The Weekly Comic – Parshas Balak

<%popup(Parasha Comics/Balak-lrg.jpg|746|770|Click Here to enlarge this comic!)%>


  • menachem shtikler

    i love the quack!! and billam’s eyes, oohh!!! scary. (the animal rights book is cute too)

  • CH fan

    gr8 job!
    i’d tell you in person, but i know you like reading it here

  • To Menucha From Berkely

    From the local critic (i know there are many of them), I didnt have a chance to respond to you last week, but i’m sorry, there is no reason why you were making this into a personal attack on the artist, i never mentioned the artist in my comment, i dont know the artist and i have nothing to do with the artist in any shape or form,o have not the slightest clue who he is or what he looks like nor the color of his skin hair or eyes, nor do i have any opinion biased pro OR against him, all of my critique was on the comic, i coundn’t care less who drew it and i think he’d be better of staying anonymous, as i dont realy care to know who he is, I was be 100% impartial, you were making this into a personal issue against the artist, with your girlish comments of “oy vey, how can you say that he’s my next door neighbor, or he’s my bubbys best friend bla bla…” all I was discussing was the art and i still have the same opinion, and i think that’s the same opinion of any Tony who reads the NY Times comics or for that matter the dalynews or post, which is… go see last week’s comment and you’l see the negativity over there, opinion here is given strictly from an artistic point of you, KEEP your emotions TO YOURSELF, lets discuss the ISSUES, NOT the people. Thank you.

  • spellcheck

    To: “To Menucha of Berkely”

    I cant help but correct at least this one spelling mistake: “point of view” as in outlook, NOT “point of you” as in I don’t know what…