Renowned Gadol Celebrates Birthday at Miami Yeshiva
Harav Moshe Wolfson Shlita, Mashgiach Ruchni of Yeshivas Torah Vedaas and Rav of Kehilas Emunas Yisrael, celebrates his birthday at the Yeshiva Gedolah of Greater Miami.
On Monday, 23rd of Teves, Erev 24th Teves – the Yahrtzeit of the Alter Rebbe, the Yeshiva held a Farbrengen in honor of the Yom Hilula and in conjunction with the birthday of Harav Hagaon Rabbi Moshe Wolfson Shlita.
The Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Hagaon Rabbi Yehudah L. Shapiro, introduced Rabbi Wolfson as one of the leading Gedolei Hador of our time, and the tremendous merit the Yeshiva has that Rabbi Wolfson chose to celebrate his birthday with the Yeshiva, as well as Rabbi Wolfson’s exceptional Hiskashrus to the Rebbe.
Rabbi Wolfson began his talk by saying: “just like the Alter Rebbe was a “Neshama Chadasha” as it is known, and therefore the Alter Rebbe introduced new ideas in Avodas Hashem, to his knowledge, the Rebbe as well was a “Neshama Chadasha” and therefore the Rebbe as well introduced new ideas in Avodas Hashem.
“One of the ideas the Rebbe introduced was to recognize the entire year of Hakhel as a “Shnas Hakhel,” as it is connected to the various initiatives that the Rebbe had stressed with regards to children, so to in Hakhel there was a unique phenomenon of bringing the children. This is also connected to this that Shnas Hakhel is a tremendously significant time for the coming of Moshiach, as it is the year the comes after the “Shana Hasheviis” (the seventh year)”, Rabbi Wolfson elegantly connected this to various different concepts, such as the greatness of Seudas Melave Malka, the Aliya of Maftir, just to mention a few.
Rabbi Avraham Korf Shlita, head Shliach of the Rebbe to the state of Florida, spoke with regard to our readiness to the imminent Geula.
The final speaker was Mr. Avraham Saulson, who was celebrating his birthday as well. Mr. Shaulson told over a story that he personally experienced when he recently traveled to the Tziyon of the Rebbe’s Father, Reb Levik, and how he saw vividly how the Zechus of Reb Levik helped them on their trip. Mr. Shaulson also told over to the crowd how the study of the Sefer Hatanya transformed his life.
The crowd sang Nigunim, as well as the Nigun of the Alter Rebbe – the Nigun Daled Bovos.
This farbrengen left a tremendous impact on the Bochrim and on all those who participated.