R’ Meir Harlig Farbrengs in North Miami Beach

On Sunday evening, 20 Sivan, R’ Meir Harlig of Crown Heights visited Yeshiva Torah Ohr in North Miami Beach, Florida.

He told countless stories of how he was personally involved in many aspects of the Rebbe’s nesius.

His responsibilities included: assisting with kos shel brocha, letting people shake the Rebbe’s lulva and esrog, and organizing the annual seudas hodoa for Rosh Chodesh Kislev – which the Rebbe encouraged people to attend.


  • mas

    Reb Harlig is one of the very few we have today who remembers well what took place by the Rebbe Meir and is honest and reliable.

    it is a pleasure to talk with him

  • Simcha T

    Meir Harlig, the best of the west. I remember getting stuck along the famous Route 66, walking miles in the hot desert to the nearest gas station to get a can of gas, shmoozing with the owner, only to find out that he gets tefillin put on him every once in a while from Reb’ Harlig’s chabad house bochurim helpers. Yasher Koach.

  • go yeshiva

    thank g-d for this yeshiva in north miami beach they are bringing chasiddus to north miami beach

  • yehudah ben yakov

    positive people give positive comments and those with BIG issues need help .