Cheder Menachem of Los Angeles, “Grand Expo”

Los Angeles, CA — For close to an entire month, Chayolim from Cheder Menachem’s 5th – 8th grades planned, designed, prepared and built beautiful exhibits for the annual Chayolei Tzivos Hashem “Grand Expo”.

The theme of this year was, “The Rebbe’s Mivtzoim”, where each one of the 14 groups were given one of the many Mitzva Campaigns that the Rebbe had initiated over the course of the Nesius.

Finally, this past Monday evening, the 18th of Sivan, Los Angeles anash came out to view and vote for each and every exhibit. Votes were to be based on how well the exhibit and the group’s representative presented their theme and how creative the exhibit was.

It took a while but after all of the ballots were counted up the winners were finally announced: 1st place went to Mivtza Hadfosas Tanya, 2nd place went to Mivtza Moshiach and 3rd place went to Mivtza Kashrus.

All in all, as in all previous years, the evening was a wholesome, fun-filled event that gave the entire community much deserved nachas and pride in yet another wonderful program provided by Cheder Menachem.