Rabbi Mendy Schapiro Will Deliver Keynote Address
This Year’s Kinus Hamechanchim will feature outstanding presentations from professionals such as Dr. Joseph Cantara and Dr. Shloimie Zimmerman, and from veteran Mechanchim such as Rabbi Yoseph Minkowitz and Rabbi Yonason Rietti. Now the Vaad Hakinus is happy to announce that an evening Hisvaadus will be led by Rabbi Mendy Schapiro, mashpia in Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon in Los Angeles.
This and much more is planned for next Monday and Tuesday at the Crowne Plaza in Danbury, CT. Registration for the Kinus HaMechanchim will close tomorrow, Thursday, 22 Tammuz / July 12th. Click here for more information.
best mashpia around
palo alto :)
Rabbi Shapiro the best
Rochel Sara
Rabbi Shapiro is an example of someone who is truly given over to his students—with humility and real concern. We were fortunate to have a son who clearly witnessed his mesiras nefesh and benefitted from his kindness.