Mazal Tov! Chabad of Tasmania Purchases New Home

With immense gratitude to Hashem, Chabad of Tasmania has announced the purchase of a new home that will be used as the nations Chabad Center.

“May Hashem continue to shower blessings on our community and provide us everything we all need,” said Rabbi Yochanon and Rochel Gordon, the Shluchim to Tasmania.

In September 2011, Rabbi Yochanan and Rochel Gordon moved across the world, and made Tasmania their home together with their 18 month son, Sholom. Their arrival brought the first resident Rabbi back to Tasmania after 60 years.

Working on the foundation established by Rabbi Yossi Gordon, Yochanan’s fathe, Rabbi Yochanan and Rochel’s hope and aspiration was, and is, to reach every single Jew in Tasmania. They hope to create a warm and vibrant Jewish Community for now and for the future of Jewry in Tasmania.

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