Thousands at Lighting of London’s Largest Menorah

On Sunday night, an annual Tzivos Hashem rally took place at the Golders Green Station, where London’s largest Menorah is lit every night of Chanukah. The event was a huge success, with over 2,000 people from all walks of Judaism in attendance.

The evening was emceed by Rabbi Mendel Gordon of the Lubavitch Yeshiva. It began with the 12 Pesukim recited by children from all over the UK, followed by a rendition of ‘Sheyiboneh’ by Sruli Rodal of Hendon.

Live music was played by Mendel Moses, accompanied by Guest Singer Rabbi Eli Levin from South Hampstead, adding greatly to the joyous atmosphere.

Greetings were brought from Malcom Cohen, the Jewish Mayor of the London Borough of Barnet. Members of the British and European Parliaments were also in attendance.

The crowd enjoyed a fire and unicycle show, while doughnuts, dreidels and chanukah gelt were distributed to all.

Dressed as clowns, ducks, chickens and Dreidels, the Bochurim from the Lubavitch Yeshiva Gedola and Ketana all helped add to the festivities and bring joy to all present.

This is the 29th year that the Giant Menorah was lit Golders Green. It is one of the 6 public Menorahs erected by Tzivos Hashem around London.

The program was organized by Rabbi and Mrs. Yossi Simon, and Dr. and Mrs. Bunim Weinbaum of Tzivos Hashem.

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