‘Tzfatim’ Prepare for Gimel Tamuz in Own Special Way

Early this morning, a Crown Heights resident was leaving his home for work when he noticed a couple of young men dumping garbage in the commercial dumpster of a nearby business. The man confronted them and explained that businesses in New York City have to pay for every bag of garbage they dispose of, and that what they were doing was a form of G’neiva (stealing).

As he was speaking to them, the man realized that what these Bochurim were dumping was no ordinary garbage. He was shocked to discover that the “garbage” was actually hundreds of fliers advertising a Farbrengen marking the 20th anniversary of Gimmel Tammuz.

Upon closer examination, he discovered something even more shocking: the fliers were for a Farbrengen organized by Heichal Menachem in Borough Park! He immediately realized that these Bochurim, who belong to a group of students in 770 known as ‘Tzfatim,’ had spent the night driving around Borough Park and tearing down fliers advertising an event for Frum Jews of all colors and stripes to come together in honor of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

While the rest of Lubavitch is spending this auspicious time preparing, learning, doing good deeds and organizing get-togethers in honor of this special day, these young men apparently decided that it was becoming of their time to tear down and impede the good things that others are trying to accomplish, because an event that is not all about “Yechi” cannot be allowed to take place (even in Borough Park!).

Adding injury to insult, when the man realized what they had been up to and confronted them about it, the ‘Tzfatim’ jumped into their van to make a hasty getaway. As they drove off, they knocked the man over and caused him significant injury, for which he required medical attention.

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  • michelle

    As long as there is arabs we will have no peace in Israel.

    As long as we have these zfatim in our midst,
    you can forget about moshiach coming.

    They have disgraced Lubavitch and dumped the rebbe
    in a dumpster. Shame Shame Shame.

  • Another Opiner

    Every morning I say modeh ani and give thanks that I don’t have to see these criminals and that I don’t have to see the faces of those who refuse to “exile” them.

  • NYPD

    “As they drove off, they knocked the man over and caused him significant injury, for which he required medical attention.”

    Hit and run?

  • Names?

    Maybe publish their names so this article comes up any time anyone will ever search their name (shiduchim, job, etc)
    That should be a significant deterrent for these clowns.

    Either way thanks for posting this and bringing this to everyone’s attention

    • Pointless

      You wouldn’t recognize their names even if it was posted. They come from very questionable, intermarried backgrounds and conversions done by questionable “Geirus factories” in Israel.

  • mendy

    Despicable. Some liberals might ask why is this being posted? It’s not achdus? The answer is that it’s about time we all say that they are not chabad and they have made their own way. The attitude of turning a blind eye only furthurs their audacity and they get more brazen every time. Every normal person in this neighborhood has to decry their despicable behavior and stop supporting their institution’s. It doesn’t matter where your political affiliation lies this despicable behavior cannot continue, if we as a community stop supporting and hosting their agenda they will start to feel it and will calm down significantly.

  • Hit and Run

    it’s a serious crime. if he want’s to stop their crusade who should report it. if he would like to enable them, then he should just let it go….

  • Sara

    Please don’t associate the tzfatim with meshichistim . They are their own breed and an imbarrisment to the whole chabad community including meshichistim

    • Nice try

      Please. The Meshichistim created a monster that they can’t destroy.

      The Meshichist movement spawned the Tzfati movement. The Meshichistim were the ones who preached that the Rebbe is alive B’guf Gashmi, bringing untold embarrassment to Chabad. The Tzfatim merely take that in its most literal sense and act like the Rebbe is in 770. The Shvil, the dollars etc..

      The Meshichistim made this mess.

    • #10

      Ummm…excuse me?
      Meshichistim dd no such thing. Speaking for all Meshichistim, I say that we have our beliefs, and if others don’t believe it, that’s okay. We’re not trying to force anyone to believe the same things we do. We say Yechi cuz that’s what we believe to be true. Now, Tzfatim are their own crazy breed of Meshichistim who cause us great embarrassment because not only are they extremists, they’re violent and misogynistic about it. If something isn’t to they’re liking, they won’t hesitate to harm it in any way possible. Meshichistim have their way of thinking, but not violently. You won’t see a normal Meshichist breaking down the door to 770, tearing down posters that even hint to Gimmel Tammuz or anything like it.

  • rina

    I was in boro park this morning, and saw one of the posters/flyers on the sidewalk, and couldn’t figure out who would tear it down. NOW I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!

  • big. mishichist

    I disagree with deporting them. I believe all the nutcases should be institutionalised for life.
    While I am a big mishichist I also believe in what the Rebbe said about achdus. IF SOMEONE IS MENTALLY I’LL DEPORTATION WILL NOT HELP THEY WILL CONTINUE THIS BEHAVIOR IN ISRAEL.

  • These people should be in jail plain and simple

    Mishichist or not these people are vilda chayas that don’t respect the Rebbe or anyone else. They ought to be locked up before they hurt someone else. Believe me if I was a victim of one of their shenananigans, threats or attacks I would not think twice about calling the police and pressing charges.

  • #7

    tsfatim stem from mishichistim,its all the same nekuda
    ” tut alts vus ir vilt” !

  • Meshichistim

    Sara, what do you mean by Meshichistin? I think the difference between Tzfatim and Meshichistim is like that story that a horse was pulling a wagon and then defficated. The wheels rode over the dung and split it in half, so now there’s TWO dungs, but ultimately it’s the same!
    P.S. I believe wholeheartedly that the Rebbe is Moshaich, and NO! I’m no a Meshichist!!

  • Heichal Menachem

    From bad there is a good outcome. From now on the heichal Menachem should not rely on cheap and inexpensive advertising thru leaflets on the streets. they will be forced to spend a few more dollars and advertise on web sites that are not controlled by the tzfatim and are not it their reach to tear them down. (unless of course they are tech savvy and will take down the web site). shabbat shalom.

  • crying

    i always read these stories passively. this is the first time i’m actually holding back tears. stop jews from going to a farbreingen… shame! stop non-lubavitchers from going to a farbreingen… double shame! chutzpa!

  • to #8 nice try

    Anti-meshichist who view the Rebbe that he’s “just” a human being it’s a huge shame after sending all their years with the Rebbe. Meshichist has nothing what to do with tzfatim- they have their belief, when meshichist has theirs and anti has their own. when the Rebbe will be with us again, as the Rebbe said about the Frierdiker Rebbe in Basi legani “may we be privileged to see and meet with the Rebbe HERE… and he will redeem us”- then we’ll be reunited once again!

  • Cajun Chosid

    I have written before that lack of action to stem the tide of their actions only emboldens them to do more outrageous acts. Strip them of their visas and send them home and this will stop.

    Are we a bunch of pusillanimous chasidim that don’t know how to stop a chilul Hashem when we see it? Such behavior is appalling.

    Why the timorousness? Smoke these guys out and free CH from this infestation.

  • Alison Isadora Frutkin

    Punish them. The Rebbe is synonymous with righteousness – Yechi or no yechi. this is wrong. I’m so sad to see the name of the Rebbe desecrated in a dumpster. please punish these children who have not learned the value of respect, heaven help us, that’s what the kipa and tzitzit are supposed to be a sign of. Shabbat Shalom — light candles — please bring light into this dark world.

  • Hit and run

    Please report the incident – chas v’shalom these animals hit someone else? I’m sure the video captured the license plate.

  • From a normal TzfatNIK

    This is horrible!! We are all wrong for not doing what the Rebbe really wanted us to do. We are all responsible, meshichist or not, for letting this ludicrousness go on for 20 years!!! Insane….mamish insane. I’m sorry Rebbe that we’ve let You down.
    Ad mosai!


      Wow, now hold on a minute!

      No! We are not all responsible for this, absolutely not!!!!

      The only ones responsible are those that call themselves meshichistim.

      One sin brings to another…etc…vdal.

      This is only a result of meshichist “education”. The seed was planted 20 plus years ago….this is the fruits of that seed.

    • Citizen Berel

      That’s funny Mr. CHLEAKS cause I once heard a litvak say that about all Chasidim.

      Maybe really only people what do bad things are responsible for bad things what they do.

  • Achdus

    This is the guy who designs and is editor of Moshiach Weekley mintz magazine

  • Stupid & Curious

    An aveira done lishma is better than a mitzva done shelo lishma.

    These boys do everything lishma – their heart is in the right place even when their actions “might” be improper. (Who are we to judge what is or isn’t proper?)

    Be proud of these boys that this is their greatest “avairah”!


      Here we go again….
      Another Justifier and excuser for bad and wrong behavior.

      As long as there are “good intentions”, then anything is good, of course only when it comes to fellow Meshichistim Mossrim…
      Mesira is good, as long as it’s with “good intentions”.
      Acts of violence is good, as long as it’s with “good intentions”.
      Stealing is great, as long as it’s with “good intentions”.

      Rape might also be great, if it’s done lishma (?)

      n. 1. One who justifies; one who vindicates, supports, defends, or absolves. Justifiers of themselves and hypocrites.

      “Right or wrong, you’re passionate. You care.” If that doesn’t sum up current liberal attitudes in the face of facts, I don’t know what does. Caring means more to them than actually knowing the difference between something that’s false and something that’s true [and something that is right and something that is wrong].”

  • Ilana L


    Do NOT associate gerim with these people. Despicable and questionable backgrounds INDEED! That is a disgusting comment if ever there was one. How dare you say that they are from questionable backgrounds. There are people from backgrounds or impeccable yehus who do just this sort of thing. Instead of going into the background, I would suggest looking at the actions of the people associated with this sort of behavior. They could have very good parents and grandparents…

  • to #26

    Sorry to say but you are pretty fulish and stupid!! No tzfatim design Moshiach Weekly those guys are nuts!
    Let them go back to isreal!!

    • Weekly

      The moshiach Weekley is a pure mischist magazine with yechi and lied on every page.

      And produced with a staff of radical maschstin including one of the guys in the above pictures

  • michoel

    I am definitely against the acts of these boys but I wonder why I do not ser as many or at least one comment on Reb yoels interview the Crown Heights info and hear all of a sudden everybody woke up maybe if they would be more interest in chassidus it wld deter others
    everybody from all the wrong doings


    Exit Questions:

    1) Why does ‘Central Yeshiva Tomchei Timimim Lubavitz of the U.S.A.’ bring these terrorist to Crown Heights?

    2) Did the witness of this incident who was assaulted and as a result sustained “significant injury, for which he required medical attention”, file a police report?

    If the victim did not file a police report and demand that these thugs be arrested immediately, he has blood on his hand!!!

    “If you are or have been a victim of Meshichist violence and/or vandalism and you didn’t take action against it by filing a police report, pressing charges and prosecuting the aggressors to the full extent of the law – You have blood on your hands.

    You are giving the Meshichisatim a free pass to continue in their acts of violence., it’s all on you.

    You are 100% responsible for the next innocent Jew that gets attacked!!!

    If you were a victim of Meshichist violence and you didn’t file a police report, then when that next act of violence does happen, don’t act so surprise (you deserve it).”

    Bringing this sad event to the public’s attention is important, however it has no lasting effect, it will not prevent such things from happening again in the future.

    However, having these thugs locked up and prosecuted will have a lasting and meaningful effect.

  • lifelight

    No consequences, no change! Things do not stay the same, they only get better – with consequences, or worse, chas v’shalom, without any consequences.

  • Environmentalist

    They could have recycled the fliers instead of throwing them out….

  • very, very sad

    please do not associate these “bochurim” with moshichistim. believing that the rebbe is moshiach does NOT equal violence or criminal behavior. it also does NOT equal bizarre or cultish behavior. there are many erliche lubavs who think the rebbe is moshiach (and many erliche ones who do not). the rebbe would be terribly heartbroken to see this happening in “kan tziva.”

  • Childish Mistakes

    We all made mistakes when we were their age. They are young and foolish. They think they know all the answers. And they make bad judgement calls. Just like we did!

    I agree with the earlier comment that they have `good intentions`- they want to keep the Rebbe “àlive”!

    What gives us the right to rob them of their reality?

    I am not justifying their bad judgement but giving voice to their perspective and advocating tolerance.

    Many children and youth are “off the derech” and engaged in behaviours which are far worse then koching in keeping the Rebbe “alive” at all costs.


    I vothe for 9 & 11
    so to all the other people hew wrote the same idea
    the bottom line is- may we all be zoche to SEE the Rebbe now!!
    moshiach now!!

  • Why be chabad?

    I sit in front of my computer and this is what I see. I feel like no words will be able to portray my feelings. Its 20 years since Gimmel Tamuz. How do “people” get so convoluted? I want to share it on Facebook and ask my friends and family but I am too ashamed. Why should I be proud to be apart of Chabad when I am ipso facto connected to “people” like this?!?!? How long will this go on for? I was but a young child when the Rebbe passed away. Will my children have to deal with this?

    P.S I am not writing this as a rant but truly because I would like to hear what people think.

  • Another Opiner

    So, you just sit back and excuse criminal behavior.
    One day, the victim may be someone who you know or love or you might be the victim. I do not wish this to happen, but I wonder if your opinion will change.
    What was The Rebbe’s statement about those who harm Jews?

  • OMG

    Crown heights needs to take a stand & start banning some pple from living in Kan Tziva………it needs to be a Zchus to live in the Rebbes Shchuna.
    Vehamaivin Yovin……..