The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to review a 27-year prison term issued to a former kosher slaughterhouse executive convicted of financial fraud following a huge immigration raid at the Iowa plant.

Supreme Court Rejects Rubashkin Appeal


The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to review a 27-year prison term issued to a former kosher slaughterhouse executive convicted of financial fraud following a huge immigration raid at the Iowa plant.

The Supreme Court declined Monday to consider an appeal filed by former Agriprocessors Inc. vice president Sholom Rubashkin.

He was convicted of a scheme to cheat the Postville plant’s lender out of $27 million by submitting fake invoices that made its finances appear healthier than they were. His arrest came after immigration authorities raided the plant and arrested 389 illegal immigrants.

Rubashkin had argued that U.S. District Judge Linda Reade could not be impartial because she met with investigators to plan the immigration raid. He also argued his prison term was too long for a first-time, nonviolent offender.


  • Simminy Stuart

    So what’s next? Hashem please perform a miracle on Sukkkos Simchas Torah for this poor yid. 27 years? This is ridiculous and a joke. It continues to be a source of embarrassment for the United States Fake Justice System. I hope Hashem destroys the building that houses this judge.

  • Crown Heights Resident

    Shalom Rubashkin can hope that President Obama will Pardon him

    Or he can appeal his case to the supreme court again in a few years

  • 770dude

    #1 i know you are frustrated, but don’t make a fool out of yourself. It is not an embarrassment to the USA, other than a “couple” of Jews, no one in America cares and life will go on.

    Relax and feel free to move out of this great country anytime you feel to do so.

    There is one thing of being angry and another of just yelling like a lunatic

  • minyaner

    He did the crime, now do the time. This isn’t anti-semitism, just a guy who deserves his sentence.

  • Milhouse

    #4, your comment shows that you are not mizera yisroel (like the Giv’onim) and therefore can’t be counted in a minyan.

  • Hashem Yerachem

    It makes me physically sick to know that there are people out there, yidden!!, who still believe that 27 years is a jut punishment for the crime he was found guilty of. Even the prosecution thought it was too much!
    May he see an immediate yeshua!!

  • mendy

    I am not here to write a comment, but thank you Crown heights Info for being balanced and allowing comments on both sides of the aisle, unlike another crown heights news site that basically stole your idea, they will not publish anything that they disagree with

    Well done guys

  • Rivkah Aialon

    Wow I am astonished! G-D please help Sholom Rubaskin, he might deserve a punishment but certainly not 27 years for the crime he committed. There are rapists that go free in less time!

    I f goyish states attorneys say that than all jews should say it, vehavata leracha Kamocha!

  • minyaner

    Milhouse, If I am not mizerah Yisrael, than neither is half of Chabad… I am gezhe. In any case, My disagreements make me like a goy? It’s thinking like that, that make all the CH kids want to frei out (me included). You have to fit into a “box” and if you have other views, you are looked down upon. Just because someone has a different ideology than you, does not make them a goy…

  • Anonymous

    Batya wrote:

    What tragic news. I say “Amen” to #7’s last line. Also, may the Rubashkin family be granted an abundance of koach and comfort from
    the Ribbono Shel Olam. Above all, Moshiach now for all Yidden!

    In response to #2: President Obama pardon Shalom Mordechai?? You
    mean just like the Pres. pardoned Jonathon Pollard? You must be
    kidding! We should pray that soon President ROMNEY pardons both
    men. (Any Jew who votes for Pres.O, must be self-hating and/or not caring about the destiny of our beloved Eretz Yisroel. May they
    very quickly come to see the light of their neshamas and experience
    and grow in authentic Judaism.

  • think r

    we will continue to find ways to do Ahavas Yisroel mitzvos in SMR’s name, and other mitzvos. We will do what we can.
    those people responsible for this, will get back the negativity they put into sending him to this challenge. This is an ugly stain in US history. Those who were so hateful to do this, will see what this cost them, and everyone.

  • CR

    It’s over. BDE. Despite our best efforts to help Reb SMR defeat these charges he is now an involuntary guest of Club Fed. Our task now is to assure he is not forgotten and has all the support necessary to make his stay as comfortable and settled as possible.

    There will still be opportunities for early release. His incarceration will already be in a facility more sympathetic to the needs of a chassidische balabus so that is a plus as well.

  • Menachem

    to #4 go back to school, stop hanging out on the interenet all day, its not good for you

  • to #4

    #4 you are a sick dude. This has nothing to do with having a different idea and becoming frei. Even a non-jew has more of a heart. You must be having difficulties in your life… as the saying goes “misery loves company”.

  • Victim of the times

    Shalom Mordechai may be a victim of today’s criminal system. When, a few years ago, a couple of dozen Rabbis plus a New Jersey mayor and other big political heads were arrested for corruption, there was a big meeting (about 2000 in attendance) at Vizhnitz Hall in Boro Park. Among the speakers was famed white caller attorney Ben Brafman.
    In a nutshell, a generation ago, if you did a financial crime, you would just get like a slap on the wrist. But the Mob and Drug gangs took advantage of the loopholes and light penalties to kind of, stay ahead of the game. So ,the government was in kind of a cat and mouse game with organized crime. What did government do? Closed the loopholes and toughen the penalties, hoping to deter this kind of activity. But the criminals still found a way to take advantage. So, big gov, made it even tougher. This scenario kept up to the extent, that now, yes, indeed, you can get a longer jail sentence for a financial crime than for rape or murder.
    The only thing going for a white collar criminal today is that still, he goes to a white collar jail while a murderer goes to that type of jail.

  • A posterman?

    The extra long sentence may be wrong but I believe there are a lot of people NOW rethinking their former rationalizations for committing fraud.

    Rabashkin has become the posterman for reviving the incentive to teach ethics in yeshivas.

  • Look behind his words:

    How can #4 call himself a minyaner?

    Does he have any rachmones?

    King David (Dovid HaMelech) rejected people not to convert because they lacked rachmonis. Chazal say that this is basic Jewish trait.

    minyaner, if you speak this, there’s a shayalah on your yiddishkeit!

  • To Goyishe Kopf:#4

    RE: “He did the crime”. Who says so? Your corrupt government? What about former NJ Governor J.Corzine who stole $1.5 billion from his customers? You are a gullible fool. I hope one day you will end up in his shoes. Nobody will care about your plight.

  • minyaner

    #13 I’m not a sicko. The ones who are “sickos” are the ones who try to defend a guilty man after he abused the system. Just because he is a Jew and a Lubavitcher doesn’t make him more precious than other Jews. I don’t see you fighting for Bernie Madoff, who is also guilty of fraud crimes…

  • From the heart

    I am shocked CHInfo would state that Shalom Rubashkin “was convicted of a scheme to cheat”.
    Everyone who has followed this case knows he was accused of entering into shady deals with goyim who were trying to profit from him. They would have cheated him if given the chance. As always, the Jew is the one to pay. Shalom should be free and his antisemite “victims” are the ones who should be in prison!

  • Menachem

    to minyaner: you are on FM too often, its not good for you, a bochur shouldnt be reading this junk. He should be learning Torah.

  • Look behind his words:

    To compare Madof to Rubashkin is nivel peh.

    He claims he’s gezeh… I’m sure his buried relatives are turning over in their graves, and embarrassed to have him as their descendant.

    The Frediker Rebbe writes in Likuttei Diburim that there are such chassidim that there only connection is that they claim that they are gezeh, but when it comes to practical things, they are far from their source.

    By the way, Rubashkin is gezeh too.

  • Milhouse

    #10, Yes, the views you express show that you are not mizera yisroel. Just as the Tanach tells us the Giv’onim’s attitude showed that they were not, and just as Rabbi Akiva could tell from one little brat’s behavior that he was a mamzer and ben hanidoh, it’s apparent to all from your attitude that there is something terribly wrong with your yichus. No kosher Jew could take your uncaring attitude to Sholom’s plight.

    Sholom is a tzadik, and you are a rosho. How dare you compare him to Madoff? Whom did he harm? He only ever did good to people, and that is why he has such solid support here.

  • From the heart

    To 23, Menachem, what does “on FM too often” mean? Too much public radio? NPR?
    I don’t get it.

  • to #2

    Your well meant statement tells me you should read more and become more informed about these times.

  • john

    to 22
    you are obviestly misinfromed. ch.info is stating the fact that he was convicted (=the court rightfully or wrongfully decieded that hes guilty) of bank fraud. if you want to interpret it as shady deals you can but dont change the facts.

  • I agree with #22

    The opening paragraph- also including the words ‘following an immigration raid’ within the context- does seem to have a slant particularly if it should be read by someone who knows nothing about the case.

  • #28 you want the -facts- you got em

    Many media sources of renown, including CNN, manage to keep themselves off the tabloid genre (officially) while making gross distortions. They do this by making statements, which, taken individually may be factual but seen as a whole present the exact opposite of the truth to the reader. It is easy to do this by choosing carefully from a bunch of ‘facts’ and omitting an assortment of other facts effectively creating a one-sided and distorted perception in the mind of the uninformed reader. Anyone with an open mind can train themselves to recognize these tactics by reading newspapers with opposing viewpoints until they can recognize the subtle methods employed by writers with a personal agenda who attempt to brainwash the reader.

  • A lot to say to Minyaner (#4)

    1) Everyone seems to forget that the Feds’ dramatic raid on Rubashkin’s plant was with the intention of getting him for supposedly hiring and employing illegal immigrants.

    When Rubashkin was basically vindicated on all of that, the government was embarrassed that they’d put on such a big dog and pony show with the black helicopters, etc., that they looked and snooped and contrived to have to find SOMETHING against him, and convicted him on a law from the 1930s that had never before been enforced!

    2) If the authorities look hard enough at anyone — I dare say even you, “Minyaner” (#4), a determined bunch of Federal officials will find SOMETHING to “get” ANYONE on!

    3) Even hia bank had no problem with Rubashkin’s practices.

    4) And how many heimishe folks out there have succeeded at getting mortgages by conveniently leaving out information from their own financial situation (like planning to leave a job as soon as the mortgage was in place), in order to still get their mortgage? [But P.S.: They’re faithfully making their monthly payments, so the Bank doesn’t care at all! Yet, technically, it’s illegal to have left out this info.!]

    5) And how many Yidden are failing to report income they’re paid in cash, in order to “look” low-income enough to be able to qualify for Head Start, Food Stamps, etc.? [And I’m NOT talking about the truly low-income poor; we all know the difference between those who really should be on those programs, and those who are but wouldn’t really qualify if they were completely honest about their financial situation!] Oh, but the dishonest ones among our Yidden (R“L!) will rationalize that away somehow….

    6) Yet for the government to ”get“ Rubashkin on a technicality — and that’s what it was! — somehow ”Minyaner“ (#4) thinks Rubashkin ”deserves his sentence”!!!!

    Oy vey is mir!!! Rebbe….



  • Emanuel Martinez-Levi

    Has he ever shown any remorse or an intent to make restitution? Admit he made a huge mistake? The accusations were pretty serious, he was found guilty on 86 counts and for what I saw on the sentencing guidelines, it could have been much worse. Also, he was offered a plea deal in exchange for 10 or 12 years. If you read the entire case OBJECTIVELY, legally the evidence was overwhleming. If he expects a Presidential Pardon, I do not se it happening unless he had expressed during the judicial process against him any remorse,admit he made a mistake, assumed responsibility for his actions or make an atempt of restitution. We make mistakes, that is why we are humans, but what separates the good ones from the unscrupulous, is our ability to admit we made errors and are willing to amend for them. Unfortunately, I have not seen any of this from this unfortunate man. I ache for his family.