From Days Gone By: Gan Yisroel in the Mid ‘60s
From the archives of Zevi Iseroff, we present a collection of vintage photographs of Camp Gan Yisroel in upstate New York, summers of 1964 and 1966. Can you identify anyone in the photos?
The photo of two young men in front of 770 was taken on the last day of camp in 1966. After returning from the Catskills, the counselors were dropped off at 770, where they davened Mincha with the Rebbe.
Old friend
Eye shpy Dr. Gershom Taub during his early years as a clinical resident in Queens.
I see Rudolph!
The fellow petting the deer is Rabbi Shiminke Lazarof עמײַש from Texas.
the young man in the לast photo with the hat and black beard was Rabbi Motti Berger O”H, who then became head counsellor in CGI montreal, and then a shillalah in Ottawa Canada
The second photo from the top shows on the left Rabbi Hendel Lieberman, the artist, with rabbi Avremel Shemtov standing off to the right
woo nice pictures
Yossi A
Shimke Lazerov with the deer
Last picture looks like Reb Levi Bistritzky OBM
picture #2 R hendel Lieberman. Rav Moshe Yizchok Hecht z”l Shaliach to New Haven. his son Horav Yossef Hecht at the microphone, today Rav Horashi of Eilat, Reb Mendel Deitch, Rav Avrohom Shemtov
shimon lazeroff. motty berger.
Michoel Seligson
Those were good days
Picture #2
2nd photo from top from the right 2nd person is
Harav Hagoen rabbi Marlow O”H
Picture #2
2nd photo from top from the right 2nd person Sitting is Harav Hagoen rabbi Marlow O”H
not enough!
I met this person in Israel. He said he also has a film of Camp GI Swan Lake, and a part of Lag Baomer parade.
Go find him!
the first picture is the old lake
Agent 007
Is this the lake where R”L a swimmer form Eretz Yisroel drowned?
to # 12