Argentina’s President ‘Adopts’ Chabad Boy

Argentina’s President, Christina Fernández, has ceremoniously ‘adopted’ the son of a Lubavitch family in Buenos Aires as her ‘godson.’ The reason: to prevent him from turning into a ‘werewolf.’ Yair Tawil is the first Jewish boy ever to receive this honor, which until 2009 was only awarded to Catholic children.

From Israel National News:

President Christina Fernández met Yair Tawil and several members of his family at her office on Tuesday to hold the unusual ceremony, which dates back over 100 years.

According to Argentinian folklore, the seventh straight son born to a family will transform into the feared “el lobison” (werewolf).

The werewolf shows its true nature on the first Friday after the boy’s 13th birthday, legend says. The boy turns into a werewolf at midnight whenever there is a full moon, doomed to hunt and kill others before returning to human form.

Belief in this legend was so widespread in 19th century Argentina that families began abandoning – even murdering – their own baby boys.

That atrocity sparked the Presidential practice of adoption, which began in 1907, and was formally established in 1973 by Juan Domingo Peron, who extended the tradition to include baby girls.

Seventh sons or daughters now gain the President as their official ‘godparent,’ a gold medal, and a full educational scholarship until the age of 21.

Yair Tawil, the seventh son of a Chabad Lubavitch family, is the first Jewish boy to be adopted, as the tradition only applied to Catholic children until 2009.

Shlomo and his wife Esther Tawil wrote to the President in 1993 requesting the honor for Yair but were denied on religious grounds.

However, Yair, citing the 2009 decision, wrote to Fernandez this year asking for the designation of godson – and it was granted.

At the ceremony, Fernandez and Yair’s family lit Hanukkah candles together, using a menorah from Israel presented to the president by the Tawil family.

In a series of tweets, Fernandez described the meeting as a “magical moment” with a “marvelous family.” She described Yair as “a total sweety,” and called his mother “Queen Esther.”

The President also tweeted that the Tawils “are a very special family. They have a sort of peace, happiness and a lot of love that is not common.”


  • Hashem Yishmor

    This aint no honour at all
    Please read the sefer hamitzvos weve been reading these days

  • Unbelievable

    I think this is just the most bizarre thing I have ever heard, & that a Chabad family would want to do this – for the money? “Harmless” tradition? It seems creepy & not something Chabad or any frum Jews should get involved with.

    • Anonymous

      this blowing out symbolizies the spiritual side of the Adoption… how far will You still go away from the ways of the Rebbe!!!!! Honour, Money … oiii how low have we fallen!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • CH resident...

    Did they ask a shailah before seeking this ‘honor’? It’s very strange to see a Torah-observant Jew wanting to participate in this bizarre superstition. For the scholarship money? Huh??

  • Wiling to listen

    It seems very off to me. Can someone please explain how this is not inappropriate?

  • Anonymous

    Yair is not even in that picture! His mother’s name is Esther and not Nechama!
    She blew out the candles as not to leave them unattended when leaving.
    Get the facts straight before you post an article.
    Get over yourself if you don’t like what they did. Open your minds. It’s a tradition, don’t get creeped out. Besides for the “adopting” it was a huge pirsumei nisa to light Chanukah candles with her. She was very impressed in general!

    • Anonymous

      since when is it allowed to follow or participate in the way of the goiym ???
      it’s an outright Violation of the Taryag Mitzvos.
      shame on you!
      It’s also written in Pirkei Avos that one should not come to close to rulers, bc. it may backfire in the future or lead to compromises in Torah observance.
      The Rema said, that any custom of the Goyim, which source can not be traced, most probably has a Background in Avodah Zarah. So stop arguing like … and start to open your mind for Torah! The Rebbe always stressed, that the target does not justify the means. even tham have to be in the realm of Halacha. I write this with full knowledge, that you will not accept my tochacha, but anyhow i hope for your true spark of Yis´ddishkeit and for a Nes. Get your krumme kopp straight! please, the honuor of the Rebbe is at stake.

    • Chaim

      “The couple wanted to maintain a custom from Czarist Russia, where the Tsar was said to become godfather to seventh sons, and Argentina’s president accepted.”

      The only thing worse than werewolves is the Tsar! Better people should protect themselves from werewolves than follow some minhag of the Tsar, y’mach sh’mo v’zhicro!

  • nice

    I personally think is nice to have a jewish (lubavitcher) family close to the government now.
    South America is going down regarding recognition of yidishkeit, so let’s apreciate when those things happen

  • please

    at the same time they voted to the arabs land before 1967 and to release all arab terrorist

    no friends of the jews

  • to #12

    this is a real chilul Hashem
    im from argentina and u dont know what you are talking about.
    the level of yidishkeit in south america and specially in argentina is WAY ABOVE your level in CH and the whole USA. (tznies, chassidishkeit etc)
    to begin with yair is not even in the picture, the mother is not nechama her name is esther, and this is not the real context of the story.
    this was chilul Hashem and this president doesnt even care about it.
    biggest antisemic that signs agreements with Iran.

  • Some may think its ok!

    But abstain from insipid fables of old women and train yourself in righteousness;

  • corruption

    Who wants to be close to one of the most corruptive goverments who are with Iran and for a Palestinian State and anything that is against Israel

    Blowing out the Chanukah candles,
    Channukah is about lighting, and the President is blowing out the candles, and we should be happy and celebrate?