Montreal Boys Excited to Begin Learning Chumash

On Sunday two classes of Pre-1A in Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch of Montreal celebrated their annual Chumash Party. Rabbi Yosie Wilansky and Morahs Raitzel Wenger, Raizy Shteifel, Chana Delouya and Shternie Berkowitz prepared a beautiful and inspiring program, which was greatly enjoyed by the children, parents and grandparents.

The boys began by saying the first Pesukim of Chumash Vayikro, as mentioned in the Midrash, “let the pure (children) come and occupy themselves with purity (korbonos in Vayikro).”

They continued learning from Chumash Breishis.

They entertained everyone with their beautiful songs. The boys were then presented with their own set of mini chamisha chumshei Toirah, generously donated by Bubby and Zaidy Gneiwisch.The boys and their families were than treated to a delicious cake, sponsored by one of the parents.

It was an event the children will always remember and cherish.

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