly he let anyone in and when questioned about someone not knowing their own birthdate he said OK OK Here we go again not straight or homest properly . Probally paid off by the Downs Syndrome C Sperlin.

  • A suggestion....

    Maybe the time has come for all clear minded people to LEAVE crown heights, and move to CAMBRIA HEIGHTS!!!
    The houses there are very nice – it’s right next to the ohel, NO moshiachistim, NO schwei, NO NOTHING!
    Rabbi B, can be the rov of the community, stores, bakeries, pizza shops, etc. can be built. It can be a community the the community should have been! There is already a cheder & a mikvah + free coffee & cookies!? What’s there not to like?
    Here’s the kicker – you can do what you and when you want, and you never hear a peep from the kevorim!?

  • You know who you are

    From reading many of the above comments I have one point to make:

    I don’t think it’s R’ Braun causing all the machlokes, I think it’s YOU!!! (Pretty obvious by your comments)

  • To 51:

    To 51:
    You wrote
    “The whole “Power” that this Beis Din has, is the power that WE GIVE them.”

    Where is the Torah in this. Yes, maybe in the golus we are in they can’t inforce it, but the Torah gives them power.
    I feel very sorry for you if the congress is held of more importance to you then a beis din. And I feel even sorrier for you if you feel the Torah only has power when YOU give it.

  • No funds to pay him

    R’ Osdoba and R’ Shvei are older and do not require that much in terms of compensation to get by. We also know that there have been issues in paying them due to lack of community funding. Now comes a young rov with many children and needs to get here from down under. Unless someone is going to step and pay R’ Braun what it costs to live in NY with a large family, he should stay where he is..

  • A concerned resident of the Shchuna

    I am glad to see that we elected our own Obama to our community an inexperienced Rov who together with his clowns like Mendy Hendel think they are running the chicago mob of bullying people around.

    All I can say is that the people who voted him in will yet eat their own garbage from him.

  • Simcha

    Let’s get busy strenghting our community. Now we have three rabbonim, who were elected fair and square. We as a people were blessed with the wisdom of looking ahead and being together when times demand it. So too, now as the winds of dispute blow we should commit ourselves to see not only the good in each other but in our very special community, Crown Heights. Don’t let postings of people filled with feelings damper the many people and years into building a community that is as special and powerful as ours. By us realizing this it will only speed us up to more sucess and G-d willing the ultimate success of moshiach now!


    Why do voters on the winning side not realize the anguish that can be caused when you see people voting on “belief” in a candidate, and you know that a fair share of it is misplaced.

    No, Rabbi Braun did not start the Sydney maccloikess (to the best of my pretty thorough knowledge of Sydney), nor to my knowledge did he stoke the flames in an active way. However for him to say that there is no machloikess in Sydney is not the kind of statement one expects from a roidef tzedek ve’emess. It was slipped by with an undetectable slickness, as was his answer about the future of 770: Everyone needs to be comfortable… (which is of course impossible, but you don’t realize that until after the smoothness of its delivery wears off.)

    Lubavitcher chassidim are not familiar with the “posturing” style of various chareidishe communities. There is the posturing of a choshuver baal haboss; of a rov; and of a Rebbe. If you don’t know how to act the role with a natural air, you just don’t get to make it in the role you are posturing.It is oh so subtle. Nothing like the after-Bolshevik Russian compulsive lying, where you know there is a lie but are not sure what part it is – the Communist gift to a culture that was known for its meticulous care for truth.

    No one wants to chas vesholom compare the elected rov to the recently elected president lehavdil elef. No one wants to even compare the levels of misinformation, deceit, or outright lies.

    What voters who lost are feeling, is the same feeling of frustration they had (they themselves had) when the president won. A sense of despair. An inner cry of “Don’t you people see it?” And the truth is that some do, and did not see this as a flaw larger than flaws in the others. (Rabbi Rosenberg would have noticed – he is a sharp cookie posturing as a benign old gentle man – like the ones you will soon see sitting outside the toy stores of America. He would have seen Rabbi Braun as doing a superb presentation of a young up-and-coming rov in his own community in the chassidishe parts of Monsey.)

    It is the naive independents who take it all in with the Alter Rebbe’s emess la’amitoy standard, it is they who cause the pain of the losing voter. And there is no fall-back scenario of these naive independents flocking across the line at the next election.

    For me personally, the fact that the self-appointed “elders of Lubavitch” came out with a statement so heavily based on their Russified assessment (assumption of WYSIWYG) of the posture presented for the few days necessary, and how it matches their memories of old, is yet further proof that they will have much to answer for. The realization that “he will do anything for his people (in Sydney)” does not include leaving them, may never be measured against the stark commitment of a Russian culture, where the soldier stands his ground.

  • Shliach in California

    I don’t even pity the Ch community anymore, you are all a bunch of morons.
    The am-Haratzus in Lubavitch is so deep, due in large part to the utter failure of 3 generations of ineffectual Rabonim to educate anyone.(Yes, 3. ZSD was controlled by DF, M. was a introverted person who was led by his nose by Brook etc and now the 2 clowns who only spend their time fighting with each other – Osdoba and Schwei)
    Do you actuaaly think any Lubavitcher (forget about the Velt….) cares or even reckons with you??
    the pityis so great, but you all deserve this
    No shiach can bring anyBaal Habatim into 770 anymore it is a disaster.
    So, enjoy your Rabbonim.

  • CHT

    84: what do you want – to have a Rov who uses birth-controls? Rov should be exemplar of Yiras Shomaim.

  • Att: I think this deserves a headline of

    Rabbi Heller has said that these elections are not proper Al Pi Halocho, due to the fact that that the Din Torah was between two parties, and not the entire crown heights, so the Psak is only binding to those who wanted it, and not to any person who lives here.

    Also there was no option to vote no on any, so many people voted for one person because they didn’t want the other. And according to Halocho in order for a Beis Din to have influence on someone, that person has to have had the opportunity to vote anyone he wanted, or at least to vote no on the candidates offered.

    Someone could prob give you more deatails

  • A frenchi fraink

    Did anybody offer Rabbi chaviv a Job in sydney? He said he would learn english!!!


    There are at least two respectable elder Rabbonim whjo would join Rabbi Heller with a Psak Din.

    First it needs to be verified that he in fact said this, and would take the step of documenting it.

  • Remember

    In addition to what I wrote in comment #77:
    Also remember that in the Sichah I referred to the Rebbe gave Kavod to Rabbi Marlow, even though he was a mashichist. In that same Sichah the Rebbe said that even though the incident that caused him to speak about this was with a particular Rav, this does not mean that Kavod should be given only to him and not to the other Rabbonim of the Beis Din. The other Rabbonim the Rebbe was referring to was Rabbi Heller, who is an anit-mashichist, and Rabbi Ozdaba, who is against saying Yechi the way it’s being said in 770. So, we see from this Sichah that the Rebbe did not play the mashichist/anti-mashichist game of giving Kavod to only the Rav who you agree with. If you are a true Chassid of the Rebbe, you will give Kavod to EVERY Rav, even if you strongly disagree with him. I have very strong feelings that the Rebbe is Moshiach. Nonetheless, in the past I have given Kavod to anit-mashichisten Rabbonim. When I see Rabbi Krinsky I smile at him, even though I disagree with his opinion in this matter, and despise his actions in this matter. When he wished me good Shabbos once, I respectfully replied in kind. When I needed to ask Rabbi Bogomilsky a Shailah in an area of Halachah that I heard he was an expert in, I ask the Shailah with respect. Let’s all follow the teachings of the Rebbe Rashab in regards to the Hiskalelus HaMidos mentioned in Kuntres Heichaltzu that we need to appreciate another person’s Torah opinion, especially when it’s held by many Rabbonim. This, he says, is true Achdus!
    May EVERYONE have a Kesivah VeChasimah Tovah LeShanah Tovah UMesukah!