Department of Health Shuts Down 1414 Kitchen

Yesterday, signs went up informing bochurim who learn in 770 that the kitchen and dining room in the basement of 1414 President St. has been shut down due to a failed Health Department inspection. The bochurim are currently eating in adjacent Getzel’s Shul until the matter is resolved.


  • 749 next

    You know what need to be shut down permanently?

    749 Eastern Parkway.

    The place is a hub for meshichist mossrim!

  • disappointed

    typical hate conduct! this is the 9 days doesn’t the hate ever stop??? & you wonder why things are the way they are!! shame on you animals yes animals since obviously you think like one!

  • dovid

    why does this notice have yechi on the bottom???

    this yechi is a mockery like stationary…

  • DeClasse- Intellectual

    does anyone know what the health violations consisted of: cross contamination is usually the first one and from thence everything flows; sometimes those in charge are just too lazy!

  • just asking

    if i find a set of keys or something, and i hang up a hashavas aveidah sign in 770, does it need to include the slogan on bottom? Just asking.

  • Not Valid

    The Health Department notice is not valid because it doesn’t have ‘the slogan’ so it can be ignored, or just torn up.