Left: Rabbi Lifshitz and the Israeli ambassador. Right: Rabbi Lifshitz's children. Photos: Bechadrei Charedim.

Shliach to Monitor Nepalese Elections

Israel’s ambassador to Nepal, Chanan Goder, and Chabad Shliach to Nepal, Rabbi Chezki Lifshitz, were invited to serve as observers to the elections that will be held in the turbulent Asian country tomorrow.

In recent months, demonstrations were held in the streets of the capital Kathmandu and other districts of the country in connection with the elections. The clashes were described as a battle between the Maoist regime against other parties that threaten to seize power.

Rabbi Lifshitz and his wife Chani were hailed as heroes by the Nepalese media two years ago after saving a local child’s life and adopting him.


  • Inspired chossid

    In the picture of Rabbi Lifshitz’s children, the young boy (if not mistaken) is the Nepalese boy that they rescued. What a kiddush hashem.
    The Lifshitz’s are an example of true shluchim. Giving over their lives to help others.
    May hashem give them all the brochos, and success in all they do.

  • Terrible Idea

    Our job is to stay out of politics. What happens when you see something, do you say anything? And if you do, it will make no difference since the cheating party always wins. So you will just get yourself in a situation that will make you look bad.

    Nothing good will come of this, it is not a good story. He should be told by headquarters not to do it.