The ‘Rosh’ Gives A Shiur in Inyonai Geula U’Moshiach

The Rosh Yeshiva of Ohr Elchonon in Los Angeles Rabbi Ezra B. Schochet gave a Shiur last night in Inyonai Geula U’Moshiach to Bochurim in the small Zal in 770 with the participation of tens of Bochurim.

The Shiur was arranged by the ‘Vaad HaMoisifin’ [Committee for Increasing] that has lately undertaken the task of increasing in such Shiurim.

More pictures in the Extended Article! (Photos by: Eli Kahan)


  • Hirschel Pekkar

    BH. To let all know what the Rebbe indicated to me in yechidus, as to the meaning of “yechi”. The Rebbe said in yiddish, “ zolst nemen fun danet oif gashmius und oif ruchnius mit zich” -you should take from here for the physical and for the spiritual with you, to which I said, “ich hob gevolt nemen der rebbe mit zich” I want to take The Rebbe with me. To which The Rebbe answered, “az du nemst fun di ruchnius fun danet, nemst du mir mit zich, und az du nemst mir mit zich, zolst mir ousnutzen oif goote zachen” – as you take from the spiritual from here, you are taking me with you, and as you are taking me with you, use me out on good things. Yechi, means a soul in a body, the “ruchnius from here” this is the soul, “mir oisnitzen” this is the body. Knowing this, will disspell the arguements that have been associated with “yechi” since it’s beggining. By Divine Providence, the letters that I have to type in for the id. of this comment are MM L 6 35. The MM and L, we know what they stand for. The 6 represents humility, where the head is down, the aspect of prayer. The 35, consists of 32, heart, plus 3, the 1-ruchnius, the 2-gashmius, together = 3 on which the world stands. also the letter “gimmel” which will bring the “G”eulla with Moshiach in the Beis Hamikdosh #3


    LESS GO LA!!!!!!!!!