ENDED: Worldwide Childrens Chanukah Rally

Over 5,000 children from close to 50 Chabad schools worldwide will be tuning in today, for a special Chanukah Live – Tzivos Hashem Rally.

The Rally will be from 2:15 – 3:15pm EST and will be broadcasted live from 770. The rally will also be recorded and made available later online for those that can’t watch it live.

The program will include:

A special Chanukah story, told by master story teller – Rabbi Yitzy Erps

Pesukim – led by Chayolim from around the world

We want Moshiach now – We don’t want to wait!

Sicha – The order of the day

Promotions – Saluting all the boys and girls that have recently gone up in rank

A special musical presentation by Chaim Fogelman

Tzedakah – As the Rebbe instructed by Chanukah rallies, three dimes will be given to all attendees

The Rally is made possible by the NCFJE and Chayolei Tzivos Hashem – A project of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch (Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky) and Tzivos Hashem (Rabbi Yerachmiel Bejaminson) developed in partnership with anash.com (Rabbi Shaya Smetana) and Chabad schools worldwide and MyShliach for the children of Shluchim.