Urgent Conference Addresses Recent Tragedies

An urgent conference was held last night to address the recent tragedies that have befallen the Chabad community in general and the family of Shluchim in particular over the past few months.

The conference, which took place at the Rebbe’s Ohel in Queens, was arranged by the International Agudas Chasidei Chabad, under the leadership of Rabbi Avrohom Shemtov. It was attended by the members of the board of Aguch, as well as Chabad community leaders and Shluchim all over the world, who connected via telephone.

Among the various positive resolutions agreed upon by the attendees, a Sefer Torah was begun with the stated goal of achieving unity among the worldwide family of Lubavitch Chasidim.

Photos courtesy of Shturem.net

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  • Chassidim

    Lets look forward and actually make united the WHOLE family of Chassidim.
    Invite all the community leaders.
    Invite representatives of all the branches of Lubavitcher Chassidim.
    Lets try something new – and actually get ALL together – and hopefully bring Moshiach, and an actual end to this miserable Golus.

  • First step

    Let’s start with Achdus within the Beis Din. It doesn’t matter which side we take, which Rav we support, if THEY can’t show achdus & work together, how do you think WE, the little people, will behave? With the best will in the world, we are followers, as much as we think we want to lead. We don’t have any leadership! We have Rabbis Osdaba & Segal vs Rabbis Schwei & Braun. They can’t agree on whether it’s Monday or Tuesday! Once THEY START ACTING LIKE RABBANIM, maybe all the machloykes will stop, and hopefully, so will all the tsur.

    But I live in a fantasy land. Because they don’t get it – or don’t want to. May G-d have rachmones on us.

  • And another thought.....

    Things have been a lot worse since meseira became an acceptable practice. How many people know that it is against Halacha to even threaten meseira, and the consequences are terrible. We should be terrified of meseira, because in Olam Habah it is FOREVER. It’s time to stop reporting to the police, IRS, INS, everyone (No, I do not mean abusers, relax!) And it is about time we took steps to prevent the possibility of meseira by refusing to support or educate or give any kind of kovod to the people who cause the trouble & the people who encourage it.

    I wish we could go back to the days when our only “enemies” were the non-Jews. We have a lot more pain from our own today, because what they do hurts us not only b’guf but in our neshamas. I’m not so sure the ones we should fear the most are the goyim, we have our in-house anti-semites.

  • Sometimes 'mesira' is the way to go

    People who hide behind the issur against ‘Mesira’ to damage Yidden need to be ‘massered’ against to the full extent of the law. The issur against mesira is to curry favor or personal gain. Crown Heights has some gangsters with long beards hurting fellow Yidden and these people need to be caged in order to protect society.