Helen Thomas Creates a Chabad Ba’al Teshuva
Rabbi David Nesenoff‘s on-camera interview with Helen Thomas more than two years ago has had ramifications beyond the furor over the longtime White House correspondent’s anti-Semitic and anti-Israel comments.
Following the experience, the Conservative rabbi and his family spent six months in Israel and embraced the Chabad Lubavitch movement.
“Because of what happened, my love for Israel grew more,” said Nesenoff, 52, who now lives in Boca Raton. “We’ve made a Chabad transformation. That’s thanks to Helen Thomas.”
Nesenoff, his son and a friend were at the White House for a Jewish Heritage Celebration on May 27, 2010 when they approached the 89-year-old Thomas for an interview. Nesenoff asked her if she had any comments about Israel.
“Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine,” Thomas said. “They can go home.”
“Where’s home?” a surprised Nesenoff asked Thomas. “Poland, Germany and America and everywhere else,” she replied.
Nesenoff posted the video on his website RabbiLIVE.com in early June and it went viral, receiving more than one million hits.
Although Thomas apologized, the nationwide furor over her remarks led to her sudden retirement from Hearst newspapers and the end of her career.
It has been a busy two years since the incident for Nesenoff.
He was named editor and publisher of The Jewish Star newspaper in New York and launched the Jerusalem Observer, an English and Hebrew language newspaper in Israel.
He also has been making films and videos. In his film “Pastrami and Politics,” Nesenoff interviews Jews in delis, focusing on the November presidential election. “They have a lot of remorse in voting for the president in the last election,” he said.
Nesenoff said he made a video that shows newly-elected Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi at a rally where a Muslim cleric says that the new capital of Egypt is Jerusalem and Egyptians should march to Jerusalem to the death as martyrs.
He also has spoken at Chabad Houses around the country and is planning a speaking trip to Chabads in Russia and throughout Europe. “We’ve become part of the rebbe’s army,” he said.
In the fall, Nesenoff’s son will be a student at the Chabad Lubavitch yeshiva in Morristown, New Jersey and his daughter will attend a Chabad school in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn.
Nesenoff said he is talking with a major cable television network about a reality show titled “The Rebbe’s Army.” “It will bring Torah into people’s lives and some lessons,” he said.
Rabbi Moishe Denburg of the Chabad of Boca Raton, where Nesenoff worships, said Nesenoff had a “tremendous dilemma what to do with this information when he had it. He used it to help Jewish communities realize the underlying anti-Semitism that sometimes exists in the most respected places.”
Nesenoff’s message, Denburg said, is “We as Jews have to be proud and secure in our right to the land of Israel but also to the heritage that belongs to us and the mission we have as a Jewish people.”
“I believe there are many Helen Thomases out there,” said Rabbi Yisroel Spalter of the Chabad Lubavitch of Weston. He said the experience was transformative for Nesenoff and his story has an intriguing aftermath that is of interest to the Jewish community.
The way it should be
Whenever people try to put down the Jewish people and attempt to hurt them we shall become even stronger.
‘Kaasher Yaanu Oso Kain Yirbeh V’Chain Yifrotz’
Mendy Hecht
And the most ironic thing is that our enemies caricaturize us with ugly, exaggerated facial features like huge noses and ears and permanent scowls.
But you ever saw Helen Thomas?
She looks like your average cartoon Jew on a neo-Nazi website. She looks more “Jewish” than any Jew I’ve seen. Just ugly.
Ki badavar asher zadu, aleihem…
David W
The lesson of the Baal Shem Tov is so evident: EVERYTHING we see or encounter is hashgocho protis.
Yishai Shields
I have met the Nesenoff family they are so nice.
#2, that’s because she’s a “cousin”.
(“Thomas” sounds very Anglo, but it’s just what they changed their name to when they came to America. Similarly remember Joey Bishop, the kid who tried to copy Mohammed Atta by flying a light plane into a building in Miami, back in late 2001? Sounds like an All-American baseball player, right? Well, Bishop used to be Bashir. Now does the story make more sense?)
Very Entertaining Story
Last year at the National Jewish Retreat Rabbi Nessenoff told the entire story. It was very interesting.
You can watch it on Torah Cafe.
Yisroel in Chicago
Yasher Koach to the Nesenoff family. I wish you hatzlach raba in your new and improved life!!
I would like to make correction—Helen Thomas might have apologized, but she restated her vile and contemptible words many times since. These were not spur of the moment sentiments, these were vicious ideas that were simmering in head for many year until she let them lose on camera. Rabbi Nesenoff did the world a great service by exposing her vicious words for everyone to see.
We can only wonder how much of her contemptible and ugly personality was poured into her 40 plus years as a White House correspondent.
with all due respects is he a rabbi with a conservative or orthodox smicha
i appreciate his closeness to chabad but Rabbi? c’mon
ugh juat reading about this makes me remember her disgusting face.
holy smokes
if this guy is genuine which I hope he is and its not just another ploy for his reality show he should wipe out this horrible past.
the end at 24 minutes.
holy smokes