‘Tzfati’ Bochur Seriously Injured in Attempt to Vandalize 770

The pipe the Bochur used in his attempt to damage the camera.

A 19-year-old Israeli Bochur was seriously injured yesterday when he attempted to scale a wall and vandalize one of 770’s security surveillance cameras.

The incident took place next to the Tashlich fountain in the back of 770, the Bochur attempted to climb up a flimsy drain pipe, making it 25 feet up he attempted to grab at the camera, slipped, and fell to the ground.

Hatzalah was called and treated the Bochur, who suffered a very serious injury to his leg, and took him to the hospital.

Bystanders told CrownHeights.info that the Bochur was telling medical personal that he attempted to scale the wall to break the camera.

770 was a awarded a number of grants from homeland security to install camera and security systems, which give 770 a little more protection. Witnesses were left mystified as to why the vandal would try and destroy a surveillance camera.


  • Too many rants

    Why do we have to call him a ‘Tzfati’ Bochur and make this sound politically divisive. Rather, this is just a moron or ‘troubled youth’ who did something stupid. Perhaps the broken femur will knock some sense into him. To make shalom in CH we need to control headlines as not to insight negative feelings amoungt our community.

  • Chaim Tovim

    Send the Tzfatim HOME! We don’t need them in CH. They should be granted no visas

  • mendy

    No make fun of him. His Mashpia Rabbi W from Tzfat told him if he brakes the camera moshiach will come faster.

  • simon

    I was told by an eye witness that it was not his fault. He got caught by his pin flag and fell.

  • mendy

    No make fun of him. His Mashpia Rabbi W from Tzfat told him if he brakes the camera moshiach will come faster.

  • antimesira

    to number 2:

    We call him a “’Tzfati’ Bochur” because he is a Tzfati Bochur.

    Take your politically correctness somewhere else.

    It is only because of people like you, who stick their heads in the ground (the last 15 years) that we are in such a fight for life.

    “Those who are kind to the cruel end up being cruel to the kind”.

    There are those who call terrorist by the name of “freedom fighters”, becuase they don’t want to offend. Do you agree with those people?

  • Furious

    Very good…here we are getting grants from DHS to stop outside terrorists & it seems that the terrorists are living amongst us. Why do you think we need these cameras & other security devices? Just to stop Abdullah???

    Next question: WHO do you think is going to pay for his hospital treatment? Answer: YOU & ME!! No doubt the kindness & generosity of different local organizations which WE support will pick up the tab. And let’s not forget the taxpayer’s $. This creep already used Hatzalah!

    #2…you are so naive it’s pitiful.

    Fix him up & ship HIM & HIS CHEVRA RIGHT OUT! For that, I’ll gladly pay.

    I hope DHS now looks into these “visas” 770 keeps giving to these terrorists.

  • Losers

    This is another sign of their desperation. The mosrim/Mishichistim took a big hit this past Sunday, when we call voted NO to MESIRA, NO to VIOLENCE etc…

    in the coming days we will see plenty stupid and dangerous things happening.

    Right now Poltrock and gang are trying to steal the election away from the people.

    I hope this gets reported, so the people can be informed and take action.


    What is going on with all this smack talk.. This is the problem. If you dont have anything nice to say don’t say anything. I cant believe this is what i am hearing. The boy did what he did, he is suffering with the consequence, we should not be talking like this. Where is the Ahavas Yesroel?

  • gods right hand man

    having cameras in shuls are an insult to communities and, mezuzahs and g-d
    new york is a much poorer place than it was with most of nyc on camera it really isnt the peaceful utopia where god dwells
    so dont fool yourselves

  • lol

    its our fault,

    if he would have been put in jail for the terorist act he did 2 days ago, he would not have been injured.

    so you see it is OUR fault.

  • fyi

    What is a femur fracture?
    The femur is one of the largest, and strongest bones in the body. The femur is the thigh bone–it extends from the hip joint down to the knee joint. Because the femur is such a strong bone, it can take tremendous force to cause a femur fracture.
    What causes a femur fracture?
    As stated previously, the femur is a tremendously strong bone–in order for a femur fracture to occur, either a large force must be applied or something is wrong with the bone. In patients with normal bone strength, the most common causes of femur fractures include:

    •Car accidents
    •Falls from a height

  • Boruch

    I hope he heals completely in israel.

    Why do they get student visas? Is tzfati terrorism a certifiable course that we now offer. These student visas are given to those that make our life a living hell. It needs to stop.

  • ceo

    a nebach. If this boy really was stable, he would be thinking “what would the Rebbe say about me doing this”. How sad that he doesnt have those thoughts, and how sad for 770.
    Are these boys going to think about the fact that this is not something that one can do?
    I have met people who were visitors who don’t want to come back to 770 because of people like this. We have to teach these kids that this is THE REBBE’S 770.
    The Rebbe never wanted anything changed there, lets try and keep it that way.

  • shame on you!

    lashon hora my foot!!!!…these comments are correct – what an utter sham. I am so annoyed by this stupid behavior.
    I’m shocked hatzolo even took him to the hospital – sudda been carted away to the loony place.
    Nothing of this nature can justify what the rebbe wanted from us all – this is total chaos.

  • Chava

    My only question is: Why was he trying to sabotage a security camera?

    That’s a very specific goal. Sabotage the camera so that….what? Any of the following come to mind:

    1. A later crime may be committed without video evidence.
    2. A criminal with whom he is working can approach 770 later without being seen on camera.
    3. He was paid to sabotage the camera by someone outside the community who wishes to commit a later act of vandalism or violence, or even an act of terrorism.

    Why else?

  • A future plan?

    This kid was probably planning a future breakin that the camera might have caught.

    This why we need Shea he would have chased after him up the pipe brought him down and shook him into cofessing why he was there. The parade altercation shows us why we need a strong guy like Shea.

  • moishe

    The real story is that he was trying to brake the camra after getting cought on camra stealing something and the nice people who he stole from did not press charges

  • to #17

    i agree with you 100% but what makes u think it was a femur fracture does it state in anywhere in the article or where you there when this happened?

  • Benny

    Last Friday or Sunday (election day) some Tzfatim stole copies of the Lubavitch International newspaper out of a car near 770. They did it because the paper uses Zatzal after the Rebbe’s name.
    They were caught on the videos (including full face pics). Merkos somehow got a message to them (via the police & Chanina) that if the papers are not returned intact by a certain time, the video would be given to the police (& possibly Temparary Restraining Orders would be gotten against the Tzfatim that are on the video). Mendy Hendel tried to get involoved & negotiate. But when he was shown a picture taken off the videos, he gave up & the newspapers were returned shortly (before the deadline).

    This boy climbing the walls propbably was starting an attack on all the cameras so they can do what they want in the future.

    They don’t like being caught. It doesn’t leave any squirming room for Mendy Hendel.

    TROs should still be taken out against them.

  • Trying to be a Chosid

    All you people if you have so much time on your hands why don’t you go on mivtzoim ? today is friday !

    If thats to hard why not learn Chitas and Rambam ?

    After all this is what the Rebbe wanted from us.

    Ahavas Israel
    Enough of your nonsense and Loshan Hora

  • Elki

    I hope he has a refuah shlaimah. But he and others who are capable of breaking a survellance camera in 770 have to be controlled, disciplined or sent home.

  • If he was Black

    If he was Black, you would have complained ..“why write that he is black”?

    Of course not! The fact is…. there are Tsfati’s here in CH who have zero Yoray Shomayim. The halacha of damages means nothing to them. They bring much chaos to the communitry. We must identify the problems by who they are. Torah isn’t PC. A Ganif is a Ganif. A Soteh is a Soteh… Until Tshuvah is done!

    If Tsfati’s didn’t have such a corrupt name would we be having this discussion?

  • confused

    you say seriously injured so many times but you don’t say we should say tihillim for him…i wonder if a tzvati would be dying in the hospital would you pray for him to die so there will be one less tzvati?????

  • 123

    can you all mind your own business?
    how come CH only gets together when its something bad, but when its something positive no one shows up?

  • C.H.

    To #20:
    You Write, “what would the Rebbe say about me doing this”. Thats a good question we can all ask OURSELVES all the time too.

  • goan

    firt of all just becuse he is a israli dosnt make him a tzvati so to call him a tzvati if he isnt is motzi shem rah and also rabbi wilshansky is aginst vilonce so you wher motzi shem rah twice

  • morim rats

    also, lets stop calling mosrim by the name mosser, we might offend the mosser and not all mosrim are the same.


    Why don”t you tell the whole story. On Sunday Tzfati terrorists broke into a Merkos car carrying Kuntreisim about the Rebbe & stole them. They were caught on these cameras and only after telling them that they were caught on video & threatening them with going to the police did they return them. MH their rebbe shlita tried to mess things up but the threat of arrest & jail prevailed. Now you understand why they tried to break the cameras. This bum should be prosecuted. Enough of this terrorism from the Mashchisim!

  • tzfaty

    how could you believe that the bocher said that he wanted to brake the camera?
    what makes him to say rhis?
    it does not make sense the all thing!
    Is this registered in the camera? or, are there eidim?
    if he really is ready to say this, we have to have rachamones , we have a bocher unstable, that needs medical attention, and it is dangerous to take responsability for him in America. He needs to go home

  • smuly boteach

    No make fun of him. His Mashpia Rabbi W from Tzfat told him if he brakes the camera moshiach will come faster.
    plus 72 besulote

  • to 31

    think CHI did a chessed for by not mentioning the name
    wouldn’t that be a shame to mention the name so the family will be in pain and embarrassed.

  • don-t call a sprained foot a punishment

    Please don’t say he’s suffering the consequences. He’s swimming in pride from all the attention he’s getting over here. He does not regret it one bit. Why on earth would he even admit to trying to disconnect the SECURITY camera? is he a terrorist himself in disguise? or does it have to do with the politics? either way, by disconnecting the camera he is endangering the lives of a few thousand people.
    Personally, I think it’s time to:
    A) check into the boys who are accepted into 770 yeshiva,
    B) for such a thing he needs a punishment. He needs his ViSA cancelled, and he needs to be sent home. I think if the hanhala would start throwing out of the country those who DO make problems, then those who come will know they need to be more serious and watch themselves.

    I think it’s a good start to a CHANGE in the community.


    WE COULD SEE HOW SIMPLE YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    VIOHAVTO LIREACHO KAMOCHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • HMM

    Seriously people, learn some grammar.

    You press the BRAKE when you want the car to stop.

    When you fall of a wall you BREAK your leg.

  • Gedalya Gumber

    To #2.

    He should be called “Tzfati bochur”… Lets not continue putting all of these bad peoples deeds under the rug. Let the world see these “poor, brainwashed” souls… Dont hide every bad thing they do….

    If it already made it to mesira!!!!!!! These same tzfati people and their leaders did harm and tried to put ppl in jail… Gevald…. From now on, when they vandalize our bais hamikdash 770, or they hurt or destroy another yid, let it be known…. Dont just post it on the web… Put flyers all over with the guys face, name, mashpia and level in the tzfati-mishchist-army-of-destruction-and-chilul-hashem…

    No more hiding. We are ready for a new crown heights!!!!!

  • keep it on line!

    What do you mean, you are forced to re-publish the story? Why? Personally, I think it should be headline news until all these sick crackpots stop.

  • another of the Rebbe-s children

    All wrong!!! Any bochur who did such an act probably -misguidedly! felt he was doing the right thing – and he benefits from a refuah shleima – and our love. All the frustrations we may have about all expressions of galus and it’s lack of harmony we might choose to direct in a positive way – to do loving acts – to bring Moshiach closer.

  • mendel

    to #4&6 i think that mashpia was right if he breaks it moshiach will be closer, till he gets up there moshiach will be one hour closer more than that i think nothing now is giong to happen

  • criminals

    the crime is the fact that this zfati broke in to a car and no police complain was file

  • Shmerel

    This idiot’s mashipa is a worse idiot and not a Lubavitcher. Merkos should wrap this up and have vandalism charges against him by NYPD and DA Hynes. No more kid gloves with these punks. They are of the worst ilk. They never read Tanya, never read the Torah, don’t even begin knowing anything about the Rebbe.

  • hurting

    if you want to know why we are still in golus read comment 4,5, or 6 or any other in that context. We are in golus because of sinaas Chinam so how dare someone write something like that and be self -rightous about it. Shame on you

  • Shak

    Shame on all of you!! How dare you!! All this infighting in Chabad makes me just want to leave. Not the Meshichistim in 770 but all the mishugas namecalling and ill will of both sides. What are you both 5 yrs old?? All Tzfatis are the same person….really they don’t learn at all?? What is wrong with you people?? You are supposed to be examples for us Baaley Tshuvah….what did i learn today from my fellow Crown Heightsers:

    1. Loshon Horo is perfectly ok.
    2. The Rebbe wanted us to hate Tzfatis
    3. All Tzfatis despite who they are should be deported immediately
    4. If #3 happends Moshiach will come
    5. Tzfatis don’t learn ever
    6. Tzfatis are crazy!!

    You people are sick….I love the Rebbe and would never want to be disconnected from him in any way..but i don’t know how much more of this i can take before i become a Poilisher like Matisyahu just to get away from disgusting people like you. And to make it all the worse you make a Loshon Horo central called crownheights.info that puts up articles to incite hatred. What are you all doing?? Why?? Don’t you see that this is exactly what’s stopping Moshiach!!! You would never do it in front of the Rebbe..never….i’m done Ranting

  • resident


  • Send them home

    Reply to # 56
    It is definately not sinaas Chinam. it is reality. If you do not reconize the trouble-makers you can not fix the problem. Half the solution (for Unity) is aknowledging that you have a problem (the tzfatim who are also the biggest haters amongst us)

  • .......

    we need strong guys like s meir hecht too tackle him i cant wait to see it all on camera how amusing

  • to 39 #

    What is the point to break cameras that recorded everything. A video camera only recordes things, doesnt show them….

    Please check the right information before post something stupid…

  • fall off

    To 47.
    You really crack me up. Correcting the spelling of the word “break” has nothing to do with grammar.
    Oh……and you don’t fall “of” a wall……you fall “off” a wall.
    Thanks for the laugh amongst all the hate.

  • C.D.H.

    The Bocher involved in my wifes cousin and I know for a fact that he did indeed learn in Tzfas, not that it makes much of a difference.

    i also saw their video and still am not sure what he was doing.

    When i tried to get the video from his friends they would not give it over.

  • Annonymous


    Thats exactly the way I feel!!

    I came close to Chabad because of the love Chabad had for every Jew no matter who they are.
    However after I read these comments it makes me feel perhaps I’m in the wrong place.

  • Talibanim Out!

    He deserved to end up with a disabling spinal cord injury. And he definitely needs to be deported.

    However, really, many of the Tzfas bochurim are not part of the hooliganism. They may be meshichisten, which we can agree or disagree with, but those involved in the hooliganism are just that – hooligans.

    I propose using the word Talibani to describe those who are. They are not of us and not of Tzfas which is an ir hakodesh either.

  • A job for the Red Devil!

    This why we need Shea he would have chased after him up the pipe brought him down and shook him into cofessing why he was there.

    That sounds more like the way Yisroelik Shemtov would handle things – and I have seen him climb fences though that goes back 20 years :))!

  • To # 45 What exactly do you mean ???

    To # 45 Sorry but your comment makes no sense

  • Observer

    I’m not very religious, but I’ve come to love Chabad due to all the wonderful Shluchim I’ve met at Chabad houses all over the world. That’s why I follow this website.

    This whole article leaves me confused–not only the incident itself, but the reaction to it. It doesn’t seem very much like the Chabad that I’ve come to love.

    I’ve never been to Crown Heights, but I sincerely hope to visit 770 someday. I hope that the infighting will die down before then.

  • 57 is right!

    The ugly sin’ah is more merachek, than the most moronic meshichist could possibly be.

  • Reply to #57 & 68

    I’m glad you became close to Lubavitch because of Ahavas Yisroel. As a Shlucha I can assure you we did not decide to raise our family thousands of miles from home without having some level of Ahavas Yisroel which was of such paramount importance to the Rebbe. That being said while some of the comments may have a sense of hate it is foolish to matter-of-factly dismiss them as baseless. I am sorry that some people do not always choose to act properly and yes, some elements from a holy city in Israel have possibly been incited with hate and have the capacity to cause chaos and disorder (at the very least) to the Makom Kadosh of 770. I don’t really care how idealistic you are but sometimes kindness can be misplaced and I believe here it most certainly is. Do you think there are other communities or Mosdos that would tolerate vadalism and the like. Well, if that’s the community you are looking for and there exists something like that, please enjoy!

  • Observer from Australia

    I don’t understand what is wrong with the Lubavitch establishment. They let these hoodlum meshichist Israelis make a complete mockery of 770 and chabad. I am embarassed to walk into the place. No other establishment would ever stand for such a thing. Its an absolute disgrace.

  • MY WORDS OF WISDOM-serious.

    bottom line:

    I Cant comment on everyones comment, but one thing i CAN say:

    where the rebbe chose to settle. something that represents ch, (like crownheights.info, obviously), reflects that.

    watch what you post. COMON!!!
    honestly, what would the rebbe say?!

    that was my wisdom.

    SIGNATURE: I am NOT an israely, i a m NOT even a new yorker., i am Not from florida, cleveland california france, austrailia, montreal, or detroit, or a hicktown on shlichus.
    i am just from toronto. ok? little old neutral canada.
    as noone else signed there name, i dont think im obligated to sign mine either.


    to add to what words of wisdom said:

    ppl, if ur lubavitch, ur on this website if not, u dont belong here watching lubobs making a fool outa themselves. if you are lubav, the n follow what ur rebbe says and connect with him!

  • On Shlichus

    The biggest Chilul Hashem is when we fight, no matter for what cause.
    If we would ALL decide to put on a weird looking hat and go dancing in the street ALL TOGETHER the world would follow suite. Todays ‘intelligent’ world is looking for leaders, not so much the brains, However, if our ‘so called leaders’ would have brains, they would put all their effort into making sure THEY get along and as a result everyone else would, AND THE ACHDUS WOULD GIVE THE WORLD THE BEST IMAGE, but, too bad they are all busy, fighting for power, spending money on court cases, etc. etc. what follows is an article like this with dozens of comments full of hate written by a bunch of bored teenagers.

    May He have mercy on all of us!

  • cmon!!!

    “dont judge ur freiund untill you have walked a mile in is shoes!!!!”

    al dadin es chvercha, ad shetagia bimkomo!!!

  • NoTalibanim

    Bochur should break his neck?!

    Yes, and he should have ended up with a Christopher Reeve level spinal cord injury for trying to vandalize Beis Chayenu. This just goes beyond belief and if that had happened it might have been the end of the Talibani terror.

    Had it been a shuchor who tried to climb up to damage a camera we would want the same thing. This lunatic is no better than a shuchor.

  • observer

    #82 you are obviously a very disturbed person. Hashem should have rachmones om you.

  • anonim

    Hashem (and the Rebbe) had rachmones on that meshuggener. Otherwise he could have ended up with what #82 suggested he deserves.

  • listen please and work hard

    all this arguments are normal for a human comunity to have.in every orginization there are people who think one way and others who think differently. the beauty is to work togheter. try to find the good in the other one.

  • anonim

    to 85 this is NOT about disagreement. I happen to say Yechi myself though mostly privately and understand beofen hamiskabel to include yechi in certain situations.

    This is about vandalizing the Rebbe’s very Beis Rabbenu shebeBovel and about destroying books that are meant to spread the Rebbe’s Toras haChassidus.

    For us, especially those of us who were zoiche to see the Rebbe, this is like lehavdil punching the Rebbe in the face chas vesholom.

  • horrible

    its simple. chabad has place for every jew (as a shlucha i can testify) and love him. yet foor our own brothers, coworkers – no love whatsoever

    second point – look at who our enemies r these days.
    they ussed to be sad–m, ahmanedijad (however u spell that) and homon yemach shemam. today, its tsfati bochurim, vaad hakohol vechulhu vechulhu

    shocking. no wonder sholom mordechai rubashkin is staying in prison for 27 years – altho he is davka undeserving i believe.
    brothers, see what WE are doing to ourselves. not linda reade. WE.

  • To #82 and others

    How many more are filled with such hate? Just the blatant emotion leaves me with an uneasy feeling. Do I walk passed these people on the streets who have such hate in their hearts? So much hate they will doom a man to a life of paralysis? How I wish names were attached to the vile anonymity so I could just see who to avoid.

  • shlomo

    people it simple. moshihism it avoda zara!. that’s it! so we se result every day

  • worried

    and if it was on gabay’s personal house? it call police or not?
    stop destroy USA!