Jewish Senatorial Candidate for Connecticut Visits the Ohel With Her Race Too Close To Call


Leora Levy, a Jewish Senatorial Candidate for Connecticut made a stop at the Ohel with just days left until election day.

“Tonight I was at the Ohel and we just heard the Rebbe speak about the fact that the constitution of the United States was written for the people and the people are not subservient to the constitution,” Levy said. “The Rebbe also stressed the importance of a moral education in our society. That’s what I want for our children!”

As a proud Jewish woman and the mother of three sons, Leroa’s run for Senate as a Republican candidate in a Democratic state is making waves.

“I am running for U.S. Senator from Connecticut to end the radical liberalism of Dick Blumenthal, to make life affordable again, to make life safe again and to protect the freedom of the residents of CT and of Americans nationwide that is being threatened on a daily basis,” she said. “I will fight for your ethical and moral values, protect the sanctity of your communities, and most importantly, ensure that you can live safe, healthy, and meaningful lives in peace.”

Richard Blumenthal, a Jewish American lawyer and politician, is a senior United States senator who first gained his seat in 2011.

“Our country is losing its way. I’m asking for your vote so that I can make sure our children have a moral education, so that our values are transmitted to them and that they can have the opportunity to live an American dream as we have had,” Leora said. “I ask for your vote on November 8th!”

Levy is also the sister of Shlucha Mrs. Sara Weinstein, a Shlucha of Chabad on Campus in Pittsburgh, PA.

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