200 Chabad Educators Convene in Norwalk

From across North America, from as far away as Australia and South Africa they came to learn, to talk shop, to plan and to prepare for the next school year. They are women who teach, direct schools and guide students in more than 200 early childhood centers, 86 elementary schools and 36 high schools in the English speaking world.

The annual event is sponsored by the Merkos Chinuch Office, a division of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, Chabad- Lubavitch internationals headquarters.

Unveiled, for the first time was the new Chinuch Office project: www.Chinuchworks.org which is even in its infant stage the largest collection of student activities, identified by Chummash skill, text and levels, and organized in a user friendly way and accessible through a variety of searches. The site will eventually contain, teacher’s lesson plans, and student assessments. There is also an interactive chat room for teachers.

The program included separate sections for early childhood, lower and upper grades, dealing with issues particular to the age level; a number of themes were featured in each. Rabbi Jonathan Rietti an educational consultant who has developed a wide ranging to assure maximum participation and sustained outcomes, especially for younger students, presented on sustained reading skills development and on the fundamentals of teaching Torah to younger students. The general academic program was devoted to the study the Danielson rubric, which helps teachers plan and execute their lessons in a more organized way.

For two days conferees chose form among a number of concurrent workshops and plenary sessions. Well after midnight on Monday night there were small groups congregating throughout the DOLCE, a first class conference center in Norwalk CT, discussing the day’s events.


  • parent

    i hope the focus was about child abuse – bullying and treating every student fairly

    otherwise it was all a waste of time

  • What, me bully?

    To #1

    There are parents who bully teachers also. So do some kids. Hope they were looking from all angles. Otherwise you have been wasting our time.

  • hidden talent in Crown Heights

    The conference was excellent, well planned and a great source of inspiration and new ideas. The Tuesday afternoon session with Dr. Sarah Avtzon, in early childhood education on “Play to Learn and Learn to Play” was one of the best presentations I ever attended. If only she could have given us a full day, I could have stayed a full two days listening and learning from her.

    Its just great to know we have such talent right here in Crown Heights. She should be doing these Seminars and coaching for all our schools.

  • mrs. menmdelsohn mrs kranz miss pevzner

    You are the best !!!All BAIS YAAKOV OHEL SARAH STAFF!!!

  • Thank you teachers

    Thanks to the teachers who took of their precious summer vacation to go to the conference. I am glad that they got to spend some time in such a beautiful setting, even if it was just for a day. They deserve a break from their hard work.

  • Couldn-t make it

    For those of us that couldn’t make it to the conference.
    Were any of the sessions recorded? would it be possible to purchase them? who would I speak with about this?

  • Nor Fair!!!

    At the end of the day, how much will REALLY change. The older teachers NEVER change their ways. Having said that, if someone had offered me a free vacation – all I have to do is listen to some lectures….Hey I’d go too. You get away from home, socialize with friends and colleagues, enjoy good food – all paid for by the Moisad. What a life. Too bad I’m not a teacher!!!

  • keep it up

    Rabbi Yossi Rosenblum keep Teaching the Teachers how to teach in today’s society. They are so lucky to have you as a mentor.

  • dlk

    Glad to “spy” Morah Rivkah Kochman in a photo above. Morah Rivkah is an exceptional teacher who really cares for each and every one of her students! Looking forward to having you teach our Tziporah this yr at Maimonides!

  • to number 13

    Who says its all paid by the moisad? As a teacher in a school, I know that is not true! Maybe some schools do,not every!