Now Available Online: The Rebbe’s Original Sichos from 5742-5752
In response to the great demand and thirst for the the original Hanochos of the Rebbe’s Sichos ‘b’loshon harav’ (in Yiddish) from the years 5742 and on, we are happy to share that this priceless resource has just been made available to the public in honor of Yud Shvat.
Until now, we have only had access to original Yiddish Hancohos from 5710 (1950) through the year 5741 (1981) in the classic Sichos Kodesh set (sichoskodesh.com).
In commemoration of the Rebbe accepting the leadership of our generation – on this very day 66 years ago – Vaad Hanochos Hatmimim, the publisher of these talks under the leadership of Rabbi Simon Jacobson, has made the farbrengens held between the years 5742 and 5752 (1982-1992) available to Hebrewbooks.org. In honor of Yud Shvat, Hebrewbooks.org has posted the first batch of these existing Hanochos, making them available to the general public with the click of a button. The collection can be viewed at http://hebrewbooks.org/latest.
The Vaad also appeals to the public: if anyone has a kuntres or sicha from these years that is not included in this collection, please contact them by emailing wisdomreb@meaningfullife.com, enabling them to include it in this collection, so all those who seek to study the complete original hanochos of the Rebbe’s sichos may benefit.
The sichos of these years are known to be longer and more all encompassing than farbrengens in previous years. They are uniquely global in their attitude, address the sheva mitzvos b’nei noach, lead into the topic of Moshiach and geula, and include many cornerstone sichos; establish the daily study of Rambam, mivtza sefer Torah, the Rebbe’s drive and personal plea of “asei lecho rav” and the unprecedented sichos about the Rebbetzin following 22 Shvat 5748.
This new collection also includes the original transcripts of the revolutionary farbrengens in which the Rebbe speaks about geulah, describes the work as having been completed, leaving us only with the remaining step of opening up our eyes. These are sichos which have a special place in the heart of all chassidim, as the blueprint for the final stage of bringing Moshiach.
Special acknowledgement to Rabbis Sholom Weinberg, Yossi Lew, Aaron Leib Raskin, and Menny Yusewitz who contributed kuntresim to the new collection, making their resources available to the broader public. Thanks to Sharshi Borisut for his diligent work in posting these materials.
Below are three copies of the Rebbe’s edits, in his own holy handwriting, on sichos during this period:
Too bad that it’s a very incomplete collection. It’s at best, about 30% of the Sichos. Nothing from 5752, very little from 5749-5751..