An article about the Internal Revenue Service seizing property of Yeshiva Achei Tmimim appearing in the Telegram, highlighted the financial woes of the institution that has been in Worcester, Massachusetts since 1959.

IRS Seizes Worcester Yeshiva Property

An article about the Internal Revenue Service seizing property of Yeshiva Achei Tmimim appearing in the Telegram, highlighted the financial woes of the institution that has been in Worcester, Massachusetts since 1959.


The Internal Revenue Service has seized the building at 22 Newton Ave. that houses Yeshiva Achei Tmimim synagogue and Yeshiva Academy, a Hebrew day school. The notice says the seizure is for


  • praying that all turns out well

    I truly hope something can be done to save the Worcester Yeshiva property. Rabbi and Rebbitzin Fogelman started their Shlichus with the Friediker Rebbe’s directive and have put heart and soul into their Shlichus dating back over 65 years. They have lived so simply all these years and have dedicated themselves to building a community and bringing so many closer to Yiddishkeit. May Hakodosh Boruch Hu grant them Arichas Yomim V’shanim Tovos and a complete Refuah Shlaima to Harav Yehuda Tzvi Fogelman.

  • Ma Rabbi

    What a shame. The Yeshiva in Worcester has been educating and mekarev Jews for 60 years. Maybe Merkos can come to the rescue or some kind millionare. It would be a great mitzva.

  • chana

    What was the point of putting this in public? Do u think someone will come forth and help? or just a good piece of gossip?

  • Morly Richt

    That`s the hard reality of owning a Chabad House. Not every city or town has `big wheels“ who donate… Most are literally starving at the brink of closures, for sure. There`s nothing to do about it, but maybe scale down and operate a small chabad house in your home or garage…. whatever it takes to united yiddin. We have a few of those in our big town and they have mekareved many street people. Nothing to be ashamed about… the rebbe would have wholeheartedly endorsed it… even if it crosses territory borders with a huge chabad establishment!


    Is anyone home? What’s the point of publishing this sad story withoiut at least a link for people to donate? What’s the matter with this???

  • Church and State

    It’s ironic that when it comes to funding schools the US government screens “separation of church and state” But they have no issue in collecting taxes ….

  • Beryl G.

    Suggestion:I think they should reach out to Levi Liberov- he may be able to help. Good luck!

  • to #5 it all makes sense

    Rabbi Korf in Florida has it right. Just ask him open a Chabad House on every corner and then let G-d work it out. Last I heard he and his son filed for bankruptcy.

  • Shmuel butman

    All the very best to wenderful people who have dedicated all their lives to the work of the Frierdeker Rebbe and the Rebbe. May they continue in good health and long life
    Horav Reb Yehuda Tzvi ben Bas Sheva Lirfuo Krovo Ushleimo Velaarichus Yomim Veshonim Tovos

  • A graduate of Beis Chana

    You can take the girl away from woostah… but you can never take woostah out of our hearts!

  • seems out of control

    who is in charge these days, they cant get their act together the place has been spiraling down in the last three years, Mendel Fogelman vos iz mit deer??

  • Find something goid

    Answer to 18 you obviously have an agenda. How sad for you Mendel is the only one keeping the place going. You obviously only care about your own pathetic agenda how sad for you

  • to #18

    to #18
    Don’t be so quick to judge. In light of the depressed economy, many Chabad Houses are suffering. Shluchim are watching some of their own Balabatim who were once wealthy and alwayas giving, suffer from the economic crisis that has hit our communities. From what I’ve heard, Worcester was never a city of multi-millionaires. It has always been a struggle financially. The Shluchim in Worcester do not live the high life in Worcester and no new Moisad buildings were built or purchased in the last 35 years….And through it all, Rabbi and Rebbitzen Fogelman did not and do not let that get in the way of their total devotion to their Shlichus, their community and the hundreds of students and families that have gained an enormous amount of Jewish Education, Love and inspiration that will stay with them forever.

  • If you have nothing to say , don-t

    If you are so capable – and obviously you are from the way you so cavilerly criticizing – why don’t you call Mendel fogelman give him so sage advice – or are you just mocking him…

  • the community has moved out

    living close to the area, I understand there’s almost no community left there. The high school has closed. There’s minimal enrollment in the day school. There’s really no yeshiva. Anyone who needed normal Jewish education or simply a more established community has moved out of there. Maybe it’s just the way to close the place down – same as it happened in other previoulsy large Jewish communities when the Yidden moved out.

  • So Sad

    Maybe Levi can help them out of the Yeshiva the same way he helped them out of the girls dorm. Without even telling anyone.

  • A Worcester community member

    Wow 18 were are you from obviously not from Worcester? The week of Chanukah alone I saw 10 very sucsseful events with a lot of community participation. As for # 22 you must be siting in your pathetic little worl dreaming that a mosed should close. I saw 25 college students at a Chanukah party in the yeshiva I saw 45 community members at a butiful me lave Malka . I Saw 75 people at yud tes Kislev farbrengin I saw an amazing menorah lighting at newton square the Glendale mall to name a few. I saw 3 minyanim a day and a shabbis minyan with a wonderful kiddish and farbrengin. i guess when you stated that “you understand there is no community” you are either being misled or your like # 18 you have your own pathetic agenda. Slhluchim like the fogelmans wont pik up and run the rebbe would never allow but I sure hope you move because you are clearly a very small person

  • #22

    Living close to the area you should also know that the Yeshiva serves as a Shul, hosts functions, on Shabbos close to 100 people daven something that many communities would love to have.

    The school has less children, but to close down when Jewish children are learning every day?

  • please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If there is a nice Jewish family that is willing to help out, all these negitive comments are going to make them think twice. Please don’t hurt our community anymore. We’ve been hurt enough, learnt alot (I hope) and will move on in a positive way.

  • good luck

    #22 is right

    It is time to close up. Keep a small and low profile.

    The neighborhood has changed and thats life. I grew up there and almost everyone left.

    You cant cling to a neighborhood that has moved on. Rabbi Meyer greenberg ZAL who was the rov of patterson NJ was also forced to leave his rabbonis and shlichus when the place changed. WOuld you think the Rebbe wants him to stay in a place with almost nothing there

  • #27

    You grew up there, but are clueless to what there is now. Worcester is not Patterson, your cold pathetic coments is an indication of your stupidity.

  • to #27

    to #27
    Please read comment #24
    Although, the School enrollment has dwindled there is still a Jewish community that is involved and there have been many active programs and events that are taking place daily and weekly to tend to the needs of the Jewish Community. Recent Chanuka parties, Menorah lighting, College Student programs,
    Melaveh Malka/Fabrengens, an active Shul for Minyonim and community events. Remember, Our Rebbe was not looking for big number counts of attendance (that’s nice too)… The Rebbe’s message was and is that even if ONE Jew is affected then your Shlichus anywhere in the world is a success!

  • A Robinson

    I lived in Worcester for only one year over 30 years ago. Have many fond memories of the community.

  • Ma Rabbi

    As I suggested before, let Merkos buy it.
    The building is worth 2 million dollars and Merkos can buy it for only $500,000. Its a good investment for tham.

  • Pathetic advice from 27

    For those of you who pretend there is nothing there please read 24 and that’s just part of it. Of course there is opposition from snags who are also there. joined by rabbi fogelmans Baal teshuvas who he coddled for way too long giving them everything for free tuition, Shul ,shiurim, camp they repay like someone who owes you money. they hate you for helping them. im sure# 22and27 are in that catogory. And in spite of them there is still a wonderfulll community miyanim lots activity etc. you don’t leave a city with 3 miyanim a day melave malkas farbrengens you don’t even suggest it unless your one of the people I described.

  • #32 You are the Problem

    It’s people like you and the disdain you have for other people that has caused Worcester to become so small and insignificant. The “snags” and “coddled baalei teshuva” are the only reason that you still have a minyan.
    What ever happened to the Rebbe’s vision of being mkarev people and mesirus nefesh. Is it one of the Rebbe’s directives to bad mouth, insult and have sinas chinam towards the ones you were mkarev? If it is then gevald! If not then it’s no wonder at what is happening. When you disregard the Rebbe’s directives, you lose the Rebbe’s brocha.
    #24 you can exaggerate as much as you want, but there are no 100 people on shabbos unless it’s a special event. The leadership in this community stinks and unless Merkos buys the property AND sends a new SHLIACH, this placed is doomed to failure. You can continue to fool yourself until you see the padlock on the front door.

  • Very disturbed

    Maybe the findings in 770 should go there and help them

    Come on let us be nice don’t put people down when they are down, now we know why Moshiach has not come and all the צרות that the Chabad movement is going through

    Enough is enough

    עד מתי

  • beryl g.

    Definitely, not a lost cause! As I mentioned earlier, Levi Liberov may be able to help. Just don’t put him in charge of arranging the beautiful farbrengen/kiddush; you’d be alot better off and get more for your buck if you buy the items yourself.

  • Reuben Gordon

    The Worcester economy and jobs opportunity does not attract people to move there and thus unfortunately, the Yeshiva enrollment does not increase but only decrease. So what is/can be done?? Re-open Wyman Gordon or Table Talk pies??

  • A friend

    Although the financial situation in the entire city has gone down, enough to close the other Jewish (non religious) school in town as well as merge three different temples, through it all the Fogelmans and especially Mendel, have managed to vnahapachu the situation to good. They are continually making events and activities for people of all ages and stages and are truly doing the Rebbe and FR’s shlichus in these challenging times. Kol Hakovod, and if you’d like to donate, I’m sure The Fogelmans would welcome you warmly so you can see directly where your funds are going.

    Ps- for those interested in going on Shlichus- rethink the situation. It’s not all glamour, honor, and wealth. Worcester has been struggling financially for 70 years with little recognition except the many heartwarming stories abt lives they’ve affected. This article is nothing new. As they are doing the Rebbe’s shlichus, a yeshua will come as it has to different shluchim in the past.

  • benny

    i happen to thin that it is mendels fault at least part of it he manged to turn off alot of members of the community although it also has to do with the economy and ime sure he means well however his immature personality at some times as happened alot turned off many people from the community some having gone off to pray in other temples

  • YS the author

    If real estate there is cheap, this may be a great opportunity for a group of young people to carry through on my suggestion from an article I wrote here years ago:


    I can’t be of much real assistance regarding this as I do not wish to return to the United States, but I am posting in the hope it may spark a real solution to several problems at once.

  • Huntley Street Advocate

    I would like to thank Rabbi Fogelman for his years of dedication to the Yeshiva and the community,and educating all of our children without obstacles or roadblocks. I wish him 120 years of good health,and he should continue going lemaleh lemaleh.

  • Former Worcester resident

    As a former Worcester resident it saddens me to read about the closing of the
    Yeshiva. I was a young boy when it opened. So sad to see the passing of an era.